The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, May, 14, 2012

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the families of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion by R Al Bain

This coming Wednesday, May, 15, 2012 is the deadline for filing with your local county clerk to become a precinct delegate before the close of the business day usually 4:00 PM but check with your local municipality for closing times. This is important for you the citizen to have a say in whom get’s elected to political positions and also allows you to have a voice in the direction our elected officials take in representing “we the citizens” and not the lobbyist and special interest.

With the more I personally research our elected representatives the more I find that they “do-not” have our best interest at heart or in their minds! The majority of them are self-serving and only serve to advance their political careers as to continue to feed at the public trough, “we the taxpayers”. This is all the more reason Michigan needs and must have a part-time legislature. With a part-time legislature this would limit the corrupt activity we now have with the legislators, lobbyist and special interest groups and also create a disincentive for those that have a political career in mind versus performing a civic duty to the citizenry.

This would also not only save the state of Michigan and it’s taxpayers money, but would create a more efficient form of limited government. Our legislator’s currently enjoy outrageous salary’s and benefits not afforded to the common citizens in the private sector who they are supposed to represent. They work less than half of a year as it is now with full time pay and benefits. By limited the time our elected representatives spend in Lansing the less damage they can do and would be forced to deal with the basic needs of the state and it’s citizens. Our government has grown way beyond it’s original intent of basic governance and the time is overdue for it to become a part-time entity.

Senate Majority Leader Steps Down Amid Adultery Scandal

It’s getting to be a bad joke: Pick a Republican whose attacked same-sex marriage and they’re either gay themselves or done something totally ill-moral to besmirch the holy institution.

NEWS FLASH: Rumor Has It Richardville’s Mistress Has Been Identified?

Conservative Voices Speak Loudly in States’ Primaries

The “Tea Party” is alive and well! Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana was routed by the right flank of his own Republican Party on Tuesday ending his six-term run. True conservatives of the GOP and the “Tea Party” faithful are sick and tired of the “RINOS” that have infiltrated the Republican Party and they mean business!

Tea Party-backed Richard Mourdock is a relative newcomer to politics which just proves that the voters are sick and tired of the same ole’ status quo politicians who are more worried about their own political careers than those they are supposed to represent! Also North Carolina voters decided overwhelmingly to strengthen their state’s gay marriage ban.

Lugar’s Loss in Indiana Holds Lessons for Incumbents, GOP

Michigan Republican “RINOS” take note! Voters are unhappy with incumbents which is evident with the Tea party-backed Richard Mourdock’s easy win over the six-term Senate fixture also illustrates the deep divide that persists in the Republican base of true conservatives.

Allen Park Turns to Residents for Bad Investment Bailout –City Loses Tens of Millions in Quest for “Film” Business

Welcome, Allen Park, to the real world of economics and finance. Your elected officials, who should be seen by the citizens as the Board of Directors of their investment bank, made a bad business decision to lend and become guarantor of a movie studio. The citizens of Allen Park and the state of Michigan can thank Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville for continuing to pursue and promote this “failed” Granholm agenda item! At least Granholm got her television show out of it.

Speaking of becoming guarantor of a movie studio, the Raleigh Film Studio in Pontiac missed its bond payment recently and with Michigan’s state pension fund as the guarantor of those bonds that pension fund will have to make that payment! Michigan’s state pension fund has $45 billion hole according to The Center for Michigan. Will the voters opt for removing the shovel from the hands that dug the hole they’re in?

Allen Park Voters Reject “Tax Hike” to Plug Film Studio Debt

Allen Park residents on Tuesday rejected a property tax millage aimed at lifting the city out of a $1.6 million budget deficit. The millage would have helped the city pay off $31 million of debt from Unity Studios. The city sold $25 million in bonds to finance the purchase of land for a 104-acre site officials hoped would become a powerful film and TV production center. But the studio abandoned the site in the fall of 2010 after disputes over rental payment and other issues. An appraisal valued the land and building at $19.5 million.

Michigan Continues ‘Big Hollywood’ Film Subsides

The mainstream media, which can’t resist asking actors how they felt about the town they just finished a film in. The actors then offer generic praise of the city.’s Martin Bandyke asked George Clooney what he thought about Ann Arbor, and then described Clooney’s response as a “lovefest.” The headline read: “George Clooney declares love for Ann Arbor.” What usually goes unreported, however, are the costs that taxpayers shell out in incentives to moviemakers.

Proof “Tea Party” Hijacked by Republican Establishment

The actions of the governing elite have provoked the darkening mood creeping across the land. The rise of the Tea Party in 2009 was fueled by anger over the bank bailouts, out of control federal spending and ever increasing taxes. The anger spilled over into town hall meetings, as Congressmen felt the wrath of public dissatisfaction. The fury propelled Tea Party Republicans to being elected in large numbers in 2010. But the movement was hijacked by the Republican establishment and defanged.

Michigan Lawmakers: Teacher Evaluations Needed to do Job Correctly

With what’s going in Lansing these day’s I would say legislator evaluations are needed more than teachers! The minimum required education for becoming a teacher is four years of college while there is no educational requirement for becoming a legislator!

Welfare Recipients Get Hundreds for Car Repairs, Clothing Allowance

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” said Jim Chioda, a tea party activist from Holland. “This floors me. … They keep finding more and more. … When are we going to stop? They need money to go to the movies? It’s ridiculous.” Oh wait; “we the taxpayers” are subsidizing Movie Film Producers and Studios too! So essentially “we the taxpayers” are not only paying welfare recipients’ car repairs and clothing but for the movies they go to see as well!

“It is the duty of the Patriot to protect his Country from its government” ~ Thomas Paine

  1. #1 by Rocio Rekuc on May 17, 2012 - 1:58 pm

    Excellent blog, thanks “cigar aficionado forum

  2. #2 by Adan Batchellor on May 18, 2012 - 1:44 pm

    Good site, thanks for share this article with us

  3. #3 by Donnie Hervig on May 21, 2012 - 2:26 pm

    Good blog, thanks for share this article with us

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