Archive for January, 2011

The “Bain Report”: Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, January, 31, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the families of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion: By R. Al Bain
All to often we support, elect, and trust those representatives that tell us one thing then once in office do another! The drum beat for a part-time legislature keeps pounding and rightfully so. We don’t need to rewrite our whole constitution for this to be accomplished. The Michigan constitution has rules and procedures that would allow for an amendment for a part-time legislature and not a total rewrite of the state constitution.

The problem is that those we elect to office are not willing to pay the price that would be bestowed upon them in lost wages and benefits that would come with a part-time legislature. The new Michigan Legislature was sworn into office Jan. 12. The next day, they were at work on a proposal that could greatly extend the years that most of them are able to spend in Lansing.  It just proves that these legislators have their own interest at heart and not those who have elected them with their eyes on things like pensions and healthcare for themselves and family. A part-time legislature is not only appropriate but also absolutely critical.

In 2010 the legislature worked less than half of the 365-day’s excluding weekends! Now, if they were to cut out all the useless time wasted with resolutions honoring fellow legislators, pro sports figures, and a plethora of other meaningless Legislation we could have a sufficient part-time legislature! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist.

Legislative goals can be set for appropriations and other governmental necessities aimed at providing the resources and guidelines necessary to accomplish the goals for state government with a part-time legislature. If the citizens can manage their household budgets and those we elect to represent us that have the same experience, should be able to handle our state government in the same fashion.  

Ambassador Bridge reports 41% decline in traffic versus ten years ago
Critics say the traffic study used to justify the new $3.5 billion span is flawed and presents unrealistically inflated estimates such as bridge traffic increasing nearly 80 percent by January 2016, when the DRIC bridge would open. Flawed numbers means toll revenue wouldn’t be enough to cover construction and operational costs, which DRIC backers say is how the bridge would be financed. Supporters say traffic is just one reason to build a new bridge, the other justifications being the creation of construction and other jobs and bolstering trade and border infrastructure security between the two nations. Legislation that would allow the Michigan Department of Transportation to participate in the Detroit River International Crossing project died in a Michigan Senate committee last month, effectively mothballing the span for now. It’s expected to be revisited at some point by the new legislature.

State Employee Pay Up 46% Between ’01 and ‘08
A 2009 study co-written by Michigan State University economist Charles Ballard reports that the state saved $3.7 billion in wage, pension and health care expenditures and that Michigan state employee wage growth was close to zero between 2001 and 2008. But James Hohman, fiscal policy analyst for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, said the data does not back Ballard’s figures. Hohman calls the Ballard study incomplete and inaccurate. The average cost of a state employee was $63,474 per year in 2001. By 2008, this had gone to $93,039. That’s an increase of 46.5 percent over the seven years and more than $15,000 per employee above the rate of inflation. This past spring, a 3 percent pay hike was approved for state employees. The total additional cost to taxpayers for this fiscal year is estimated to be $77 million.

Report of select Bills introduced by the new Michigan Legislature
The House and Senate met this week to elect officers and adopt rules, but took no votes on legislation. Because there were no votes, this report instead contains several newly introduced bills of interest. Of these nine new Bills one peeked my interest! House Bill 4009  (Repeal concealed pistol “gun-free zone” provision) introduced by Democrat Richard LeBlanc to repeal the “gun-free zone” provision of the concealed pistol permit law which would allow carrying a pistol in schools, day care facilities, sports stadiums or arenas, bars, bar/restaurants, places of worship, college dorms and classrooms, hospitals, casinos, entertainment facilities. The reason this caught my attention was that our new Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville introduced this same legislation last year that was met with criticism and was controversial with the academia community and law enforcement! I wonder if Democratic State Representative Richard LeBlanc will reintroduce a new version of the amendment to Public Act 312 that Senator Richardville introduced in (2010 Senate Bill 1072) to the detriment of local municipalities and a benefit to the Unions? To see a list of several newly introduced bills of interest click the link below.

Michigan’s economic future remains uncertain say’s MSU economist
Charles Ballard, an author and a professor of economics at Michigan State University, spoke with Crain’s Detroit Business on the state’s current economic condition, the loss of manufacturing jobs and what sectors could see growth, declining property-tax revenue, dealing with a nearly $2 billion budget shortfall and Michigan’s unemployment.

Why the Government Wants to Hijack our IRA’s and 401K’s
“Nationalization and Confiscate is proposed”
It’s bad enough that we’ve been forced to bail out Wall Street. But now the Obama administration is hatching plans to raid our retirement savings, too. The U.S. Treasury Department and the Department of Labor plan are planning to stage a public-comment period before implementing regulations that would require U.S. savers to invest portions of their 401(k) savings plans and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) into annuities or other “steady” payment streams backed by U.S. government bonds. Crongresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota blogs about this here  Hands Off Our Retirement Savings  also see Free Republic U.S. Government plots to confiscate your retirement funds  This is part of the socialist agenda! The Federal Government will Control an estimated $3.613 Trillion Dollars in IRA’s and $2.350 Trillion Dollars in 401ks. Your Equity will be placed in U.S. Treasury Bonds, that will Pay out an estimated 3% annually. One major clause is that upon retirement, the value of the Your Retirement Account will be placed into Annuities. Once an individual Dies, the Value of the Account will Automatically become property of the Government. The Program will be Structured much like Social Security Accounts (the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever created).

Some States Running Out Of Homebuyers, Foreclosures Continue
The single biggest problem in the U.S. real estate market is simple: There are very few homebuyers. Michigan is listed amoung these states! That seems obvious, but the “buyers’ strike” has caused house prices to drop, along with an epidemic of foreclosures. What’s worse, the long depression in real estate is not over with home values expected to fall further. RealtyTrac recently reported that more than one million homes were foreclosed upon in 2010. Michigan has a home vacancy rate of 15.98%, the ninth-worst in the the US.  Michigan’s loss in population is approximately 200,000 people. A previous article originally stated it as 12,000.

Banks repossess 1 million homes in 2010, expect more in 2011
The bleakest year in the foreclosure crisis has only just begun. Lenders are poised to take back more homes this year than any other since the U.S. housing meltdown began in 2006. About 5 million borrowers are at least two months behind on their mortgages and more will miss payments as they struggle with job losses and loans worth more than their home’s value, industry analysts forecast. “2011 is going to be worse,” said Rick Sharga, a senior vice president at foreclosure tracker RealtyTrac Inc. The firm predicts 1.2 million homes will be repossessed this year by lenders.

The Great Transmission Heist: The latest scheme to subsidize solar and wind power to the detriment of rate payers
How would you like to pay higher utility bills to finance expensive electricity from solar and wind power, which you would never use? That’s the issue now before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and it deserves more public and political scrutiny before it becomes a reality. FERC has a draft rule that could effectively socialize the costs of paying for multi-billion dollar transmission lines to connect remote wind and solar projects to the nation’s electric power grid. If FERC rules in favor of Big Wind and Big Solar, the new policy would add billions of dollars onto the utility bills of residents of at least a dozen states—including California, Michigan, Oregon and New York—that will receive little or no benefit from the new power lines.

The Midwest Wind Surtax
You’d think poor Michigan has enough economic troubles without the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission placing a $300 million to $500 million annual surtax on the state’s electric utility bills. But on December 16 FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff announced new rules that would essentially socialize the cost of transmission lines across 13 states in the Midwest.

Social Security Is in Far Worse Shape Than You Think
For years, politicians and policymakers have reassured the American public that the Social Security system, which sends monthly checks out to 53 million beneficiaries, is safely solvent — and will be for decades to come. But federal spending and income data from the Treasury Department reveal that the Social Security program is already deep in the red, with outlays exceeding payroll tax revenues by $76 billion in 2010 alone.

We in America do not have government by the majority, we have government by the majority who participate.
Thomas Jefferson



The Bain Report: Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, January, 24, 2011

Opinion By R. Al Bain
After watching our new Governor’s State of the State address there may be reason for concern. Rather than talking about specifics on our economy here in Michigan and reducing the size and scope of government, Mr. Snyder talked of reinventing failed programs and entities. He stated that picking winners and losers in the business community would be a thing of the past.
Then in the very next breath he stated that the Pure Michigan advertising campaign would receive 25 million annually. The private tourism industry should be funding this not the taxpayers! If the information he was provided was true about the 2 for 1 return on our dollars for the “Pure Michigan Ad campaign” wouldn’t you think that the private tourism industry would be flocking to fund this?
As my new friend Barry stated if 2 for 1 is true let’s put $900 million into Pure Michigan and that $1.8 billion shortfall is all gone! The tourism industry didn’t believe advertising was something it wanted to pay for. The Pure Michigan campaign should be paid for by the people it directly benefits, the tourism industry.
Without exception, representatives from a variety of tourism industry segments indicated their Members and or Boards would strongly oppose such an approach. But its OK that we the taxpayers can fund it for their benefit! He also talked about the MEDC and the 21st Century Jobs Fund that have both been complete and total failures and a waste of taxpayer monies.
The 21st Century Jobs Fund has been nothing more than a private piggy bank for the legislators to rob from. One of Granholms last public acts she signed into law from the lame duck session was legislation that robbed 10 million taxpayer dollars from the failed 21st Century Jobs Fund to fund the Pure Michigan Advertising Campaign. I’m afraid that we may be facing another 4 or heaven forbid 8 more years of the failed Granholm policies!
Watch what legislators do, not what they say
Voters should not take for granted that any lawmaker, once elected, will automatically do what he or she was elected to do. The reasons for this are many, but let me illustrate the situation with a statement made in a radio interview by the Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, the new Senate majority leader. When asked about a right-to-work law, which would prohibit employers from firing workers who do not support a union, he said he did not “see it as being a top priority” this year. He added that a right-to-work law “… seems to me to be more disruptive with little positive results,” and that it “… could possibly reduce the strength of our workforce.” Those were just words, and we have to judge a lawmaker more on what he does than what he says. But I bet a lot of voters who elected the new Senate Republican supermajority will be unhappy to learn that the man who decides which bills come to the floor for a vote has already effectively nixed a labor reform adopted by 22 other states, all of which are outperforming Michigan. The problem is that the majority who voted for him were Union Democrats!
Legislature´s tiny pay cut still a screw up
Starting in 2011, more than 10 years after letting slide the now legendary 38 percent pay hike, members of the state’s full-time legislative branch will be paid $71,685 a year, a 10 percent cut from $79,650. Once upon a time, legislators made $56,981 a year. That’s still a 2 percent raise every year since 2000. Instead of being the country’s second highest paid lawmakers, they’ll be the fourth. The old-time senators still got to factor the $79,650-a-year rates into their final pension calculation, which is what the whole pay raise was all about in the first place. A 10 percent cut is far too little, far too late. Since Jan. 31, 2001, lawmakers have bumbled around with a convoluted constitutional amendment that slightly changed the pay-setting process. Any lawmaker elected this year will still get paid more than your average mechanical engineer, financial controller or construction manager. Meanwhile, the book is far from closed on the long-term damage the 38 percent pay hike caused the Legislature. The unicameral movement isn’t dead. The drumbeat for a part-time body hasn’t been louder.
House plan would extend careers of most Lansing politicians from 6 to 14 years
Considering the state of our state, I would expect a total focus on budgetary and tax issues. This doesn’t seem to be the case! The new Michigan Legislature was sworn into office Jan. 12. The next day, they were at work on a proposal that could greatly extend the years that most of them are able to spend in Lansing.  It would appear that these folks have their heads where the sun don’t shine, but with their eyes on things like pensions and healthcare for themselves and family. A part-time legislature is not only appropriate but absolutely critical.I guess the Tea Party failed in informing the Lawmakers that we wanted less not more invasive Government. Looks like another message will have to be sent in 2012.
Taxpayer Money Pay Movie Stars Salaries from Film Producers Subsidy
Nearly a quarter of the tax breaks that were given out under Massachusetts’ film tax credit program have gone to fund payments to Hollywood movie stars. A recent report by the Department of Revenue found that $82 million of the $330 million program went to actors’ salaries in 2009, many of whom earned in excess of $1 million for their work. I wonder if the same thing is taking place with Michigan’s Film Producers Subsidy? Several states are now rethinking this subsidy and eliminating it entirely and Michigan should follow their lead!
Government Lobbying on the Rise: Using Taxes To Lobby for Taxes
Government entities in Genesee County have increased spending on lobbyists 76 percent, according to an analysis by The Flint Journal. Jack McHugh, the Center’s senior legislative analyst, told The Journal that the process is a vicious cycle, with tax-funded lobbying for more tax dollars leading to “spending more than government has available.” Diane S. Katz, an adjunct scholar with the Center, wrote about this problem almost three years ago in a commentary titledUsing Taxes to Lobby for Taxes.”
Michigan Court Ruling on Privacy may Hurt Public’s right to know
In one of the last acts of its short-lived Democratic majority, the Michigan Supreme Court did some potential damage to the public’s right to know, in a ruling about the privacy of what public employees do on public time with publicly provided communications systems.
Ex.Gov. John Engler wants Rick Snyder to tie one on, “Needles” Richardville
That no-tie thing with Gov. Rick Snyder doesn’t sit well with one of his predecessors, Gov. John Engler. Engler, who almost always wore a suit and tie at work, reportedly thinks Snyder’s casual business attire is an affront to the governor’s office. Engler was a suit-and-tie honored guest at Snyder’s inauguration Jan. 1. So was new Senate Republican Majority Leader Randy Richardville , who wore a suit and vest with no tie at the ceremony. (Snyder wore a red tie.) John Engler made an offer to new Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville (Monroe) at Rick Snyder’s inaugural by telling him he had an extra tie he could borrow! He didn’t wear one!
State Has Billions in Unbudgeted Retiree Costs
Former Gov. Jennifer Granholm told the MIRS news agency she was handing over a balanced state budget that even had a surplus. But one watchdog accounting agency is saying Granholm is ignoring $50.1 billion the state owes to its workers, mostly for retiree pensions and health care. This is happening in local communities as well! As I previously reported in a past “Bain Report” that with the Monroe County Commissioners robbing of the pension fund as a way to balance budgets will come back to haunt them and the taxpayers big time!
What Snyder may try to Cut in Reinvent Michigan’s Government
Ideas on how to reinvent Michigan’s government as Gov. Rick Snyder has said that the state is beyond mere fixing have been popping around Lansing the past few weeks. Come Oct. 1, the state no longer can count on hundreds of millions in federal stimulus money to help fill the gap between revenue and spending. Republicans, who control the Legislature, and Snyder, also a Republican, have made it clear that they don’t intend to ask residents to pay higher taxes with the exception of Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville who said nothing is off the table when asked about a tax increase! Proposed cuts or elimination in the following, The Michigan Business Tax, Tap the School Aid Fund, Tax loopholes/credits, State Police road patrols, Pay/benefits for state workers, Revenue-sharing to cities, villages and townships, Medicaid benefits, Prison system, and Consolidating services. Click the link below for details on each proposal.
Steelcase to shut three plants one near Grand Rapids
Office furniture maker Steelcase said Wednesday it is cutting 750 jobs as it shutters three manufacturing plants in North America, including one near Grand Rapids.
“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny”
Thomas Jefferson
The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

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The Bain Report: Articles that Affect You & Your Family for Monday, Jan 17, 2011

Opinion: By R. Al Bain
Where do term limited or defeated politicians go? Some would think they go back to whatever career they had before being elected to public office. Some think this is the case but, the majority cannot resist feeding at the public trough in one form or another! Lets take a look at a few examples. Rep. Kathy Angerer (D) Monroe stated publicly that the reason she didn’t run for another public office, (such as the logical step of running for State Senator) was because she wanted to champion the Autistic issue. Now she’s heading back to Lansing as a Lobbyist for AT&T? Terri Lynn Land (R) Byron Center term limited SOS who ran as Mike Bouchard’s (R) Oakland County running mate in his failed bid for Governor. Or what about term limited and defeated gubernatorial candidate (faced a recall) Andy Dillon (D) Redford who has been appointed Michigan’s State Treasurer by incoming Governor Rick Snyder (R) Ann Arbor. This just gives credibility to the statement made by George Carlin when he said that no matter what the Party affiliation Democrat or Republican both parties are just one big club and guess what, your not in it! 
Michigan taxes, public worker benefits top legislative agenda
Michigan’s four new legislative leaders shared a laugh on the set of “Off the Record” with Tim Skubick in an interview during a Thursday taping of the public television program. How nice. While there is nothing wrong with laughter, I’m sure a good percentage of the citizens of Michigan do not see the humor in the dire straights facing themselves and our once great state! In regard to “picking winners and losers” in the Business community Richardville, of Monroe, said steps Republicans would undertake would result in that some winners would be winning “a little less.” State government should not be in the business of “picking winners and losers” in the private business community period! Richardville also stated that Michigan’s generous film incentive program that’s projected to cost more than $150 million in 2012 won’t be eliminated but would be scaled back. Several states across the country are now eliminating this failed incentive program “NOT” just scaling it back! Studies have proven that the cost to the taxpayers is a loosing proposition for this entity! Pure Michigan Ad Campaign also comes to mind here! Richardville also stated again that “Everything needs to be on the table,” that was his same statement when ask about a tax increase! Both Republicans on the panel said revenue sharing to local governments is likely to be cut. Cutting revenue sharing to local governments is likely to result in a tax increase for those in their communities! Cause and effect applies here and the blame will ultimately go to the local politicians not those in Lansing who will have created it. In regard to Michigan and it’s government Richardville said “We’re broken. Is anybody not seeing that we need to be fixed?,” This is from a legislator who’s voting record and legislation has been part of the problem, not part of the solution since 1999!
Comparing Two Michigan Newspapers: Conservative versus Liberal
Midland Daily News – Monroe Evening News
I found it interesting that both papers publish editorials called “our view.” To show the comparison of a conservative newspaper versus a liberal newspaper I researched and found that the Midland Daily News (Conservative) views the Pure Michigan advertising subsidy wrong for Michigan taxpayers while the Monroe Evening News (Liberal) supports this form of corporate welfare at the taxpayers expense! On Tuesday, November, 23, 2010 The Midland Daily News stated in their view “Should taxpayers fund Pure Michigan program” that The private sector should be paying to promote tourism in Michigan, not the state government (i.e. the taxpayers). If there truly is a solid return on investment resulting from such an advertising campaign, the private sector should be flocking to fill this funding gap so that Michigan does not see a decline in tourism. But if the private sector isn’t willing to shell out the bucks, then maybe it is time to admit that promoting Michigan tourism is something the public sector cannot afford, either. On December, 18, 2010 The Monroe Evening News stated in their view “Pure Michigan rescue makes economic sense” (subscription required for eEdition) that one of the things state legislators did right earlier this month during their lame-duck session was to approve funding for the Pure Michigan ad campaign. Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed a bill making $10 million available for that purpose. The Monroe Evening News in their opinion feel that our officials in Lansing deserve credit for rescuing the Pure Michigan advertising campaign from an absurd death and to continue subsidizing private industry with taxpayer monies! Michigan’s new Senate Majority leader Senator Randy Richardville (R?-Monroe) voted in favor of this corporate welfare insanity at the taxpayers expense! 
Strained States Turning to Laws to Curb Labor Unions
Faced with growing budget deficits and restive taxpayers, elected officials from Maine to Alabama, Ohio to Arizona, are pushing new legislation to limit the power of labor unions, particularly those representing government workers, in collective bargaining and politics. Not here in Michigan! We have just the opposite with the new leader of the Michigan Senate, Liberal Republican Randy Richardville of Monroe. On January 20, 2010 he introduced legislation to the detriment of local municipalities and ultimately the taxpayers with SB 1072 that is sure to resurface in 2011 under a new Bill name and number. This does nothing but benefit the UNIONS! Passed in the Senate on February 10, 2010, to expand the law that mandates binding arbitration in labor disputes between municipalities and police or firefighter unions (“PA 312” of 1969) to cover consolidated multi-government emergency services authorities, 9-1-1 dispatch centers and similar entities. Passed in the House on June 24, 2010 all but four House Republicans out of 50 voted against this legislation! Bill Anderson, the legislative liaison for the Michigan Townships Association, said the talk in Lansing is about creating reforms. “Now, we are looking at a bill that is going to increase costs,” Anderson said. “That is the concern. What is the most frustrating part is when people say, ‘Oh. You have to cut your costs.’ And then all of a sudden, you are just throwing up more barriers and adding more costs.” And this bill was introduced by a Republican, Sen. Randy Richardville that will allow and drive up the cost of local government. Does Bill Anderson realize that the Michigan Townships Association endorsed Richardville for re-election in 2010? The bottom line is that if this Bill becomes law the burden will be put on the backs of the taxpaying citizens. It’s just a backdoor tax increase to the citizenry for the support and contributions made by the “Unions” to Senator Richardville. Payments made for Services Renderedapplies here with this type of legislation!
Michigan Lawmaker Says Special Tax Favors Are ‘Cronyism’
If a business is in need of a tax break, the quickest route may be the local politician. State Rep. Justin Amash, R-Kentwood, recently called out his colleagues for submitting bills that created tax advantages for single businesses. “Essentially, it’s just cronyism,” Amash said. “It’s an abuse of legislative power. We are not supposed to be passing bills that help one person or one company at the expense of everyone else.” Both parties have abandoned any pretense that the growing state corporate welfare empire doesn’t include funneling favors to the owners of particular firms. Click below to see if your representative favors this practice of ‘Cronyism’ at the expense of you the taxpayer.
The Constitution Is Dead (Suspended); Long Live the Constitution
The Constitution, curiously enough, always seems to get most convoluted when the wording is most precise. If the public believes in the spirit of the founding principles of our Republic and politicians are committed to the resurrection of the Constitution, these two rules “Mind your own business.” and  “Keep your hands to yourself.” are a good guide when looking at new legislation. No need for gimmicks. However, the real problem lie’s in the Emergency Powers given to the President (Franklin D. Roosevelt under the pretense of the National Emergency of 1933 have remained in force and that the normal function of the Federal government (The Constitution) has been suspended. [93d Congress, SENATE Report No. 93-549, 1st Session]. See War Powers Act. The declared National Emergency of March 9, 1933 amended the War Powers Act to include the American People as enemies. This allowed Maritime Law to come onto land.”[11][12] “Be careful of that pretty little flag with the gold trim that sits on a pedestal in your courtrooms. That is an Admiralty flag  (an ensign, a military flag) flown on the open seas, not the American flag! The US Constitution allowed for three types of laws, Common Law (‘We the People’), Contract Law governing contracts and agreements, and Maritime Law that is to be used on the open seas to govern our Naval forces while out there since the ships are not on our land. Only in times of war can Maritime Law govern on land. This is proclaimed by the president. This flag changes your status from Sovereign (God’s Law) to subject (the Kings Law).” [13]  In order to resolve this problem it would take a sitting President to sign an executive order to resend this travesty bestowed upon the American people.
Senate Report 93-549
“A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years [now 66 years], freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency. The problem of how a constitutional democracy reacts to great crises, however, far antedates the Great Depression. As a philosophical issue, its origins reach back to the Greek city-states and the Roman Republic. And, in the United States, actions taken by the Government in times of great crises have – from, at least, the Civil War – in important ways, shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency.” Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.”  
Michigan Supreme Court hands a pair of holiday gifts to the MEA
It’s certain to be a tough year politically for the Michigan Education Association. But thanks to the union’s liberal friends on the Michigan Supreme Court, the MEA was able to wrap up 2010 with some nice consolation prizes. Warning, public property Keep Out!
Right to Work States Enjoy Higher Growth, More Purchasing Power for Workers 
The primary goal of any Right to Work law is to safeguard employee rights by ensuring that no worker is forced to join or pay tribute to a union against his or her will. But it’s nice to know that Right to Work states also enjoy faster growth and higher real purchasing power than their forced unionism counterparts. Here’s an excerpt from the National Institute for Labor Relations Research’s latest fact sheet on the issue can be viewed below.
The Tea Party’s Uphill Challenge
The fact is that the United States isn’t as democratic as we’d like to think it is. We cherish the idea that the (the voice of the people) predominates over the will of privileged elites; that government is subordinate to the people (that it serves the people, rather than ruling them); that those in positions of governmental power should be accountable to the people from whom they derive their authority; that government is, essentially, “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Is that the kind of system we have today? Let’s see by clicking the link below.
Backdoor Political Power Play: Government by Regulation
Most people don’t remember Obamacare’s notorious Section 1233, mandating government payments for end-of-life counseling. Well, it’s back – by administrative fiat. A month ago, Medicare issued a regulation providing for end-of-life counseling during annual “wellness” visits. It was all nicely buried amid the simultaneous release of hundreds of new Medicare rules. And there’s more!
“I don’t give a goddamn. I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way. Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
George W. Bush


The “Bain Report”: Articles that Affect You & Your Family for Monday, January, 10, 2011

Opinion: By R. Al Bain
Recently “trumped” up charges were “falsely” leveled against one of the Directors of the Conservative Caucus of Monroe County for their outspoken criticism of State Senator Randy Richardville. The complaint was filed on August, 16, 2010 by Glenda Carol Kennon vice chair of the Monroe County Republican Party and Senator Richardville’s mother. The complaint alleges that Mrs. Kennon was afraid for her and her son’s life from second and third hand hearsay that supposedly was said on April, 30, 2010 at a rally for Dr. Steele in Flat Rock. If I was afraid for my life I don’t think I would wait three and a half months to file a report! This is all about silencing the critics of Senator Richardville and nothing more period. How much taxpayer money and resources were wasted here in Monroe County through this personal effort to silence the critics of Senator Richardville? Resources (taxpayer money) were used through the Michigan State Police Department, the Monroe County Prosecutors Office, Monroe County Courts, and the Monroe County Clerks Office. When the court date arrived only the accused showed up therefore the charges were dropped! So much for being afraid for their lives! Because of hearsay the Monroe County Prosecutor William Nichols did not feel there was enough to proceed with these “trumped” up charges, so Michigan State Police Detective Sergeant David Meyer of the Monroe post coordinated with the Prosecutor’s office to have the accused called before the Monroe County Concealed Weapon Licensing Board so they could pull his Concealed Pistol License (CPL). The accused showed up with his Attorney a former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) agent who specializes in weapon cases. The board which was stacked against the accused because records indicated they were all Senator Richardville campaign contributors and were ready to pull his CPL. Mr. Nichols was at the first meeting not the second. Sheriff Crutchfield had a representative at both meetings. Lt. Mary Kapp was at second not first meeting. Sharon Lemasters sent a representative but she was not present at either meeting. An interesting note is that all are Democrats! The Monroe County Concealed Weapon Licensing Board consist of  William Paul Nichols (D), Monroe County Prosecuting Attorney (Chair), Tilman Crutchfield (D), Monroe County Sheriff (Member), F/Lt. Mary Kapp, Michigan State Police Post Commander (Member), and Sharon Lemasters (D) (Clerk). Also of note is that the Michigan State Police (PAC) also made political campaign contributions to Senator Richardville’s campaign coffers! This is your tax dollars at work by your elected officials! If anyone would like to view this police report email me and I will provide it for your viewing pleasure.

State Representative Kathy Angerer’s time in Lansing comes to a close?
Not so fast! Angerer the term limited outgoing House Majority Leader has accepted a position with AT&T as a Lobbyist and she’s heading back to Lansing! Lobbyists can be found on the staffs of corporations, industry trade-organizations, unions, or public interest groups. Lobbyists are employed to help “influence legislators” in favor of the industries they represent. Median Income for the telecommunications industry is $88,700. Salary Range $66,192 to $117,836. The salary ranges are from I would assume that a three term State Representative who achieved the House Leadership position would be at the high end of the scale given the “contacts and clout” obtained in Lansing! What happened to the reason that she didn’t run for public office was because she wanted to champion the children with autism issue? State Rep. Kathy Angerer, D-Dundee, said she wouldn’t seek another political office this past fall, but doesn’t rule out the possibility in the future. Representative Angerer is so devoted on the issue of autism she decided it was more important than to run for office. She said she had considered running for a Senate seat, but wanted to focus on getting legislation passed that would provide insurance coverage for autism treatment. There had been talk about other elections. At one point, many assumed Rep. Angerer was going to challenge state Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, and run for the state Senate in the election that just passed. She didn’t. “I did consider it, but I feel this legislation is more important than my being a “lifetime career politician,” she said. If she had sought the Democratic nomination for the Senate, it could have pitted her against incumbent Randy Richardville, R-Monroe. Research of election results and campaign finance disclosures show her party already supports Senator Richardville! It will be interesting to see if she runs for Senate in 2014 when Richardville will be term limited? Speaking of her time in Lansing she said, “This is a relationship business, “It’s like an adult fraternity here.” That reminds me of a quote from the late George Carlin who said, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it”

Politician Staffs: Your Money, Their Secret
Where’s the transparency and accountability to the taxpayers who pay their salaries? There are reasons to believe that Michigan’s new Governor and Legislature will soon repeal this secrecy perk. I am especially interested as to see how Senator Richardville handles this one! If you recall his District Director John Manor was omitted from the report that the Senate Fiscal Agency released to the Mackinac Center earlier this year. My research shows John Manor working for the Senate Majority Communications Office at a salary of $53,000.00 per year of taxpayer money. This is just another end around as to hide the facts and truth to the taxpayers of Michigan and I do not see any meaningful change going forward. On May, 3, 2010 Richardville was Honored by the Michigan Credit Union League at a Jackson Chapter Breakfast. The article acknowledges John Manor as working for Senator Richardville in the capacity of District Director so why was this omitted from the report that Senator Richardville submitted? So does Mr. Manor work as Richardville’s District Director for free or is this payment made for services rendered for the Senate Majority Communications job? Whether right, wrong, or indifferent this just doesn’t pass the smell test to me! Mr. Manor shows up at all public events and Government functions as Senator Richardville’s representative in his absents.

Michigan the second-most governed state in the nation
Big government, the salaries and benefits of state and local governments should be more of an issue for Michigan taxpayers. There are 52,600 federal workers in Michigan compared to 177,100 state employees and 400,100 local government employees, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. State Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, called Michigan the second-most governed state in the nation. He said there are 40 chiefs of police in Wayne County. “I don’t think people think of ‘big government’ when they think of local government,” Richardville said. “Where do you think your tax dollars go?” Richardville has been in Lansing for over 10 years either as a state representative or state senator and has done nothing to change this! In fact, his legislative record tells a different story of creating bigger government not cutting the size and scope of it!

Coming Soon: Higher Business Payroll Taxes
The state of Michigan owes the federal government $3.8 billion in unemployment insurance loans and will have to start making $150 million a year on interest payments if Congress doesn’t extend a waiver by Friday. In Michigan, businesses pay for the first 26 weeks of unemployment benefits. After that, it’s a mix of businesses and the federal government that fund the various extensions. “Barring any changes, employers are going to see significant increases in unemployment insurance payroll taxes,” said Charles Owens, the Michigan director of the National Federal of Independent Businesses. Some business could pay hundreds of dollars a year per employee in taxes to pay off that debt.

Michigan Unemployment Payments May Fuel More Unemployment
As of February 2010, Michigan owed the federal government $3.5 billion it has borrowed to help pay unemployment benefits, according to the state. Michigan paid $7.1 billion in benefits to the 680,000 unemployed Michigan residents in 2009 and had to borrow $2.4 billion to cover that year’s expense. That state’s unemployment rate was 14.6 percent in December 2009, the highest in the nation. Businesses will be taxed more to pay back the billions they owe the federal government.

Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Diseases
Is Illegal Immigration Bad for America’s Health? The simple answer is YES according to Dr. Manny Alvarez who is a board-certified OB/GYN in Hackensack, NJ. He is also a managing editor for Dr. Manny Alvarez completed his medical residency and fellowship training at St. Joseph Hospital & Medical Center and Mount Sinai Medical Center. Legal immigrants are required to have medical screening to ensure that they do not bring any contagious diseases into the United States. Illegal aliens are not screened and many are carrying horrific third world diseases that do not belong in the USA. Many of these diseases are highly contagious and will infect citizens that come in contact with an infected illegal alien. This has already happened in restaurants, schools, and police forces. See the facts on illegal immigration and it’s effects below.  As unfortunate as it may be, the US cannot bear the financial burden for treating the world’s sick, ill, and infected populace, but the Government should be protecting American citizens from the diseases being brought in by illegal aliens. Why is this issue never mentioned in the political arena and discussions on illegal immigration reform?

Muslim Student’s True Opinion
Neoconservative thinker David Horowitz was put on the spot by a Muslim student during a speech at the University of California San Diego. His comeback revealed her true goal. A Muslim Jew-hater and supporter of genocide is flushed out by David Horowitz at a speech during “Israel Apartheid Week at the University of California San Diego. Horowitz was hosted by Young Americans for Freedom.

Medicare in Fiscal Crisis as Boomer Retirement Wave Hits
Consider an average-wage, two-earner couple together earning $89,000 a year. Upon retiring in 2011, they would have paid $114,000 in Medicare payroll taxes during their careers. But they can expect to receive medical services from prescriptions to hospital care worth $355,000, or about three times what they put in. This scenario is Totally Unsustainable!

Estate Tax Compromise Impacts 65,000 Small Businesses and Farms
Congress has a habit of passing legislation without getting the facts straight. The recently-passed tax relief compromise, which temporarily reinstates the estate tax at a 35% rate and $5 million exemption, is a great example. Some people claim that the $5 million exemption will protect small business from being hit by the tax. They are wrong.

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
The chart shows the comparison of two different economic recoveries from the 1981 recession (Reagan) and the 2009 recession (Obama).

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

“If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.”
Thomas Jefferson


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