Archive for March, 2012

The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, April, 2, 2012

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the families of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion by R Al Bain
“Liberal Media to the Rescue – Defends “RINO” Michigan Senator”

What does it tell you when a leftist liberal media writer comes to the defense of a so-called Republican State Senator? For many true Conservatives and Patriots the answer is crystal clear. It’s bad enough when the Michigan Republican Senate Caucus members give this Senator a standing ovation of support for valid criticisms by Conservative party members and citizens that he is supposed to represent, but the liberal media who has joined in as to protect this “Union Stooge” masquerading as a Republican.

Susan Demas who writes for and is a contributor to several liberal left socialist news publications such as the Huffington Post, Dome Magazine, and articles in the blogosphere arena has come to the defense of Michigan Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville. She has written several scathing articles condemning two Michigan citizens who dare speak out against this so-called “self proclaimed conservative” Republican Senator.

The articles written by this liberal writer prove her incompetence in the field of journalism! If I didn’t know better one could think she was paid by this Senator to write them? These articles are a one sided view favoring the Senator without the courtesy of contacting all involved. In none of her articles is there any mention of the Senators voting record favoring union institutions or the alleged infidelity’s that has caused his pending divorce from his wife of 30 plus years.

This is the same Susan Demas who wrote scathing and disrespectful articles in the Huffington Post concerning Sarah Palin comparing her to Lady Gaga right down to her glossy lips and heavenward gaze. In this same publication she also writes about support for both gay marriage and civil unions in Michigan saying: It will be interesting to see if the Senate GOP caucus would reconsider their strategy on this issue, but I’m guessing they ignore it or ask Gary Glenn and his American Family Association of Michigan to spit out some propaganda that makes them feel better.

This is a perfect example of what has happened to our once principled Republican Party. When we have Republicans condoning and protecting “RINOS” within the party ranks and allow the liberal media to defend them, Houston, we have a problem! The Republican Party is hemorrhaging members and votes at an alarming rate but they continue to coddle these types within the party and continue to throw moderate left leaning candidates at its base. This is a recipe for disaster and may very well doom the party!

Stork Pays Visit to State Capitol in Lansing

Amber McCann who cut her teeth in politics and was groomed under the tutoring of former Governor Jennifer Granholm in which she also worked in her administration is expecting a brother for 20-month-old Adelaide on June 15. Amber McCann is currently the spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville of Monroe! Scroll down to see baby bounty.

State Legislature Mandates Insurers Provide Autism Coverage

While I feel for couples with autistic children it is not the responsibility of the citizenry as a whole to pay for the misfortunes of others! Mandating this on insurance companies will only mean a rate hike for consumer policy holders. This legislation also creates yet another government entity aka “bigger government” at the cost to Michigan taxpayers at a time we should be downsizing government aka “less government”.

Any charlatan can now hang out a shingle for a diagnosis and or treatment and will be paid for their services. There is no know cure for this neurological disorder (syndrome). What’s next Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and or a whole laundry list of deceases and disorders that the taxpayers will fund in one form or another? This sure rings to the tune of Hillary Clinton’s, “it takes a village” mentality of socialism and this coming from Republicans. When this disorder started to effect prominent Politicians and Business Leaders action was taken.

David Meador, executive vice president and chief financial officer for DTE Energy has a 15-year-old daughter, Maribel, that is autistic. Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley, has an autistic daughter also. It is now believed that autism is largely “hereditary”. Therefore, it has been around for as long as there have been humans. If we are going down this road of socialized medical coverage and with today’s technology, maybe couples should be tested to see if autism is prevalent before having a child? That would only be fair to the taxpayers who will now have to pay for someone else’s medical problems!

Unions Using Ballot for Power Grab

California is truly the Golden State for Big Labor. Unions, particularly those representing public employees, use the state’s penchant for government by ballot initiative to enshrine in the constitution a raft of labor friendly amendments guaranteeing their benefits, a generous stream of tax dollars to cover their paychecks, and funding for projects that keep them employed.

The distortion of its constitution by restrictive amendments makes it impossible for California to reduce spending and slash the bureaucracy even if politicians wanted to. It’s a big reason California has a $13 billion budget deficit, and why its businesses and citizens are fleeing to neighboring states. Michigan’s labor bosses want a piece of that action. Aided by the Democratic Party, unions are trying to get a bedsheet of proposals on the November ballot. No doubt a poison pill against the right-to-work initiative!

Herman Cain Endorses Hoekstra in Mich. Senate Race

This is yet another example that the Republican elitist power brokers have hijacked the “TEA Party” movement! This former presidential front runner and has drank the kool-aid and joined forces with the Republican Party establishment. I had my concerns from the beginning with Mr.Cain and the fact he was once chairman of the Kansas Federal Reserve. To endorse Hoekstra just proves this out.

Romney Relied on Kennedy to Help Pass ‘Romneycare’

GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney was so close a partner with the liberal late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy in the crafting of Massachusetts’ sweeping healthcare law that he frequently referred to Kennedy as “my collaborator and friend.”

Anuzis Sips Tea but Hates the Taste

RightMichigan has done a great job exposing the shenanigans in this week’s MI Primary delegate allocation fiasco.  I am a Michigan voter for Santorum, but this isn’t about Rick Santorum. Nor is it completely about who gets that lone “at-large” delegate. This is about the integrity of the election process. The voters gave Romney a narrow win in the state-wide popular vote and via MI-GOP rules a 15-15 split in delegates. Not enough for Romney to claim a clear victory in his “homestate.” Santorum took to the air to claim his share of the spoils and Romney backers on the MI-GOP Credentials Committee took to the backroom to “fix” an error.

Oh Yeah – THOSE Rules – Day 10 Dele-GATE

We have yet to see the minutes of the alleged meeting February 4th, where the rules were ‘adjusted’ for a winner take all of at large delegates. In fact, there is really no proof the meeting ever took place.

Michigan not alone Shenanigans and Fraud in Missouri’s Republican Party as well!

Remember what happened in Michigan (dele-gate), and several other state’s? Same thing is happening all over the country. Now it is Missouri’s turn. There are three main culprits to today’s fiasco. Eugene Dokes – St. Charles County Republican Committee Chairman, Bryan Spencer – Chairman of the Caucus Committee for the St. Charles County GOP (he organized the caucus), and Matt Ehlen – The guy they installed as Chairman and who ended the meeting before conducting any business.

GOP Corruption in Georgia it’s not just Michigan

It’ like a virus running throughout the whole Republican Party perpetrated by the power broker establishment elitist of the Party! Take a look at the action in Athens, Clarke County, Georgia. On Saturday March 10th, in Athens, GA, the democratic process was trampled on. The Athens-Clarke county GOP met to hold their annual county convention. The convention was held to nominate, approve, and pass slates of delegates to the party’s district and state conventions.

County chairman Matt Brewster and nominating committee chairman John Elliot blatantly broke the rules of their own party when they improperly, and without a majority, passed delegate slates and adjourned the convention amidst cries for “division”, which is a call for a standing head count. With that, many sitting precinct delegates were disenfranchised, and the convention was improperly closed. Sound familiar?

Romney’s Fuzzy Math for a Fuzzy Campaign

Ed Rollins, the genius behind Reagan’s brilliant 1984 re-election, said on Fox News the overall voting trends for Romney are not good.Rollins observes that Romney has done really well in blue-state primaries. But Republicans won’t win these states this November. Rollins adds that Romney loses badly in many red states ones he must carry in November. Blue states, aren’t those Democrat states? Didn’t Romney accuse Santorum of courting the Democrat votes? Looks like it’s the other way around to me!

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, March, 26, 2012

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the families of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line. 

Opinion By R Al Bain

Republican Senators “Circle The Wagons” around Richardville in Support!

Majority Whip Senator Jack Brandenburg told Kyle Melinn from MIRS who was working the story that the GOP Senate caucus had met this morning on the alleged allegations of adultery By Senator Richardville and his impending divorce that was filed in February of this year and that his party had little appetite to remove Richardville as Senate Majority leader from office. Eric B. from wrote, as for Jack Brandenburg speaking on behalf of the Republican caucus about alleged sexual improprieties, if the TEA Party were as familiar with “his own alleged sexual improprieties” as much as they claim to be over Richardville’s, they’d be calling for the entire caucus to disband and agree to move to other states. 

This explains the phone call I personally received from Senator Brandenburg on Monday, March,19, 2012 on Mr. Richardville and his divorce. As I listened to this self proclaimed conservative ramble on like a smitten school boy who got caught with his pants down pleading and close to begging me not to run this story on Mr. Richardville’s alleged improprieties of the “sanctity of marriage” perpetrated against his wife of over 30 years I was finally able to get a word in! As I tried to explain to Mr. Brandenburg that it was not me but a conservative woman here in Monroe and that I would do my best as to keep her from sending personal letter’s to the 25 Republican Senator’s spouses detailing Mr. Richardville’s actions.

I have never spoken to Mr. Brandenburg prior to his call to me that day but I have to say that if this conversation is any kind of indication of the brightest minds we have representing “we the people” in Lansing the citizens of Michigan are in serious trouble! He did not articulate his speech structure or words very well at all and came off as someone lacking in education. This impression gives credence along with several other valid reason’s for a part-time legislature here in Michigan. The argument from those in service claim we need the best and brightest minds in Lansing and that a part-time legislature would impede that goal if implemented. Personally I would suggest that logic lacks in merit.

In the MIRS article it is stated that this is an unverified personal attack against Richardville which isn’t the case! This has been confirmed from two different sources that received it directly from Senator Richardville’s son Adam. Both sources are afraid to go on the record for fear of retribution against them but both are contemplating doing so with one very close! The fact that both these sources collaborated this disturbing revelation and do not know each other say’s something in and of itself! Keeping in mind this is not the first time this “philanderer” has shown this type of behavior but is the one that finally caused this impending divorce.

Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying, When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. This quote clearly applies to the hesitance of these two sources concerns and fears in coming forth as to do the right thing on behalf of their fellow citizens here in Michigan. It’s become evidently clear that our elected officials have had free reign for many years on how they conduct themselves in representing those who would elect them to serve. When the citizenry finally stand up and demand ethics, honesty, integrity, and moral values from these elected officials they are vilified as personal attacks. Character and principles matter and those Senators who not only turn a blind eye to this type of behavior but condone it as well are no better!

Quote of the Day from Senator Jack Brandenburg: “These guys are a couple of low-level thugs”

My response to Mr. Brandenburg would be, those who claim they are being unfairly attacked and respond with personal attacks is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it. 

Senate GOP Considers Legal Options After Activists Try To Force Richardville Out

Senate Republicans may ask law enforcement to investigate an apparent threat from conservative activists that they would contact the spouses of GOP senators if those senators refused to remove Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville from his leadership post.

On Tuesday, an email from tea party activist Randy Bishop, known as “Trucker Randy,” was sent to all 26 members of the Senate Republican caucus. The email contained a scathing denunciation of Mr. Richardville (R-Monroe) from a Monroe GOP activist named Al Bain, who makes various unsubstantiated allegations about Mr. Richardville, mainly that he committed adultery. Mr. Bishop, in a prelude to Mr. Bain’s email, indicates that one Monroe County Republican “is preparing a personal letter she intends to mail to the wives of all 25 Republican Senators, unless RR steps down as Senate Majority Leader immediately!!!”

Michigan GOP Threatens “Legal Options”? EXCELLENT VIEWPOINT!

This article was written by a “True Elected Conservative Republican” which is an excellent analysis of the threats made against citizens who have the courage to stand up for what they believe is in the best interest of their fellow citizens of Michigan and state. Instead of acknowledging that there is trouble within the Michigan Senate, it might appear that the Senate GOP is going to circle the wagons.

Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch Resigns Over Affair

At a Capitol news conference Friday, Sen. Geoff Michel (R-Edina) said Senate staff recently brought up allegations of an “inappropriate relationship between Majority Leader Koch and a Senate staffer.” Doesn’t sound like her colleagues in the Senate “Circled the Wagons” around her in support! It also looks like her colleagues didn’t give her a “Standing Ovation” in support either like they did in other Senate Chambers! Just maybe there is some integrity within some State Senate Chambers?

Michigan Among Worst for Risk of Corruption

Everyone knows that economically speaking, Michigan has been one of the most distressed states in the nation. But what about issues of ethics? Government accountability? Transparent and open campaign finance and lobbying laws? Where’s the FBI when you really need them? That’s exactly what I asked Associated Press reporter Tim Martin in a recent phone conversation in regard to certain Michigan Senate members. State governments lack transparency and accountability to citizens, and remain at high risk for corruption, according to a new study of all 50 statehouses.

Minnesota Senate GOP Staffer Threatens To Expose Other Capitol Affairs

Nothing like a “scorn staffer” to get the truth out! A fired Minnesota Senate GOP staffer is threatening to expose adulterous affairs by other legislators as part of a potential lawsuit over his firing, according to a document made public Thursday. Sounds to me like one big happy orgy with all these political types.

Idaho GOP State Sen. McGee Resigns Amid Scandal

An Idaho Republican state senator who had been seen as a political riser has stepped down amid sexual harassment allegations. Four-term state Sen. John McGee’s resignation capped a political free-fall that began last year with a Father’s Day arrest.

BREAKING NEWS: Michigan Senate Stops Home Health Care ‘Dues Skim’

Legislation drafted to put a stop to the “home health care dues skim” was passed Thursday by the Senate on a 25-13 vote. All the Republicans voted yes except Sen. Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw.

Allen Park Strikes Out with Subsidized Film Studio

This once proud and prosperous city can’t get concessions from government unions and is forced to request an emergency manager. This week, the Allen Park City Council stated publicly that it needs an emergency manager to be appointed under Michigan Public Act 4. Council members and members of the public said the last straw was failure to get contract concessions from the city police and fire unions. “They basically said, ‘too bad, let the citizens pay for it,’ ” said Marcie Degiulio-Galka, a lifetime resident who attended the meeting. She said the city got itself into deep trouble when it paid millions for the failed Unity Park movie studio, which sits mostly vacant and in disrepair next to City Hall.

Michigan Drivers Face Insurance Rate Hike

Michigan motorists beware: The cost of driving won’t just be going up this summer because of gas prices. The 21% auto premium hike throws more fuel on the fire along with proposed “Gas Tax Increases” and “Vehicle Registration Fee” increases by our illustrious Legislators in Lansing! The Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association announced that auto insurance, mandatory for every vehicle on the roadways, will increase by $30 for each policy on July 1. The premium, which will rise 21%, to $175 for every vehicle you own a year, is adjusted annually to cover claims for unlimited lifetime medical benefits under the state’s no-fault auto insurance law. The new rate will be the highest in the history of the fund, which as recently as 2002 charged $69 per vehicle.


QUOTE OF THE DAY   “These guys are a couple of low-level thugs who, at their core, are pissed at being beat by Randy and (Sen.) Howard WALKER (R-Traverse City) in a primary and nobody will do anything for them on their Right to Work proposal.” said Sen. Jack BRANDENBURG (R-Harrison Twp.) about a pair of Tea Party activists who sent e-mails to Republican senators urging them to remove the Senate Majority Leader Randy RICHARDVILLE by making a personal attack.  

R Al Bain response to Senator Jack Brandenburg’s Quote of the Day: “These guys are a couple of low-level thugs”   Those who claim they are being unfairly attacked and respond with personal attacks is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it. 

Caucus Rallies Around Richardville Amid Tea Party Attack

Certain Tea Party activists are urging Republican senators to remove Senate Majority Leader Randy RICHARDVILLE (R-Monroe) from his leadership position for not advancing such issues as Right to Work and the unionization of home health care workers.

On Tuesday, “Trucker” Randy BISHOP, a state Senate candidate in the 37th District in 2010, sent an email to Republican senators that prompted a Senate Republican caucus this morning during which all 26 GOP senators gave Richardville a “standing ovation” in support, sources tell MIRS. There are a total of 26 Republicans in the Senate, so if all 26 Senators stood for the “standing ovation” of support this means that Senator Richardville also participated showing his own personal arrogance in regard to this matter! 

The Bishop correspondence came after one sent by Gene CLEM of the “1st Tea Party Alliance” a couple weeks ago signed by various other Tea Party leaders that also brought up similar issues.  

Unlike the Clem correspondence, Bishop forwarded an e-mail that repeated an unverified personal attack against Richardville, which generated an angry response from Senators who felt their leader was being unfairly attacked. This theme against Richardville was repeated during a live broadcast by Charlevoix station WMKT, which Bishop participated in. 

Sen. Jack BRANDENBURG (R-Harrison Twp.) said he’s spoke with Bishop and R. Al BAIN, who ran against Richardville in the 2010 Republican primary, earlier this week and was not happy by the tact they are taking. 

“These guys are a couple of low-level thugs who, at their core, are pissed at being beat by Randy and (Sen.) Howard WALKER (R-Traverse City) in a primary and nobody will do anything for them on their Right to Work proposal.” 

MIRS asked Richardville spokeswoman Amber McCANN about the email Bishop sent to senators.   “I don’t think that kind of document deserves acknowledgment or comment,” she said. 

A caucus source said that there’s no coalition within the caucus of senators interested in challenging Richardville’s leadership position. Some have been unhappy with Richardville over certain issues, like the New International Trade Crossing (NITC) or the Michigan health care exchange, but not enough to throw in with a couple Tea Party activists. 

However, a bill that would help prevent unionization drives like the one under the Michigan Quality Community Care Council (MQCCC), SB 1018 sponsored by Sen. Dave HILDENBRAND (R-Lowell), will see action on Thursday. The bill is expected to move out of the Reform, Restructuring and Reinventing Committee and be passed on the floor.

Leadership discussed the bill last week and the caucus talked about it on Tuesday. McCann said Richardville plans to vote “yes” and said the timing has nothing to do with Bishop’s letter.

Bishop said he sent the e-mail based on “rumors” he heard in Richardville’s home district that he felt the senators should know. He said he “absolutely supports” the Republican caucus voting out Richardville for “not representing the people of the state of Michigan” on issues like Right to Work and the New International Trade Crossing, which he called the “government bridge.”

“He’s not in sync with the majority of Republican citizens and what needs to be done,” Bishop said. “Randy Richardville is a major roadblock in what we feel would truly reinvent Michigan and do a better job of getting Michigan and its people back to work.

“I can’t believe these Senators are going to condone this type of behavior from Randy Richardville,” he said. “That’s astonishing to me.” 

Doug SEDENQUIST of the Delta Area Tea Party Group and Bain told MIRS that they, too, believe Richardville needs to go. 

“This has nothing to do with sour grapes,” Bain said. “This guy is not a Republican. I don’t care if he’s got an ‘R’ after his name. He’s not a Republican.” 

But Joan FABAINO of Tea Party group Grassroots in Michigan said repeating personal attacks against a sitting Senator is “not anything I would approve of whatsoever.” 

Fabiano said there is a lot of “angst and distrust” of Richardville and his brand of leadership, this tactic used by Bishop “shows a lack of ethical behavior . . . I would condemn it.

Tea Party activists across the state had been making racket for weeks about Richardville for his stance on policy issues. Clem said Tea Party activists from Plymouth, Lapeer, Manistee, Ludington and elsewhere were putting pressure on Richardville to move on the MQCCC bills. 

“Don’t you think it’d be a better leader than Richardville?” Clem said.

But another Tea Party official told MIRS that many other Tea Party groups are not interested in wasting energy on an inter-caucus fight when U.S. Sen. Debbie STABENOW (D-Lansing) is on the ballot in 2012 and the Democrats are working hard to take back the House at the federal and state level.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson


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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, March, 19, 2012

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the families of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R Al Bain

Should Our Elected Politicians be held to Higher Morals, Ethics, and Integrity? For myself and many others the answer to this question is a resounding yes. If those we elect as to represent us do not have or display these character traits then the chances of receiving honest representation is severely diminished to the public they are supposed to serve and represent.

Article VI of our constitution states the following: “The Senators and Representatives, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” Religion and morality should go hand in hand. However, that is not always the case. Politicians have had matters of indiscretion come to light that also claim to be Christian or have a religious heritage. These men and women that the American public elect to office should not be held to a higher moral standard. The higher moral standard should be demonstrated by the voters who place the individuals into office.

Many have heard the warning, “You’re going to get what you deserve.” Our role as voters should be to truly research not only the voting records of prospective politicians but dig deeper into what has been said about their integrity and character. If our main concern at the ballot box is the economy and not integrity, then it is clearly the voter’s fault, not the one running. If politician’s that have “dirty laundry” are elected over and over despite their indiscretions being discovered, what concern should it be of theirs of setting a high moral standard? It is up to the voter to hold them accountable at the ballot box.

Corrupt Officials’ Your Time Is Up, Detroit FBI Chief Says

Because this rabbit hole of corruption runs much deeper that just Wayne County and Detroit, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade has had to bring in a new task force to combat it. It run’s rampant throughout southeastern Michigan and into Lansing with our elected officials. The FBI’s top official in Detroit declared war on public corruption Thursday, hours after law enforcement officials announced a new task force to combat it. Andrew Arena, special agent in charge of the Detroit office of the FBI, called corruption in the region “generational, systematic, part of the culture.”

“Public corruption robs citizens of the honest government we deserve,” U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said in a statement announcing the task force. Arena called public corruption “our No. 1 criminal priority right now.” Erick Martinez, special agent in charge of the criminal investigations, said in the statement: “The individuals who commit these crimes are driven by greed and have no regret for their selfish actions.” Breck Nowlin, a special agent, said: “The abuse of public office steals from the very programs designed to protect our cities and neighborhoods and selfishly takes valuable government services from those who need them most.”

Arena also harkened back to a comment he made in June 2009, “We’re coming after you,” he said at a news conference. “Look over your shoulder. Look under your bed. Look in your closet. We’re coming after you.” “We’ve got people on the run,” Arena said.

GOP-Dominated Senate To SEIU: ‘Here’s $4 Million’

Michigan’s Republican-controlled Senate is reaching a milestone thanks to Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville and his uncle Senator Roger Kahn. Both of these Michigan Senators feel there is merit in giving this (SEIU) the ability to enriched their union coffers through forced unionization. Last June, the House passed legislation ( that would outlaw the “skim.” But so far the Senate has refused to pass the measure. Meanwhile, every dollar the union receives from the “skim” can be used for political purposes. These could include everything from bolstering the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama to helping the Democrats try to recapture the Michigan House.

Forced-Unionization Scheme Bleeds Handicapped Families

Robert and Patricia Haynes of Macomb Township take care of their adult children Melissa, 34, and Kevin, 30 who suffer from hypertonic cerebral palsy and function at the level of six-month-olds. Now, some of the Medicaid assistance that is supposed to go to the Haynes family is being diverted to the coffers of the Service Employee International Union.

The Hayneses are not alone. Under this arrangement, the SEIU has skimmed nearly $29 million from 56,000 Michigan home health care providers, most of whom are self-employed or family members caring for loved ones. In 2005, the SEIU held a virtually unpublicized election that roped these providers into the union even though more than 80 percent of them did not vote.

In June 2011, the Michigan House passed legislation that would prevent people from being designated government employees simply because they receive a subsidy. Michigan’s Senate Republicans, who hold a supermajority, have not considered the bill, allowing the SEIU to collect $4 million more over the intervening eight months.

Does “Corruption” and “Ethics” take a Backseat within the Michigan GOP?

You make the call. Interesting information on one of the “Dele-Gate” players who voted in favor breaking the rules. Bill Runco (State Budget Committee Chair) and the former Dearborn Judge that tried to pull a fast one on the taxpayers of Dearborn? The former Judge wanted the taxpayers to foot his legal bill for an attorney to the tune of Hundreds of Thousands of dollars. A citizen caught this and filed a complaint! If not for a close watch by this citizen who filed a complaint this would have went through.

State of Michigan Court of Appeals CARLA O’NEILL versus JUDGE WILLIAM J. RUNCO

This is one in the same Bill Runco (State Budget Committee Chair) for the Michigan GOP and one who voted in favor of “dele-gate” The rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper!

Supreme Court of Michigan Public Censure of 19th (Dearborn) District Judge William Runco

This Bill Runco (State Budget Committee Chair) and former Dearborn Judge has a record of shenanigans.

Michigan Senate Committee Approves Mandate for Autism Insurance Coverage

Hold onto your wallets because your insurance rates are going up! Don’t think for one minute that the insurance companies will not pass this mandate onto the rate payer’s you and I. Don’t forget the new government entity (another government program) that will also be created as to reimburse any “charlatan” who hangs out a shingle for a treatment, diagnosis, and or a cure in which there is no known one for this disorder! Great job Lansing. This is nothing more than an indirect TAX INCREASE on the citizens of Michigan.

What about Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)? There is a lot more children out there with that disorder and even those in Lansing that are supposed to represent us that have it as well because they sure don’t hear us!

Maybe we citizens should mandate all the politicians in Lansing who concocted this scheme immediately be prescribed Ritalin! 2012 Senate Bill 981: Authorize autism-mandate insurance company subsidies Introduced by Sen. Randy Richardville (R) on February 23, 2012, to authorize state subsidies to health insurance companies to compensate for the new coverage mandate proposed by Senate Bills 414 and 415, which would require them to include autism coverage in all their policies. The bill does not specify where the money would come from.

U.S. Seeks to Recoup Billions in Unemployment Benefits Paid Out in Error

States across America doled out $13.7 billion in “improper” unemployment payments last year alone, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The program, called the Treasury Offset Program, allows state governments to hand over the names of people who were overpaid to the Internal Revenue Service. The I.R.S. then subsequently confiscates tax refunds of those individuals and returns the money to the appropriate state government. New York, Wisconsin, and “Michigan” were the first three states to hop on board last year. By the end of 2011, they had collected more than $26 million.–abc-news.html

Food Stamps Used to Buy Drugs, Booze, Cars, and Guns

Your tax dollars at work. An exclusive 5 On Your Side investigation reveals food stamp recipients using millions of your tax dollars to buy beer, cigarettes, guns and other illegal items, including cars. Some of these recipients were using the Social Security numbers of dead people. This is all the more reason to drug test recipients and to do further background checks for those receiving taxpayer dollar assistance.

Republican South Carolina Lt. Governor Resigns Amid Criminal Investigation

We need some serious investigations into the corruption with our Lansing politicians as well. The lieutenant governor of South Carolina, Ken Ard, resigned on Friday and pleaded guilty to criminal charges of spending campaign funds on personal expenses and fabricating donations.

Guilty Plea in W. Virginia Voter Fraud Case Is anybody surprised?

In light of the Michigan GOP rule changes in what is reminiscent of a cigar smoked filled room after the fact in the 2012 Michigan Primary which could be considered a different form of fraud is this what our election process has come to? Former Lincoln County Sheriff Jerry Bowman and former County Clerk Donald Whitten pleaded guilty Wednesday in United States District Court, admitting they were engaged in election fraud. Sheriff Jerry Bowman and County Clerk Donald Whitten have agreed to plead guilty to attempting to fix a 2010 election through fraudulent absentee ballots. Other public officials in Lincoln County remain under investigation in the scheme. Think this isn’t going on all over the country? Think again!

McCain: Romney May Be Too Wounded to Win in November

It looks like his own supporter’s are starting to see the light! Mitt Romney could be too wounded from the drawn-out and increasingly bitter Republican primary battle to be an effective candidate against President Barack Obama, leading supporter Sen. John McCain suggests. What are you going to do if you get that phone call at 3 in morning? Compare that to ‘Massachusetts liberal’ and “Romneycare? Romney’s negative campaign appears to be backfiring, as he has failed to lock up the nomination and national polls consistently find that a majority of GOP voters don’t want him as their nominee.

“It’s a sad day when you have certain members of Michigan’s Legislature who are literally criminals and unethical that go undisciplined by their colleagues. It’s also no wonder the citizens of Michigan look at Lansing and know that it is corrupt and broken.” R Al Bain

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, March, 12, 2012

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the families of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R Al Bain

How to “Buy” an Election in Three Easy Steps – Cash, Cronyism, Coercion First and foremost you need plenty of money (cash). Second you need a political party that is willing to do anything and everything to accomplish this goal at all cost even if it means changing the rules after the fact (cronyism). Third and final step is a carefully crafted formula using fear, misinformation, and the media as a tool by political candidates to sway votes of the electorate (coercion). 

There are some that may call me a conspiracy theorist but last night while watching a movie and clicking back during commercials to check the Ohio results a disturbing pattern had developed. Starting with 1 percent of the vote in Romney had a slight lead and after that the lead switched to Santorum with the lead increasing at every check thereafter up to 73 percent with over 14 thousand votes in favor of Santorum when I finally went to sleep. To my shock and dismay I woke up to Romney barely wins Ohio! How could this have changed with only 25% of the vote left and such a large lead favoring Santorum?

Romney has spent plenty so far to buy the election including $12.5 million in negative attack ads in Ohio alone. Since first setting eyes on the White House, Mitt Romney and his backers have spent more than $200 million including $44.6 million of his fortune on a seven-year quest for the Republican presidential nomination. A look back shows the depth of Romney’s investment in trying to win the nation’s highest office, how his supporters circumvented federal campaign laws with huge, back-channel donations years before he declared his candidacy, and to whom he might owe favors if he wins.

This is a far cry from what was taught by one of my coaches in sports who stressed, desire, dedication and determination as a winning formula in game preparation which also applied as a life lesson off the field! Ethics, Integrity, and Principles matter and Mr. Romney shows none of these traits as to lead our country as President in my opinion.

Michigan GOP Recruits Fieger Associate, Trial Lawyer for Supreme Court

Desperate Republican Party officials do desperate things. Or rather stupid ones do stupid things. With the recent “Dele-Gate” fiasco it looks as though nothing has changed within the Michigan GOP as it’s business as usual. Take Saul Anuzis, former Michigan Republican Party Chairman and current RNC national Committeeman, Republicans are supposed to be against trial lawyers and the litigation explosion, right? Apparently, Anuzis didn’t get the memo. This is where it get’s interesting with good ole’ boy Saul!

Michigan GOP “Club” Rife with Cronyism, Collusion, Corruption

Interesting information on one of the “dele-gate” players who voted in favor breaking the rules. Bill Runco (State Budget Committee Chair) the former Dearborn Judge that tried to pull a fast one on the taxpayers of Dearborn? The former Judge wanted the taxpayers to foot his legal bill for an attorney to the tune of Hundreds of Thousands of dollars in a line item of a Dearborn budget. A citizen caught this and that line item was vetoed! If not for a close watch by this citizen who filed a complaint this would have went through.

State of Michigan Court of Appeals CARLA O’NEILL versus JUDGE WILLIAM J. RUNCO

This is one in the same Bill Runco (State Budget Committee Chair) for the Michigan GOP and one who voted in favor of “dele-gate” The rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper!

Supreme Court of Michigan Public Censure of 19th (Dearborn) District Judge William Runco

This Bill Runco (State Budget Committee Chair) and former Dearborn Judge has a record of shenanigans.

Airport Board: We Broke the Law in Hiring Turkia Awada Mullin

If anyone is surprised by this they must have their head buried in the sand! All this corruption is not just limited to Detroit Politicians and Wayne County, it goes right on through Lansing as well. Why do you think U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade brought in reinforcements?

Andrew Arena, special agent in charge of the Detroit office of the FBI, called corruption in the region “generational, systematic, part of the culture.” Arena declined to name the enemies he was referring to, saying he could not talk about ongoing investigations. “It takes a whole lot to penetrate that,” he said. “It’s kind of like a war. You penetrate the enemy’s defenses.” The enemy would include local business leaders and corrupt politicians in Lansing. Arena called public corruption “our No..1 criminal priority right now.” 

“Public corruption robs citizens of the honest government we deserve,” U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said in a statement announcing the task force. Erick Martinez, special agent with the new task force said in the statement: “The individuals who commit these crimes are driven by greed and have no regret for their selfish actions.” Breck Nowlin, another special agent with the new task force said “The abuse of public office … steals from the very programs designed to protect our cities and neighborhoods and selfishly takes valuable government services from those who need them the most.” 

In an interview, Arena said he wants investigations to move more quickly than that of the Detroit corruption probe, which took several years to result in criminal charges. Arena also stated “We’re coming after you,” he said at a news conference. “Look over your shoulder. Look under your bed. Look in your closet. We’re coming after you.”

Taxpayers lose $100,000 for Dearborn’s illegal enforcement of “sharia law”

DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) – The city of Dearborn has paid $100,000 in legal fees to attorneys for a Christian evangelist whose free-speech rights were violated at a popular Arab-American street festival.

Should Michigan Become a “Right-to-Work” State?

The United Auto Workers Union Bosses certainly doesn’t think so, but what about you? Employees in the 23 states with right-to-work laws can’t be forced to join a union or pay union dues in order to retain their jobs. So as to protect union interest UAW President Bob King Thursday said that a coalition of unions will push for an amendment to the Michigan Constitution that bars so-called right-to-work legislation.

Unions and “Liberal Activists” Unite to Head off Right-to-Work Laws in Michigan

A coalition of labor unions and liberal activists introduced Tuesday a broad proposal to enshrine collective bargaining rights for public and private sector employees in the state constitution — effectively barring any attempt to make Michigan a right-to-work state and nullifying labor-related laws enacted over the last year.

UAW Troops Will Man Class War

Most Democratic politicians will support this with some so-called Republicans advocating similar union interest in one form or another. In Michigan a couple of Senators, Randy Richardville, and Roger Kahn come to mind here with the forced unionization of home health care workers benefiting the SEIU! Now we know how United Auto Workers President Bob King will repay Barack Obama for holding the union harmless from the Detroit automakers’ bankruptcy: He’ll provide the ground troops for the president’s class war.–UAW-troops-will-man-class-war

“Crony Capitalism”

This article parallels with Mitt Romney’s rise in “Bain Capital” except didn’t he use borrowed taxpayer monies? David Stockman, the former White House budget director who, after resigning in protest over deficit spending, made a fortune in corporate buyouts. He is now witting a book (are we surprised) “The Triumph of Crony Capitalism”. Stockman, a former Michigan congressman, agreed in 2010 to pay $7.2 million to settle a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission lawsuit claiming he misled investors while CEO of Troy auto-parts maker Collins & Aikman.

Republicans Have The “Three Percent” Problem With Romney

If Republicans in Washington are not panicked and trying desperately to pull Bobby Jindal in the race tomorrow, or someone like him, the party leaders must have a death wish. Three percentage points. In his home state. In his wife’s home state. In the state his father served as Governor. Three percentage points against a guy few took seriously two months ago and who just three weeks ago no one expected to give Romney a run for his money in Romney’s home state. 

Mitt Romney continues to run an uninspiring campaign only able to win by massively outspending his opponents to tell voters how much worse the other guys are. That may work in the primary, but it will not work in a general election where the President of the United States won’t be outspent 5 to 1. And this is the perceived nominee that the establishment GOP is ramming down our throats, a guy who can only win in states with a home state advantage, with liberal New Englanders, New England transplants, and Mormons.

The Republican Party’s Dilemma

Let’s start with “Incoherent party, incoherent candidates” from the Economist, which hits the mark: REPUBLICANS are clearly not too enthused about Mitt Romney. Nor are they wild for any of the alternatives. Mitt Romney looks like a weak phony in this election campaign because he has to pretend to believe with all his heart in orthodox tea-party conservative positions that he transparently doesn’t really believe in.

Gang Behind 50-State Ballot Push Seeks Candidates, Funding

Americans Elect is seeking to be a player in this November’s election, but there are many holes still to fill. They stand to gain from public fury over partisan gridlock in Washington. They’re already assured a presidential ballot line in 17 states and are well on their way in 18 more. They have support from prominent people across the political spectrum.

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” John Quincy Adams

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, March, 5, 2012

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the families of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line. 

“Post 2012 Michigan Presidential Primary Edition”  

Opinion By R Al Bain

I always wondered why Kawme Kilpatrick seemed to be smiling and smirking when he got busted. Remember all the local businessmen who gave him money to get out of town? Alfred Taubman real estate developer, Roger Penske of Penske Racing, Dan Gilbert of Quicken Loans, Peter Karmanos CEO of Compuware Corporation, who by the way gave Kawme a job in Texas, and John Rakolta Jr. CEO of Walbridge Construction company. Was there good reason for that; did they not want to be implicated in a corruption scheme? Are they all involved in one form or another? You make the call.

U.S. attorney Barbara McQuade better start digging a little deeper in the corruption rabbit hole for it’s just not Detroit! Are John Rakolta Jr., Randy Richardville, Robert Schostak, Bob Ficano, and a host of others involved in some kind of criminal enterprise? They all appear to be involved and linked together in one form or another. Film subsidies, no contract bids with the new Wayne County jail, Movie Studios, all their names show up together under a google search! All this has been published in the news media.

John Rakolta Jr. is chair and CEO of Walbridge Aldinger, one of the nation’s largest construction companies and National Chairman for “Mitt Romney’s” political campaign. He’s a big political donor and is also active in Business Leaders for Michigan. Robert Schostak was finance chairman of the state Republican Party under Ron Weiser former Michigan GOP chairman and Ambassador to Slovakia Ron Weiser, and now chairman of Michigan’s GOP Party. Schostak, is a commercial real estate developer by trade.

There’s more information than this! The trips to the Hollywood Emmy’s for Richardville paid for by Rakolta’s partner Linden Nelson in the Raleigh Film Studios. Linden Nelson’s friend Ari Emanuel, is a big shot in Hollywood and brother of former White House Chief of Staff and current Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel The illegal notarization of campaign finance disclosure statements by Richardville’s mother. His paid trip to Daytona Speedway coincides with the Michigan International Speedway subsidies.  This does not appear to be a coincidence but linked together. 

Have Michigan taxpayers (as well as local and federal taxpayers) paid these wealthy and politically connected businessmen using their checkbooks and relationships with corrupt politicians to secure taxpayer dollars in an elaborate scheme for personal and political financial gain? Has Michigan taxpayers provided the greatest tax giveaway for all connected by them using their political clout and campaign cash to keep this system in place? Again, you make the call! This is a script even Hollywood hasn’t come up with.


MI. GOP Hanky-Panky Shenanigans “BIG TIME”

They will do anything and everything including breaking the rules for their boy left leaning moderate Liberal Willard (Mitt) Romney! In what was actually a middle of the night, “smoke-filled” backroom, Team Romney and the Establishment of the Michigan Republican Party voted to ignore its own Rules (which were submitted to the Republican National Committee on February 7, 2012) and to ignore the results of Tuesday’s Primary Election.

In what was actually a middle of the night, “smoke-filled” backroom, Team Romney and the Establishment of the Michigan Republican Party voted to ignore its own Rules (which were submitted to the Republican National Committee on February 7, 2012) and to ignore the results of Tuesday’s Primary Election. While the math is very clear, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney won 1 at-Large Delegate based on Tuesday’s vote, this BACKROOM BAND met in SECRET, late last night, and voted to award both at-Large voting Delegates to Mitt Romney. How could they do this you ask? How could they IGNORE their own RULES? Simple. They’re the Establishment, and since the voters didn’t vote the way they wanted, they’re just going to pretend the vote never happened.

Autism Bill Introduced in the Michigan Senate State

Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, has introduced Senate Bill 981 legislation that would set up a new state fund (Bigger Government) to reimburse insurers and third-party administrators for the cost of claims they pay to diagnose and treat autism. If you think for one minute this mandate will not be passed onto you, the insurance rate payers you are sadly mistaken! This is nothing more than an indirect “TAX INCREASE” to the citizens of Michigan!

While I feel for couples who have children with autism or any other disorder it is not the responsibility of others to essentially pay for their diagnoses and treatment. If I had a child that experienced this disorder I wouldn’t feel that it was somebody else’s reasonability to pay for it. Any individual charlatan can (and often do) hang out a shingle for a diagnoses and or treatment and the citizenry would end up paying. The medical community is not an exact science and this disorder like many other’s has no known cure.

Yet Another Kilpatrick Appointee Accused of Taking Bribes, Kickbacks

Romney’s national campaign chair John Rokolta, Bob Ficano, Kwame Kilpatrick, and Romney’s Michigan co-chair Michigan State Senator Randy Richardville are just some of the names mentioned as having ties to Walter Ralph Mabry and there are plenty of more players in this corruption scandal. Now it’s about dirty pension deals.

Could the FBI be getting closer to other players not only in Detroit but Lansing as well? Last year Walter Ralph Mabry the Ex-Michigan union leader of the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters union plead guilty in federal court to accepting kickbacks from a casino consultant and a Chicago businessman who donated $10,000 to ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s nonprofit foundation, taking kickbacks in connection with the Carpenters’ Union Pension Trust Fund, Labor Racketeering and Fraud.

All these players are or have been involved in one way or another directly or indirectly! Michigan Film Producer subsidies, Michigan Film Studios, the New Bridge to Canada, Unions, and a whole host of other entities involving favorable legislation, campaign contributions, and political favors as well. When will the citizens of Michigan wake up and stop electing and re-electing this same type of representation? This has to come to an end or we will continue to suffer for it.

Unemployment Rate “Fuzzy” Math!

If Michigan had maintained the same number of people in the workforce as December 2007, and if all of the labor force drop-outs were instead classified as unemployed, Michigan’s unemployment rate would be at 16 percent.

Michigan Announces New State Park Near Alpena

Haven’t we heard from of legislators in Lansing we need more money to upgrade and maintain the current parks system? Wasn’t it announced not long ago some State Parks would have to be shut down for lack of resources? Just come to the taxpayers of Michigan for more subsidies and this shouldn’t be a problem. A retired State Park Manager said it best upon this announcement, establish a new park then take money and resources from existing parks to pay for it. This is “Pure Michigan” for sure!

South Carolina’s $62,500 Sellout Queen

Nikki Haley, a key supporter of Mitt Romney, received $62500 in campaign contributions since 2008 from state and federal political committees. Now that the Republican presidential carnival has moved o…ut of South Carolina, we can focus on exactly why Nikki Haley was so enthused over Mitt Romney. It’s all about the Benjamins.

Romney’s Rockefeller Problem

This is an excellent read. In his bid for the White House, Romney faces challenges similar to those Nelson Rockefeller, 49th governor of New York, faced during his 1964 presidential primary fight against the U.S. Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater. Rockefeller was a liberal Republican whose views were generally closer to the Democratic Party.

In his time, conservatives were based in the Midwest and were growing in number in the West and South, while the moderate-to-liberal wing of the GOP was based in the Northeast and was the dominant force in the party. This latter wing was nicknamed me-too Republicanism for running on a platform resembling the Democratic Party (synonymous with today’s Republican in Name Only (RINO).

Michigan Victory Can’t Mask Romney’s Troubles – Democrats likely Voted Romney!

The title of this article speaks volumes! The accusations and suggestions that Democrats were urged to vote for Santorum either by the Democrats or the Santorum camp by Romney doesn’t pass muster. A closer look at the counties won here in Michigan finds conservative Republicans overwhelmingly voted for Rick Santorum over Mitt Romney. 

Santorum won the majority of Michigan’s counties hands down! What looks to be the winning margin for Romney was the heavy populated and predominantly Democratic counties in South Eastern Michigan. Romney only won 29 of Michigan’s 83 counties with Santorum winning 54! Keeping in mind that South Eastern Michigan comprising of mostly Democrats with small pockets of Republicans, very small pockets! With Mitt Romney’s liberal left leaning policy’s while governor of Massachusetts and his past record proves this may have been the case.|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s

Did GOP Strategy Backfire in Michigan?

Republican leaders in Michigan voted to choose their 2012 presidential convention delegates with a closed primary. Under Michigan law, a closed primary means people going to the polls must declare themselves Republicans before casting ballots. “Any registered voter whether Republican, Democrat, Communist is eligible,” Washtenaw County Republican Bill Bigler said. But the Republican leadership in Lansing thought this would be great for the “liberal left leaning moderate” Romney as to have the Democrat cross-over vote.

Washtenaw County Republican Bill Bigler went on to say that  “We should have a process by which Republicans choose the Republican nominee for president.” The Michigan GOP knew Romney would be a hard sell for the center right and true conservatives here in Michigan. Maybe that’s why they voted for a closed primary in the hope that the moderate to blue dog Democrats would cross-over and cast their vote in favor of Romney. Looks like it may have back-fired with Romney’s sour grapes accusations of Santorum. 

This strategy backfired two fold. Michigan lost half of its delegates for holding the primary contests outside of the RNC-approved timeframe, and with the changing from a open to closed primary in their thinking it would help Romney!

Republican Party Wrong With Romney

Romney won Genesse County, (Flint) Michigan in 2008 with 34 percent of the county’s voters, in 2012 he lost the county with 38 percent of the county’s voters according to preliminary results. This parallels with the Democrats election “sweep” of 2008. Hillary Clinton handily won Genesee County in her party’s 2008 primary with 56 percent of the vote and didn’t garner the Democrats nomination. In the 2008 presidential election, Genesee County went for an unknown Barack Obama with 65 percent in the general.

Although this example is but one Michigan county in which Romney only won 29 of Michigan’s 83 counties in 2012 it shows that support for this Republican candidate is very weak! Romney accused Rick Santorum of actively courting the Democrat vote but this just doesn’t pass muster. For example, “I can’t bring myself to do that, either,” Spademan said of crossover voting. “It’s too repulsive.” Davison Township resident Craig Charham, 57, gave his support to Ron Paul. “I just changed my mind at the last minute on him,” Charcham said. “Four years ago, I voted for Mitt Romney.”

The statement given by the Davison Township resident should clearly show that Romney can’t win in the general! Just like John McCain in 2008 who received only 45% of the vote in the general election Romney will fair no better. Of all the states so far in this primary season Romney has only won one state with over 50% of the votes and that was Harry Reid’s state of Nevada with 50.1%. The Republicans better wake up and consider a true conservative candidate or we will have four more years of the socialist Obama agenda!

The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever. Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to “please do not feed the animals” because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves. United States Department of Agriculture


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