Archive for July, 2011

The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, August, 1, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Guest Opinion By J. Pat McElligott

My advancing senior years have endowed me with an ounce of wisdom that realize:
Regardless of if it is a young child being allowed to not have boundaries and grow to be a brat and illiterate irresponsible adult, a welfare recipient that feels entitled to extract any ” free ” benefit at others expense, a family court system that is more of a wedge then a bridge to children’s desire to have Both Parents in their life, or the ability of our American corporations to provide jobs to China and other nations while we see our citizens go without the privilege of working for their family; that we are in a fast lane of destruction.

The common denominator & reality in the afore mentioned problems is:
Basically it is easier to do the wrong thing void of any form of discipline or rule of order “ESPECIALLY” when those in authority and or leadership make it more advantageous for us as individuals, community, or corporate citizens to be “ENTITLED”, “ENHANCED”. and “EVEN REWARDED” for being undisciplined for short term personal convenience and gain at long term destruction for all that we should hold dear and our future.

There is not the right way to do the wrong thing and again in my opinion government leadership at all levels and political persuasion need to assist people to succeed on their own effort, education, and merit instead of encouraging them to fail or benefit from the sacrifice of others.

Like Our Recent Weather, Mass Job Layoff’s Really Heating Up: Worst Than Expected!
Three companies cut a combined 23,000 jobs this week, a grim sign for U.S. workers. Oh, but we are in a recovery, yea right! Putting pressure on an already lousy job market, the mass layoff is making a comeback. In the past week, Cisco, Lockheed Martin and Borders announced a combined 23,000 in job cuts. With an economic recovery like this, who needs a recession? Several major corporations have been announcing layoffs in recent weeks, despite their fattening coffers. BlackBerry maker Research in Motion revealed this week that it will cut 2,000 jobs. Last week it was Cisco eliminating 6,500 posts, including 2,100 employees that had opted for early retirement. Campbell Soup and handset maker Nokia have also gone public in recent months with their pink slips showing and more likely on the way!

Deteriorating Transportation Infrastructure Could Cost America $3.1 Trillion
Engineers have found that overall, the cost of failing to invest more in the nation’s roads and bridges would total $3.1 trillion in lost GDP growth by 2020. For workers, the toll of investing only at current levels would be equally daunting: 877,000 jobs would also be lost. Already, the report found, deficient and deteriorating surface transportation cost us $130 billion in 2010. Michigan has some of the worst roads in the country but legislators in Lansing continue to subsidize film producers, electric battery makers, green energy, and a host of other short-sighted spending with “Taxpayer Dollars” under the guise of job creation.

Green Investments Yield Little ‘Green’
Even liberal California is ending electric subsidies! Ian Wright, the co-founder of Tesla Motors, maker of the first modern electric car believes that electric vehicles will remain only a “niche” market, “We can’t even afford to fix potholes in the road, so where are we going to get trillions for battery charge stations”? “The economics don’t work without massive taxpayer subsidies.” Nevertheless, for more than four decades politicians, subsidy-seeking crony-capitalists and media elites have been promising revolutionary benefits just around the corner from “new,” “green” and “alternative” energy sources subsidized by government spending. Basic economic theory and common sense tells us that people (and companies) spend their own money more carefully than they spend others; and it’s easy to gamble on a product when using taxpayer dollars. If electric cars are the wave of the future, let automakers and electricity suppliers spend their own money and reap the dividends if and when these investments pay off.

Taxpayers Likely To Lose Up To $1.3 Billion In Chrysler Bailout
During the financial crisis in 2008, the U.S. Treasury loaned Chrysler $12.5 billion. But the United States Taxpayers will lose $1.3 billion that it had lent to Chrysler, the Treasury said in a statement on Thursday. Will Michigan voters and taxpayers forget two so-called Republicans that voted for the bailouts such as Pete Hoekstra who has decided that his family isn’t as important than running for office again after over 18 years of feeding at the public trough, Pete Hoekstra was for handing GM and Chrysler over to a czar and bailing them out. Or another life long career politician that has also been feeding at the public trough for far to many years in Thaddeus McCotter who voted in favor of the Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act aka (Bailouts) in 2008! Michigan voters can’t be that blind as to vote these two back into office? Or can they?

The Oprah Effect and “Pure Michigan” Advertising Campaign, a Parallel
Australian tourism advertising campaign brought Oprah Winfrey’s star power to boost tourism cost Australia’s taxpayers that was estimated at $5 million and failed to boost Australia’s tourism efforts as planned. Unlike Michigan, Australia has a robust economy and is a more popular tourist destination! But the proponents and legislators who passed the legislation of the “Pure Michigan” advertising campaign think we taxpayers of Michigan should fund this campaign in our struggling state for the benefit of private industry who by the way did their own study and found it was not in their best interest to fund it themselves because the return on investment just wasn’t there!

Hoekstra to seek Republican nod to challenge Stabenow for U.S. Senate
Anybody who would call Senator Randy Richardville of Monroe a principled conservative such as Pete Hoekstra did in the 2010 election cycle has to raise some red flags! Not only that just three months ago his family was more important than to run, can you say flip flopper? We just don’t need a lifelong career political trough feeder representing Michigan’s citizens. Gary Glenn with the Midland-based Campaign for Michigan Families has been talking about getting into the race. He said today that Hoekstra would have “considerable advantages, but his vote in favor of spending $850 billion to bail out Wall Street remains a significant concern. See Goldman Sachs Targets 1,000 Layoffs this after his vote gave taxpayer monies for these bailout’s! The advantages would be that the “power brokers” of the Republican Party want to keep the same old status quo and not what’s in the best interest of Michigan’s citizens!

Energy Recovery Inc to Leave Michigan More Lost Jobs
The company will move its operations in Michigan, where its pumps and turbocharges are currently assembled, and relocate those activities to its existing headquarters and production center in San Leandro, California. While we regret the impact of the plan on our Michigan employees, consolidation is the right decision for our company.

Report: $210,000 for Poor Furnished Detroit Office
Records show that more than $210,000 intended for poor people that was used to furnish a City of Detroit office paid for leather chairs, a $3,000 conference table and at least three trash cans that cost $315 each. This is not just regulated to Detroit! The waste and abuse is at all levels of government from Local to Lansing right on through to Washington D.C.

Next Up: Government Imposed Food Rationing?
We have all noticed that gas, utilities, food, and other basic consumer goods and services have risen in recent times. At the grocery store we have all noticed higher prices and smaller portions in the products we purchase. According to Stansberry & Associates Research this is all part of an unregulated government sponsored agency that has little to no oversight! Click the link below and make the decision yourself.

Gun maker Ruger is coming out with a new and intimidating pistol in honor of Senators and Congressmen.

It will be named “The Politician”. “It doesn’t work and you can’t fire it”!

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes… But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is the people’s right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
Thomas Jefferson

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, July, 25, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain

So the head of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Rich Studley thinks re-calls should only be aimed at crooks who break the law. To recall someone because you don’t like the way he or she votes is wrong, he contends. My view as a voter and citizen of Michigan is, Michigan’s Constitution gives it’s citizens the “right” to re-call an elected official if they feel they have not been represented in the manner they expect and deserve! The Michigan Constitution doesn’t state that re-calls are reserved for criminal activities only. I truly believe that some of the re-calls have warrant.

I bet if Mr. Studley was on the other end where Business was being attacked he would sing a different tune! The re-calls are not about Business or Unions it’s about what the citizens expect and deserve from their elected officials. Of course Mr. Studley feels the way he does as the head of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce because “Big Business” get’s a larger tax break not afforded to Small Business owners or the Taxpayer’s of Michigan, Big Business is his business which he represents!

The debate should be what’s in the best interest of all Michigan Citizens not Big Business, Unions or any of the other separate entities by picking winners and losers. All to often our elected officials support many of these separate entities (Special Interest) over the very citizens they were elected to represent and not what’s in the best interest of all Michigan’s citizens! The reason is simple, campaign contribution’s and support for re-election of the many career political opportunists that seek to continue feeding at the public trough.

Richardville Campaign Finance Disclosure Shenanigans?
While researching Campaign Finance Disclosure’s through the National Institute on Money in State Politics for State Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville I found some disturbing revelations! In the report for 2008 myself and many others I know are listed as contributors which is the farthest thing from the truth! Looks to me like there may be some shenanigans going on within the reporting process! Is there a law being broke here?By using names that did not contribute may be a way as to hide or account for certain contributions which I believe is against the law! This seems very likely in that Richardville’s former campaign finance manager Edward F. Paisley lied to police and filed a false police report in 2010.

Also it’s very interesting that this self proclaimed conservative accepted campaign contributions from the Monroe County Democratic Committee of several thousand dollars in 2010 alone. There were also several other Democrats who contributed to Mr. Richardville’s campaign including current and former elected officials along with Judges, Attorneys, Bankers, Monroe County Community College College President, and the Monroe County Intermediate School District Superintendent! I believe this is something worth looking into by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson.

State Lawmakers on “Two Month” Summer Break
The state Senate is meeting July,13 to take up a few outstanding issues. One such issue will be Senate
Bill 569
 sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville which will reward companies for hiring Michigan workers and using Michigan products and services, better put would be picking winners and loser’s in the business community to the detriment of the Michigan taxpayer! Senate Bill 569 creates a film production assistance program through which the state of Michigan (taxpayer’s) would award funds with “taxpayer dollars” to companies for direct production expenditures and personnel expenses. Senator Richardville the bill’s sponsor, wants to increase the subsidies from $25 million already appropriated in 2012 to $100 million annually.

The session comes as lawmakers are in the middle of a two-month legislative break! This is another good reason and example for a part-time legislature. Our new legislators were sworn in on January 12 2011 that’s about half way through the first month of the new legislative session. The Michigan Legislature began a two-week legislative recess on March 28 that ended April 8. Now they are on yet another legislative break for two months! In 2010 the legislature worked less than half of the 365-day’s excluding weekends! Part time work for full time pay and benefits, only in the public sector!

New Bridge, Mid Continent Trade Corridor: Canada, Mexico, and Michigan
Canadian officials admit publicly that agreements and alliances have been made with Business Leaders along with State and Local Governments spanning the entire “Mid-Continent Trade Corridor” proposed route through the United States and into Mexico. The New International Trade Crossing (NITC) proposed between Detroit and Windsor is part of this plan! In the southern most part of the corridor Texas legislators have introduced legislation called the “Trans-Texas Corridor” re-named from the NAFTA Superhighway as a public-private partnership (sound familiar) that has been resurrected in HB 3789.

In the northern most part of this corridor Michigan has introduced legislation with Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville of Monroe introducing SB 410 and SB 411 to authorize the state to move forward with building the New International Trade Crossing. Senate Bill 411 is to revise the state road tax allocation law to accommodate the authority (less money for our roads) proposed by Senate Bill 410 to build a new bridge between Detroit and Windsor (the “Detroit River International Crossing” or “New International Trade Crossing,” a.k.a. “DRIC” or “NITC”).

Keith Crain, editor-in-chief, Crain’s Detroit Business: Why not let Moroun expand his bridge?
It’s perhaps one of the most unpopular positions in Michigan, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out why we just don’t let Matty Moroun expand his bridge. I don’t understand why our new governor wants to substitute public money for private investment even if the public dollars are coming from Canada? It just simply doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. The Canadian offer to fund Michigan’s expenses is not “free money”, as DRIC enthusiasts in Detroit constantly proclaim. The Canadians say they want an arrangement under which their $550m is “recouped” from tolls. The DRIC tolls are being stretched awfully thin.

Pay to Play vs. Right to Work in Michigan
The unions claim the deck is stacked against them when it comes to labor laws, but the truth is many private and public sector workers are forced to pay union dues as a condition of their employment, yet they have little say in how the unions spend their money. When Governor Rick Snyder created his policy/budget proposal, he forgot to list the ‘right to work’ issue as a priority and many are baffled as to why this important matter is not on his agenda at all? Many are wondering why his focus is now, clearly, to gain approval for the new bridge across the Detroit River to Canada? The notorious bridge battle seemingly pales in comparison to maintaining the fundamental freedom of choice pertaining to employees in Michigan’s kingdom of unions that have contributed to the demise of the once vibrant ‘Great Lakes’ State.

Gary Glenn to explore Senate race against Stabenow
This would be a plus for the citizens of Michigan! Gary Glenn, 53, of Midland Friday announced plans to explore a possible candidacy for the Republican nomination to challenge Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan, for the U.S. Senate in 2012.

Hoekstra Reconsidering Senate Race
Former Rep. Pete Hoekstra is reconsidering entering the U.S. Senate race in Michigan, having reached out to his closet aides in recent weeks about the prospect of challenging Democrat Debbie Stabenow after all, POLITICO has learned. True of all career political opportunist Pete Hoekstra can’t stay away from feeding at the public trough! Two separate sources confirm that Hoekstra has put the option back on the table after saying in April a campaign wasn’t in the best interest of his family. I guess that less than three months later what’s in the best for his family has changed? This is the kind of “flip flopping” decision making we citizens of Michigan do not need as our representative in Washington! For the Tea Party activist we can only hope that Gary Glenn who heads the American Family Association of Michigan enters the race for U. S. Senate here in Michigan!

Speaker Jase Bolger Challenges Recall Process
Michigan House Speaker Jase Bolger is questioning the constitutionality of the recall procedures affecting him and other Republican lawmakers. Michigan’s Constitution gives it’s citizens the “right” to re-call an elected official if they feel they have not been represented in the manner they expect and deserve! So is Mr. Bolger contesting the state’s constitution?

Michigan Senate Bill 449 to Raise State Landfill Tipping Fee 71%
What’s the difference to the Michigan taxpayer between a Fee, Surcharge, Mileage, or Tax Hike? Nothing, it’s a tax hike disguised by a misnomer they all are a form of a tax increase to the taxpayers! Tom Horton, vice president of Midwest public affairs for Waste Management Inc., said the language in the state law has created confusion by saying the landfill owner or operator must pay fees to the state but may collect fees from customers.I would say that it’s safe to assume the consumer will pick up the tab and not the profit margins of these companies! SB 449 Introduced by Sen. Roger Kahn (R) on June 15, 2011 uncle to Senator Randy Richardville who by the way voted in favor of this “TAX INCREASE” while seven Republicans voted against it! Keep an eye on your trash bill it’s going up!

Green Energy Mandates by Lansing Legislators Raise Costs, Hinder Growth
Michigan lawmakers should rescind the alternative energy mandate because it kills jobs in the state and has little environmental benefit. Detroit Edison and Consumers Energy will undoubtedly argue that we should stay the course (an argument made easier since they pass on the extra costs through rate increases), given the fact that they were returned to monopoly status in the same package of bills that created the renewable portfolio standard. It is time to deflate the green energy bubble in Michigan before it does even more economic harm.

“If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.”
Thomas Jefferson

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, July, 18, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain

The New International Trade Crossing (NITC), Bridge Debate
More revealing information in regard to the New International Trade Crossing (NITC). Let’s take a look at what happened with the Blue Water Bridge between 1991 and 2010. In 1991, the Michigan Department of Transportation projected a traffic increase of 74 percent during the next 20 years in order to justify the need for the additional span that would cost taxpayers $41.3 million. In reality, traffic actually decreased by 21% during those 20 years.

Furthermore, the federal government was forced to spend another 400 million in taxpayer dollars to pay for a new plaza for the Blue Water Bridge that the feds had engineered poorly. With the possibility of cost overruns such as this example, plus the fact that “Toll Revenues” will not be nearly enough to pay the cost, we the taxpayers should and must be screaming “NO” to this new public private partnership! Remember the definition of a public private partnership is if it makes money it’s private, if it loses money it’s public!

Richardville Looks to Expand Michigan’s $25-million Film Subsidy, Poor Taxpayers!
Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, is working on legislation regarding the film incentives and expects to introduce a bill July 13, the date the Senate returns to session from yet another one of the many breaks (vacations) that they take through the year, must be nice! This is according to Richardville spokeswoman Amber McCann who was groomed and worked for former Governor Granholm! UPDATE:True to his word and facing a re-call hasn’t slowed down this representative from Monroe who has introduced Senate Bill 569 which creates a film production assistance program (Subsidy with a Spin) through which the state would award funds to companies for direct production expenditures and personnel expenses.The trip to the Emmy’s arranged by Linden Nelson of the gang of four must have gotten his “spin juices” flowing to introduce this terrible piece of legislation that will cost taxpayers dearly for the benefit to the film producers!

Richardville Recall Petition Okayed
Wording of a second petition to recall state Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, from office got the go-ahead from the Monroe County Elections Commission Wednesday.

Richardville Votes to Raise Your Trash Pick-Up Fee
Passed in the Senate on June 23, 2011, to increase from 7 cents to 12 cents the per-cubic yard state “tipping fee” tax imposed on dumping in landfills. Don’t you think for one minute it will not raise your trash pick-up bill! The big company’s will just pass this down to the consumer. This is just yet another back-door tax hike on the citizens of Michigan.

Caps lifted on Charter Schools in Ohio and other States Michigan should follow Suit
School choice is not about doing away with public schools, It’s about making them better. The future depends on our children being the best and the brightest in the world. In 2010 Senator Randy Richardville of Monroe voted to limit Charter School expansion here in Michigan! By limiting Charter School expansion with his vote Senator Richardville continues to reward a failed education system that ultimately fails our children and their parents of choice to a better education!

Political Careerists Threaten Freedom, Prosperity
We had our chance in 2010 but chose not to vote out all these public trough feeders! This is an excellent article which helps explain why we as a country and state are in the mess we are now facing!

Planned Parenthood Defunded In New Hampshire
Wisconsin now New Hampshire when is Michigan going to defund Planned Parenthood? New Hampshire lawmakers rejected multiple attempts to defund Planned Parenthood during the 2011 legislative session, voting repeatedly in favor of continuing to fund PPNNE using the state’s federal family planning money. But the Executive Council, which oversees state contracting and generally stays out of hot-button political issues, overturned the decisions of both the state legislature and the Department of Health and Human Services with its 3-2 vote against Planned Parenthood.

Congress Wants Automatic Wage Deductions To Pay Down The Debt
at least a dozen busybody Congressmen sponsored the introduction of HR 2411, the “Reduce America’s Debt Now Act of 2011.” They always come up with fantastic names for these pieces of legislation… and rest assured, the better/more patriotic the name, the more ominous the bill. This one follows the pattern. HR 2411 states that every worker in America should be able to voluntarily have a portion of his/her wages automatically withheld and sent directly to the Treasury Department for the purposes of paying down the federal debt. “Every employer making payment of wages shall deduct and withhold upon such wages any amounts so elected, and shall pay such amounts over to the Secretary of the Treasury…” That’s right. Uncle Sam is so broke that he wants to give all the good little Americans out there the opportunity to contribute an even greater portion of their paychecks to finance government largess.

Homeland Security Officials LIED to Americans and Congress
Newly released records, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, show a series of internal memos from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) saying that the chief counsel in Houston, TX ordered attorneys to review all new and incoming immigration cases and thousands that were already pending and to dismiss any that did not meet the agency’s “top priorities.” This essentially allowed hundreds of illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. Most of these illegal immigrants had been in the United States for years, and just because they didn’t commit any serious crimes, they were allowed to stay. Keep in mind that the latest to enter the Presidential race Thaddeus McCotter voted in favor of this government boondoggle!

The Titanic and the United States
Much like the Titanic that sank on April 15, 1912, the United States stands at a critical juncture in the history of our nation. Few realize it, but, like the Titanic, this nation smashed into a piece of legislation in 1965 that was never asked for or approved by the American public. In 1965, our ‘Captain’ Lyndon B. Johnson along with helmsman Senator Teddy Kennedy drove America into an ‘iceberg’ of massive, unrestricted immigration that opened up the flood gates with the ‘Immigration Reform Act’.

As Executive Pay Soars, Worker Pay Stagnates
Unemployment remains stuck at 9.1 percent, and even those people with jobs are predominantly consumed with a struggle to hang on, rendering upward mobility a fantastical aspiration in many homes. During 2010, while executives at major publicly-traded corporations were enjoying their 28 percent pay boost, the average rank-and-file American worker saw weekly pay increase by less than 1 percent, after accounting for rising prices, according to Labor Department data.

A fondness for power is implanted, in most men, and it is natural to abuse it, when acquired.
Alexander Hamilton

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, July, 11, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain

Have we citizens here in Michigan and across the country lost control of our government? Those we elect as our representatives are elected to serve our wishes and best interest. It appears that this is just not the case. At the federal level we said no to nationalized health care but it’s being slammed down our throats. Here in Michigan we say no to the new International Bridge Crossing with taxpayer money and the Michigan Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley is quoted in the newspaper as saying it will get built!

In Monroe County, The Board of Commissioners questions the Monroe County Road Commissions decision to go ahead with plans to over pay for a building and their concerns fall on deaf ears! The Monroe County Board of Commissioners has no authority over The Monroe County Road Commission and the decisions they make. Where’s the oversight? Who does the Road Commission answer to? It seems they are free to make any and all bad decisions at their discretion!

It’s high time we citizens respond not only in the form of re-calling some of these elected officials but to vote out the ones who do not adhere to our wishes as to send a message to current and future elected officials that if they don’t represent us instead of the special interest and lobbyist they will be gone!


Michigan Film Subsidy Costs Each Michigan Taxpayer
Michigan offers qualified and approved film productions refundable tax credits based on how much they spend in the state to make movies. Since the tax credit is refundable and has little to do with the company’s tax liability, it is effectively a subsidy check from the state treasury (your tax dollars). This policy is nonetheless unfair to taxpayers whose own expenses are not looked upon so favorably by Lansing. Michigan taxpayers should make it perfectly clear to legislators that the Michigan Film Incentive should be eliminated. Our tax dollars would be better spent on our roads!

The Michigan Legislature “needs” more like Representative Dave Agema!
Although I’m not a big fan of the author of this article it illustrates why we need more legislators like Mr. Agema!

Big Government Michigan Republicans Target Justin Amash with Redistricting
The power brokers of Michigan’s Republican Party do not like it one bit when true conservatives are elected. The status quo public trough feeders within the Party will go to any length as to keep “their” little club intact! The 3rd District gets a lot more Democratic since Democrat Mark Schauer’s hometown of Battle Creek is now in District 3 instead of in District 7 (which Schauer lost in 2010). There’s a good possibility we could see Schauer run against Justin Amash in 2012 and he’d have an advantage with the new redistricting. What’s going on here? It’s clear to me that this an attempt by the Big Government Republicans to squeeze out Amash while protecting the 7th District’s Tim Walberg. This is a big deal, folks. You see, the Big Government Republicans took Calhoun county out of the 7th District and put it in Amash’s District 3. Why is this important? Calhoun county swings Democrat and went to Mark Schauer in 2010 and 2008. Before that it went to Democrat Sharon Renier in 2006. This is going to make it a lot more difficult for Justin Amash in 2012.

Additionally, they took Kentwood City (which Justin won handily by 2,200 votes) out of Kent County and put it in the 2nd District. What in the world would they do that for? They also took away Grandville City from him where he won every precinct in the city. Also going to the 2nd District are Wyoming City and Walker City where Amash won convincingly. So basically the Big Government Republicans in our State took a boat load of conservative cities away from Justin Amash and stuck him with a large democratic demographic that includes Calhoun County. My question is, who in Washington is poised to gain from this? Why would they want to squeeze out one of the more truly conservative members of Congress? Finally, how does this redistricting help Michigan?

The proposed map is terrible. Not only for the 3rd District, but it’s also not nearly as helpful to Benishek and Walberg as it could be. The big winners here are the Big Government, Establishment Republicans, Fred Upton and Dave Camp. Fred Upton’s 6th district would lose Leroy Township (Republican leaning) in Calhoun County but gain all of Allegan County (heavily Republican), except for the city of Holland which stays with Bill Huizenga (R) in District 2. Dave Camp gets Clinton county (Republican leaning) from Mike Roger’s 8th District.
Even the Washington Post recognizes that things are going to get a lot tougher for Justin Amash. Click the link below.
A special thanks to Adam Chalmers Campaign for Liberty County Coordinator Southwest Oakland County for his research on this article.

More Jobs Leaving Michigan American Axle Closing Detroit Plant
American Axle and Manufacturing Inc.plan’s to close its manufacturing facility in Detroit as communication with the United Auto Workers (UAW) union broke down. The parties had disagreement over the reduction of compensation for the workers from $45 an hour to $30 an hour. The shutdown will affect 300 hourly and salaried workers at the plant. What a travesty to take a pay cut to $30.00 dollars an hour?

McCotter Announces White House Run
As to muddy the already crowded Republican presidential field Michigan’s Thaddeus McCotter has entered the 2012 field. McCotter is a Congressman from Michigan’s 11th congressional district, serving since 2003. His political career started in 1992 as a Wayne County Commissioner (Detroit) then was elected to the Michigan State Senate in 1998. Mr. McCotter has been “feeding at the public trough” for 20 years! Mr. McCotter also voted in favor of the “Patriot Act”, “Homeland Security”, and just recently voted against Justin Amash’s amendment in favor of Union Institutional Interest see Just One Michigan Republican Votes for Labor Union Monopoly Over Government Construction Work! The media and himself have the gull to call him a conservative! He should not be re-elected to his current seat let alone be elected as President of the United States of America! These political feeders must go!

Are “We The People” Losing Control of Our Government?
Citizens will lose a powerful means of controlling their government if the Michigan Supreme Court allows a lower court decision to stand that limits access to public records. The Freedom of Information Act allows citizens to view what public servants produce with public dollars. Using FOIA, citizens can access almost all government records, including electronic documents such as emails. Most of the time, FOIA is a quiet workhorse of public policy research and journalism. But sometimes it’s at the heart of big news. Kwame Kilpatrick is now the former mayor of Detroit partly because he used public resources to document his misconduct.

Woodward Light-Rail Project Surges Full Speed Ahead
Waste of tax dollars can you say people mover? Detroit has lost a boat load of population along with the rest of Michigan money would be better spent elsewhere like roads!

By Frosty Wooldridge
For 15 years, from the mid 1970s to 1990, I worked in Detroit , Michigan. I watched it descend into the abyss of crime, debauchery, gun play, drugs, school truancy, car-jacking, gangs and human depravity. I watched entire city blocks burned out. I watched graffiti explode on buildings, cars, trucks, buses and school yards. Trash was everywhere! Detroiters walked through it, tossed more into it and just ignored it. Tens of thousands and then, hundreds of thousands today exist on federal welfare, free housing and food stamps! With Aid to Dependent Children, minority women birthed eight to 10 and, in one case, one woman birthed 24 kids as reported by the Detroit Free Press-all on American taxpayer dollars. A new child meant a new car payment, new TV and whatever mom wanted. I saw Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “Great Society” flourish in Detroit. If you give money for doing nothing, you will get more hands out to take money for doing nothing.

Wisconsin Set To Defund Planned Parenthood, Slash Family Planning
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) is expected to sign a budget bill on Tuesday that eliminates state and federal funding from nine of the state’s Planned Parenthood health centers, making Wisconsin the fourth state to defund the family planning provider after Indiana, Kansas and North Carolina did so earlier this year. Michigan needs to follow suit!

545 vs. 300,000,000 People
This is about as clear and easy to understand as it can be. The article below is completely neutral, neither anti-republican nor democrat. Be sure to read the Tax List at the end.

A free people claim their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate.
Thomas Jefferson

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, July, 4, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain

With all the recent filings of re-calls against Republicans here in Michigan in 2011 people are starting to finally question their representation! Just because a legislator runs under a certain party affiliation whether it be one of the two major parties Democrat or Republican doesn’t necessarily mean they will legislate according to the wishes of the electorate they are supposed to represent.

While I can’t speak for those being re-called outside of my District I can about my Representative. Here in Monroe County I have studied the voting record of Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville extensively and found that he doesn’t represent True Conservative Republican Principles, Traditions, and Values that the Republican Party was founded upon!

As a voting Republican for over 35 years I am appalled at what my party has become in relation to it’s founding Principles, Traditions, and Values and the representation I am receiving from my representative! If a Republican legislator chooses to legislate outside of the founding principles of the Party they are supposed to represent then maybe they should be re-called!

Rather than eliminate, Richardville wants to expand Film Subsidy
A newspaper column cited Richardville, R-Monroe, on the film subsidies: “(Richardville) said the $25 million allocated to the state’s film incentive program for new movie projects isn’t enough for the state to remain competitive. He said he’d spend the summer redrafting the program.” It’s a failed program and many others states are eliminating it entirely as to save money and balance their budgets. These subsidies have been complete failures at the taxpayers expense but when a politician like Richardville gets lobbied heavy by the film industry they will spin it which ever way they can to not only keep it going but to expand the subsidy!

Is New International Bridge Crossing an Obama Project?
Read the Windsor Star article (Big Business Pushes U.S. for New Bridge) and make the decision yourself. Can you say to big to fail and bailouts? We the Taxpayer’s bailed out the Auto Companies, Wall Street Banksters and Big Insurance Companies so when the new Bridge Fails to meet it’s obligations through toll revenues or has cost over runs it will also be to big to fail! One paragraph that caught my attention was, “With 750,000 vehicles built in the U.S. exported to Canada and Canadian companies exporting 1.7 million vehicles to the U.S.) John Manley, president of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives said, the export council wants to meet its goal of doubling its exports in the next five years which is way more than we export to Canada! So who’s the winner here? Not the good ole’ USA! Can you say unfair trade advantage?

Richardville only Republican in the Senate on record as supporting the New Bridge
Canada wants the bridge, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler are strongly in favor of the bridge, as are most chambers of commerce and business interests in the Detroit area.The U.S. government and the Obama administration clearly wants the new bridge as well! According to some accounts, Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville (R-Monroe) is the only member of his party in the Senate on record as supporting the New Bridge.

Michigan Senate Passes Changes to State’s Binding-Arbitration Law: “Public Act 312”
Richardville filp fops yet again! Richardville voted against a Bruce Patterson amendment on Senate Bill 1072  in 2010 that would have an arbitrator consider the finances of the community to pay now he votes yes on Senate Roll Call 372  in 2011! Which ever way the wind blows is how Mr, Richardville will vote not what’s in the best interest of the citizens he is supposed to represent! This law PA 312 should have been repealed! For 40 years, PA 312 has been damaging to Michigan’s local units of government. See the facts on Public Act 312.

Fronius USA to move from Michigan to Indiana & Jobs with it
A solar technology company is moving its North American headquarters from Brighton to northwest Indiana. I wonder how much we the taxpayers have given to this company in subsidy’s? This smells like the same thing that happened to Allen Park with that film company where they got a better deal from another city so they pulled up stakes and left Allen Park holding the bag for the property they over paid for to house this company. Indiana has offered much more in hand out’s to Fronius USA to get them to move there but I bet we the taxpayers of Michigan are the losers with whatever tax breaks or dollars were used to lure them to begin with?

Michigan gets C- on Disclosure of Subsidies
Michigan’s latest gambits include one of the nation’s most generous corporate income tax credits for film production and an aggressive play to dominate the emerging automotive battery business for electric cars. In 2009 and 2010, Michigan committed some $800 million in tax credits for battery producers, including $100 million each to six companies or joint ventures, including both established players and start-ups.

Michigan Senate OK’s easing mandatory motorcycle helmet law, Not So Fast!
I’m sure you can read between the lines on this one! Although our glorious Senator Richardville, the self proclaimed conservative was not named in opposing this measure, he did what he always’ does as to protect his voting base. He counts on A B.A.T.E. for support so as not to alienate this organization he see’s that voting against or for doesn’t matter either way at this point. His one vote wouldn’t matter as to the outcome! His Uncle, Senator Roger Kahn of Saginaw, who voted against the overall bill because of safety concerns is heading the opposition!

If you compare Richardville and Kahn voting records you will see they are in lock step on most legislation, it’s all in the family! Has Richardville ever sponsored a helmet-less piece of legislation? I do not believe he has. There may be other reason’s for not following his Uncle’s lead on opposing this legislation and that reason maybe the current re-call he is facing? If he was to publicly oppose this at this time he know’s there are a lot of voting rider’s who would sign the re-call petition when approved!

Those opposing are, Uncle Roger Kahn, Steve Bieda, D-Warren; Darwin Booher, R-Evart; Vincent Gregory, D-Southfield; Goeff Hansen, R-Hart; Morris Hood III, D-Detroit; Jim Marleau, R-Lake Orion; John Moolenaar, R-Midland; Mike Nofs, R-Battle Creek; John Pappageorge, R-Troy; John Proos, R-St. Joseph; Tonya Schuitmaker, R-Lawton; Rebekah Warren, D-Ann Arbor; and Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing. Don’t forget the fact that it appears Gretchen and Randy have a little thing going on in Lansing from the reports I have read! Character matters!–Motorcycle-Helmet-Law/

Fed Cuts its Economic Forecast
How can this be? American’s have been told that the recession was over in 2009, but those of us in the real world know different! Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the drags on the U.S. economy may be worse than previously thought! No surprise here with this statement by clueless Ben who is a puppet to the Big International Banksters. For the Politicians and other elected or appointed officials who are insulated from the real impact of this failed economy this is just a bump in the road unlike the common citizen’s who have and will continue to suffer with lost jobs, lost homes, and lost wealth.

Are We Headed for a Double-Dip Recession?
From Wall Street to Main Street to the presidential campaign trail, fears about the economy show no signs of abating and may actually be growing stronger.

America for Sale: Is Goldman Sachs Buying Your City?
In Chicago, it’s the sale of parking meters to the sovereign wealth fund of Abu Dhabi. In Indiana, it’s the sale of the northern toll road to a Spanish and Australian joint venture. In Wisconsin it’s public health and food programs, in California it’s libraries. It’s water treatment plants, schools, toll roads, airports, and power plants. It’s Amtrak. There are revolving doors of corrupt politicians, big banks, and rating agencies. There are conflicts of interest. It’s bipartisan.

“A government big enough to give you everything you want – is strong enough to take everything you have”.
Thomas Jefferson

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