Archive for November, 2011

The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, November, 14, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

The “Bain Report” will not be published Monday, November, 21st and 28th 2011 for the author of this report will be carrying the message of “Freedom and Liberty” to Michigan’s upper peninsula! The “Bain Report” will continue Monday, December, 5th, 2011.

Opinion By R. Al Bain
Lansing Lawmaker to Offer Measure Extending Term Limits
While I applaud State Representative Rick Olson for proposing a part-time legislature which Michigan should and must have, I do not agree with extending the term limits. With the recent headlines of corruption in the political arena the longer these politicians are in office the more corruptible they become to the lobbyist and special interest.

Being a representative of the people and their wishes is not rocket science. The citizens of Michigan should not have to barter or trade for a part-time legislature. If a part-time legislature was put before the citizens of Michigan in a vote, I have no doubt that it would pass overwhelmingly! If our elected officials in Lansing truly represented the citizens of Michigan they would let this vote come to the people with no riders or strings attached just as a stand alone vote on a part-time legislature period.

To Restore Discipline: Is a No-Confidence Vote and New 2012 Re-Call on Horizon for Richardville?
By Kevin Rex Heine –
It has been confirmed by Tony DeMott (Campaign For Liberty – Michigan) and Dennis Moore (Willow Run Tea Party Caucus) that they are aware of a number of very influential grassroots leaders (including tea party leaders) statewide who are currently discussing the possibility and the mechanics of removing Randy Richardville from his leadership position.  This is primarily as a consequence of his opposition to full, statewide freedom-to-work, as well as a history of votes that appear to be advancing a big government agenda.

Now this isn’t merely a recall campaign, though both Moore and R Al Bain (Monroe County GOP) have confirmed that they are aware of a recall campaign that will start after the turn of the year when the current re-call against Richardville will expire, which will have several tea party groups providing the ground crew for support that the current re-call effort lacked. No, what DeMott and Moore are talking about (among several tea party leaders statewide) is something arguably even more damaging, career-wise, than a recall.

The Republican Senate Caucus of the 96th Michigan Legislature consists of 26 state senators, exactly enough for a numerical 2/3 super-majority.  A mere 14 members of that caucus (the bare minimum for a simple in-caucus majority), if they were to operate in concert, could summarily remove Senator Richardville from his leadership post through the mechanism of a no-confidence vote.  If we are to believe the off-the-record conversations amongst the various organizational leaders within the Michigan Tea Party Patriot Network, then there are no fewer than 18 such senators who would support that move, and vote in the affirmative.  All they need is one of their number to be willing to step up and call for that vote.

A no-confidence vote would immediately remove Richardville from his post as Senate Majority Leader, and the republican caucus would then have to convene and elect a new majority leader.  I have no word on whom is being considered as a replacement.  The advice, I’m told, from the tea party leadership to the senators considering this no-confidence vote is to act quickly.  The recall campaign that is now being organized in the 17th Senate District is going to happen regardless, with or without the vote, and to have Senator Richardville in a leadership post while awaiting a recall vote would not be a good thing.

I say that this is arguably more devastating to Richardville’s career because, should this actually happen, he would be forced to serve out the remainder of his final term in the state senate with every single one of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle knowing that he’s now no more formidable than any other paper tiger.  Of course, if the no-confidence vote is followed by the successful execution of the recall campaign, then the combined two-step removal may serve to end his career in a permanent stain of political, professional, and personal disgrace.

And if that doesn’t send a very clear tea-party-driven message to the rest of the big-government progressives on the republican side of the senate aisle, then I don’t know what will.

Michigan Senate Approves New Film Incentive Plan
Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, a Republican? from Monroe and sponsor of the legislation said, “This legislation vastly improves upon a program that began a few years ago by rewarding those companies that invest in our state and build a long-term presence in Michigan.” The incentives would not be as lucrative as the 42 percent subsidy previously received by film companies working in Michigan. Supporters of the legislation that have been lobbied hard by the industry say incentives would be competitive with most other states. Most states have eliminated movie producer subsidy’s in there entirety! This is nothing more than movie maker welfare at it’s worst with the Michigan Taxpayer’s footing the bill. Can you say picking winners and losers in the business community?

Republican State Representative Paul Scott Recalled by Voters
Paul Scott of Grand Blanc conceded defeat Tuesday in the recall election over his education and budget related votes. Scott will be the first state lawmaker recalled from office in Michigan since 1983. When you have Republicans not adhering to the Principles, Traditions, and Values that the Republican Party was founded upon you will not get the support from the voters. Mr. Scott is not, and should not, be the only Republican in Lansing to be re-called! Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville of Monroe should be the next to go for his advancement of higher taxes, and a bigger government agenda among other issues such as associations with shady characters and lobbyist.

A clear message should be sent by all voters whether it be Democrat or Republican that those elected as to represent we citizens must and will be adhered to or you will pay the political price. The era of telling the voters what they want to hear to get elected is over, then once in office, those concerns fall on deaf ears. It’s high time they represented the citizens who cast their vote for representation instead of the Special Interest, Lobbyist, Party, or the what’s in it for me mentality.

Arizona Voters Recall Senate Republican President Russell Pearce
An Arizona Republican who made his reputation trying to boot illegal immigrants is now being given the boot himself, by voters. Here we have a politician doing the right thing and he gets booted out of office. In Michigan we have his equivalent in Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville who is doing the wrong things and he’s still in office. What’s wrong with this picture? When the voters represent the illegal’s right’s I guess that is the same as the union’s representing a republican in name only!

Forced Unionization Scheme Still Collecting Cash – Lawmakers Mystified
The Service Employees International Union is still receiving “dues” deducted from the checks of the state’s home health care workers. The discovery that a defunded state agency is still transferring money from home health care workers to a government employees union, in spite of the fact that the Legislature’s defunding of the agency was intended to bring the practice to an end.

Rep. Paul Opsommer, R-DeWitt, is the sponsor of Michigan House Bill 4003, legislation designed to prohibit the so-called “forced unionization” despite  Rep. Opsommer’s bill that was passed by the House on June 18, with a 63-46 vote, but it has been stalled in the Senate Committee on Reforms, Restructuring and Reinventing ever since. Senate Appropriations Chair Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw, have been pressing behind the scenes to keep the MQC3 going. The agency’s continued operation has kept the dues flowing to the SEIU. Let’s see, the Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville controls what gets in and out of committee, Senator Roger Kahn is his uncle, and both were sponsors of this forced unionization to begin with and both have received campaign contributions from the SEIU! What’s wrong with this picture? You make the call.

Inflated Jobs Numbers Cost Michigan Taxpayers $7.7 Million
Yet more waste reported from the Michigan Economic Growth Authority (MEDC) as General Motors and Ford inflated the number of jobs their companies would retain when accepting tax incentives from the state and collected an estimated $7.7 million for “phantom” jobs from 2006 to 2008.

Energy Conversion Devices: Laying off 500, Suspending Manufacturing
Here’s yet another example of the failed MEDC to Michigan Taxpayers! This company has received generous subsidies from the state of Michigan. This seems to be a growing pattern of wasting taxpayer dollars by picking winners and losers in the business community with Michigan’s taxpayers the real losers!

Ventower Among 54 Firms State will Subsidize to Help Build Business
Ventower Industries, the wind-power tower manufacturer­ in Monroe, is among 54 small and mid-size companies around Michigan to receive business development support through the Pure Michigan Business Connect Economic Gardening Pilot Program. The company received a $2.3 million grant and $1.2 million Taxpayer loan last year from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and also received a $16.5 million incentive package that included loans from the EPA and the U.S. Small Business Administration. This is another “Solyndra” in the making!$3-billion-initiative-invests-in-Michigan-businesses/

New Bridge to Canada “WILL BE” Built, Governor Snyder Says
Governor Rick Snyder two weeks ago suggested “a cooling-off period” after his bridge proposal went down in defeat in a state Senate committee. Well, Snyder said at a session in Ottawa with Canadian officials that “we are continuing our process in a relentless fashion.”Wednesday on prospects for building a new bridge to Canada, saying he expects action on the project in the next few months, not the next few years. Snyder also stated, “But I can tell you this case study will have a happy ending, that we will get a bridge built.” He also stated along with the backers of the bridge project that state taxpayers would be entirely off the hook in any event. So who covered the expenses for his trip to Ottawa for the session in with Canadian officials? I’ll tell you, We the taxpayers that’s who! So it isn’t entirely true that we will be off the hook we’re already on it!

U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms
Could this be the reason for Governor Snyder’s recent China trade mission trip? You make the call.

“Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people”
Thomas Jefferson

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, November, 7, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain
Will our elected officials ever wake up to the fact that the size and scope of all governments and the failed programs, whether it be at the local, state, or federal level’s must be and should be downsized and eliminated. Personally I don’t think they will until we as a voting public stop electing politicians who do not adhere to our wishes. We have tried over the years and continue to elect these same one’s into office expecting a different result that’s just not going to happen.

We have the Bridge issue that is not dead by any stretch of the imagination, the Movie Producer subsidy’s along with many others. Here in Monroe County the township of Bedford continues to push for a separate road tax for their residents when they have clearly baulked at the idea. What happens if the good Governor gets his proposed vehicle registration fee “TAX” and a revamp of the gas “TAX” which will not benefit the motorist and you can take that to the bank! If it was in our best interest they wouldn’t propose it.

So if this latest proposal goes through along with the separate road taxes for townships, cities, and counties and the wholesale price of gas goes up, which we know they will, you better hold onto your wallets because I see a boat load of new taxes on the horizon for Michigan’s taxpayer’s.

This can all be solved without these heavy burdens of extra taxation bestowed onto the taxpayers of Michigan by cutting out failed government programs, a part-time legislature, and making sure the tax dollars allocated for roads are spent for roads and not diverted for other state spending such as on October 20, 2009, the Senate passed House Bill 5073, Senate Roll Call 539 to transfer road tax money to other purposes.

This reduced the amount of infrastructure project spending from the transportation economic development fund by $12 million in the Fiscal Year that ended Sept. 30, 2009, and another $12 million in the next fiscal year of 2010. The vote was 37 in favor, 0 against! This is where the money will go from this latest proposal.
It’s the same old “shell games” being played over and over by our politicians in Lansing at the expense of the taxpayers.

Canada’s Federal Government Assail’s Michigan Bridge Vote
Federal transportation minister Denis Lebel has already spoken with Michigan’s Gov. Rick Snyder and confirmed the bridge project remains a top priority for the state’s leader despite the setback. What part of “NO” does the nerd not understand? Mark Butler, a spokesman for Transport Canada said, “The minister will be meeting with Governor Snyder in Ottawa in the near future to discuss the next steps for the project.” There have also been suggestions Senate Majority Floor Leader Randy Richardville (R – Monroe), who also supports the project, may take control by moving a new bill to his own senate government operations committee of which he is chairman.

New Detroit-Windsor Bridge May Not Need Legislative Approval
Yogi Berra said it best, it ain’t over till it’s over! Lt. Governor Brian Calley was quoted as saying that there are other ways to authorize the construction of a new bridge connecting Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, in the event the Legislature does not pass the bills the Snyder administration has proposed. He also stated publicly that “This Bridge will Happen”.

The Value of Movie Tax Incentives or the Lack there of!
Michigan’s dire economy and generous film incentives make it an extreme case. Report showed the benefit provided almost no net income for the state. The state slashed spending on corrections, education and human services. At the same time, it doled out tens of millions of dollars in tax credits–$48 million in 2008, $68 million in 2009 and an estimated $155 million in fiscal 2011.

Allen Park Deficit Reduction Plan Passed, Layoffs Pending
Is this a look at our future here in Michigan with a majority of our municipalities in the state? It may very well be. Although Allen Park made a huge error in judgement severely over paying for a piece of property by millions of taxpayer dollars as to house a movie studio in the hope of creating much needed jobs and boosting it’s revenue coffers, with this economic climate many other communities will face a similar fate.

State of Michigan Looks at Pop Tax
Ronald Reagan was once quoted on taxation that the Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Here in Michigan with our budget deficits we can subsidize Hollywood Producers, Michigan International Speedway, Tourism Industry, Green Energy, Electric Car Battery Manufactures, and a host of other private industry’s that have proven to be complete and total failures for return on investment to the taxpayers. So what do our glorious legislators come up with? A “TAX” on pop as a possible budget fix!

Whirlpool Corp. to Eliminate More than 5,000 Jobs
The Benton Harbor, Mich., company, whose brands include Amana, KitchenAid and Maytag, has struggled to increase U.S. sales and profit against persistently high unemployment, tight credit conditions and falling real estate values that have left consumers reluctant to make investments in their homes.

Economists Bleak about US Economy
Fewer U.S. companies expect to hire new workers in coming months, as business economists grow increasingly pessimistic about the overall economy’s growth in the coming year. Nearly 85 percent of economic experts surveyed expect the economy to grow at a meager 2 percent or less over the next 12 months, according to the National Association for Business Economists. In July only 23 percent of the survey’s respondents predicted such slow growth.

State Lawmakers Are Making Sure You Can’t Repeal Their Laws
In Michigan, voters are allowed to overturn laws they don’t like. This is how it works: you try and get enough signatures to get a referendum to repeal the law on a ballot. If a majority of voters vote against the law… it’s repealed. But there’s a catch: laws that have appropriations attached to them cannot be repealed by voters. Just this week, Michigan Radio reported on a proposal that would drastically alter the state’s no-fault auto insurance law. The House proposal includes a $50,000 appropriation that protects the measure from a voter-led ballot initiative. This is the fourth time this year Republican lawmakers at the state Capitol have added appropriations to a controversial bill to keep it referendum-proof. If you’re a voter who does not think that anything the legislature does should ever be challenged, I guess you would consider [this] not too terribly important. But, if you do think that [the right to vote against a law in a referendum] should be preserved… then you might find the whole thing to be a little devious.

Will Dropouts Save America?
The writer’s observation is SPOT ON!! We’ve been sold the idea that college education is for everyone who can afford it. Well, now we have a nation with over $1 Trillion in student loan debt that most likely the majority will never be repaid; and the dropouts and self-educated will be forced to pay it through higher taxes and inflation. We diluted our manufacturing talent and the idea of apprenticeship. Once again, Federal intervention in education has failed miserably.

FOX 2’s Charlie LeDuff Digs into Turkia Mullin’s Past
Charlie LeDuff has been doing some digging into Mullin’s past and discovered some problems that could come back to haunt her. He’s also learned that the feds have been investigating Robert Ficano, his friends and honeypot contracts in Wayne County for over two years. Click on the video player to watch his report.

There are two way’s to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt.
John Adams

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