Archive for October, 2011

The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, October, 31, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain
“Snyder’s Road Fee “TAX” Proposal Bad Idea for Taxpayers”
We all need to “share” in the “sacrifice” for our state including our elected officials. So I say, make our legislature part-time and allocate the savings to the roads and bridges. That would be way more money than the current proposal. The burden of overtaxing the citizenry has to stop. How creative are our politicians in Lansing when they use words like fee, surcharge, millage, as to describe a “TAX HIKE”?

On October 20, 2009, the Senate passed House Bill 5073, Senate Roll Call 540 to transfer road tax money to other purposes. This reduced the amount of infrastructure project spending from the transportation economic development fund by $12 million in the Fiscal Year that ended Sept. 30, 2009, and another $12 million in the next fiscal year of 2010. The vote was 37 in favor, 0 against! This is where the money will go from this latest proposal.

At least one true conservative representative of the citizens of Michigan, Rep. David Agema (R) offered an Amendment on October 27, 2009, as to not divert the money from road projects to other state spending. The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on October 27, 2009. This is yet another reason for “voice votes” to be entered into the legislative journal so the citizens can see who voted. Currently voice votes are a mystery to the citizens for they are not required to be entered into the journal.

Michigan Legislators Wrong on Film Subsidy’s: Box Office Numbers Depressed
Not only is it wrong for taxpayers to subsidize the Movie Industry with Film Producer subsides, box office numbers are way down and the once thriving movie theaters are closing there doors at an alarming rate. The web site dedicated to everything about movies has stated as much. I’m really concerned about how soft things are,” a panicked and unnamed longtime studio executive told Nikki Finke about the depressed box office numbers. I’m sitting here looking at grosses and I’m concerned for the industry. With this being said why would Michigan legislators even consider raising the film producer subsidy from the current $25 million cap to $100 million? They should be actively consider eliminating it in it’s entirety in the best interest of Michigan taxpayers.

Should Michigan Taxpayers Have Been Forced to Spend $30 Million on ‘Iron Man 3’
While Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, implied Gov. Rick Snyder’s administration made a mistake in losing Iron Man 3, the Mackinac Center for Public Policy’s James Hohman says politicians should have much higher priorities for state tax dollars. Sen. Richardville also said negotiations for film tax incentives were ongoing to bring a Steven Spielberg movie to Michigan.

The taxpayers of Michigan are the winners by not getting this movie! Senator Richardville’s name appears 7 times in an article in regard to not getting the “Iron Man 3” movie along with the names of the movies producers who have been lobbying him! They took him to the Emmy’s this year with an all expenses paid trip. Richardville is making the Republicans look bad with his comments. With his statements in this article looks to me like pandering to the Democrats and the Unions if you read the comments! Why has he become the spokesperson for the Michigan Film Office? Is it because of the lobbying by these movie producers, campaign donations by them, or even some sort of kickback or promise of help in the future as to further his political career? You make the call!

Is Steven Spielberg Coming to Michigan for Filming?
The possibility was mentioned by Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville (R-Monroe) during an interview this week with WXYT-AM (1270) host Charlie Langton. Richardville stated after the Bridge “NO VOTE” that he was moving on stating we have more important business! It would appear that Senate Bill 569 which Richardville introduced on July, 13, 2011 to revise the state film incentive program is now his top priority, converting it into a straightforward subsidy program rather than an indirect one, with awards of up to 30 percent of the expenses a film producer incurs in Michigan. Reportedly the bill’s sponsor wants to increase the subsidies from $25 million already appropriated in 2012 to $100 million annually.

This bill hasn’t even gotten out of committee and Richardville was quoted by WWJ-TV as saying that negotiations with Governor Rick Snyder’s administration to base the production in Michigan. What’s there to negotiate there is supposed to be a $25 million cap of this taxpayer funded subsidy! According to the Michigan Film Office of Michigan the taxpayer pot for this subsidy is about dry. That’s why the film “Iron Man 3” left for another state willing to spend more of the taxpayers money on yet another wasteful program. We sure have a “Dandy” in Randy as our so-called leader in the Republican controlled senate don’t we?

The Bridge and Film Producer subsidy’s are nothing more than a continuation of former Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm’s agenda and not Republican principled! We have all seen the video “Government Gone Wild” maybe his movie producer buddies can make one called “Politician Gone Wild With Taxpayer Monies” staring Senator Randy Richardville in the lead. How much more damage can this guy do before he is term limited in 2014? The script is still being written!

Robert Ficano, Turkia Mullin and the Tooth Fairy
This whole corruption is costing not only Detroit and Wayne County in tax dollars but all the citizens of Michigan as well! This is local, county, state, and federal tax dollars directly and indirectly. This article explains how this circle of corruption works and just some of the players. What the article doesn’t explain is how the players in Lansing play a major role!

Ficano Suspends Plan that Paid Political Appointees to Quit
Only because he got caught with his hand in the taxpayer cookie jar! Let’s see, first he defends the severance deal, then after talking to Turkia Mullin with the heat on, it’s supposedly getting returned. Why defend it in the first place? The call to end the severance program came a day after the FBI served subpoenas on Wednesday at Wayne County offices at the Guardian Building in downtown Detroit. Among other things, the FBI is investigating a $200,000 severance to former economic development director Turkia Mullin and a nonprofit connected to her that paid her a $75,000 bonus. Ficano and many other political figures here in Michigan were all groomed by the corrupt Coleman Young,  Edward (Fast Eddie) McNamara machine! Those two may be gone but the corruption lives on.–Government-is-in-%C3%ABcrisis%C3%AD-amid-new-severance-disclosure

Sun Not Shining on State Solar Subsidies
In 2009, then-Gov. Jennifer Granholm touted the $725 million Wixom renewable energy park project as “symbolic for Michigan in what we’re going to become.” The new solar power companies were supposed to create 4,000 jobs in a closed auto assembly plant and provide a vivid example of Michigan’s economic transition from automobiles to green energy. In return the state approved a $100 million tax credit. Energy Conversion Devices and United Solar Ovonics are affiliated companies that have been approved for state tax credits for four different projects that were supposed to add about 5,700 jobs. Both companies announced layoffs this year. But, they received the taxpayers money and no 4,000 jobs!

Consumers Most Negative on U.S. Economy Outlook Since Recession
The Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index’s monthly expectations gauge dropped to minus 45, the worst reading since February 2009. A volatile stock market, little hiring and a lack of wage gains are souring Americans’ moods, raising the risk that the consumer spending that accounts for 70 percent of the economy will slump. The report is indicative of the sour mood of the American public. The American public now expect economic conditions to deteriorate further.

Liberal Mitt’s Greatest Hits: What Romney Doesn’t Want You to See
Strange how he says almost the opposite of each thing now. Very strange. Romney is in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens!!!! Romney also believes in the man made global warming hoax. Wake up Republicans, you’re about elect a RINO, Big Time.

GOP Risks Tea Party Revolt with Romney Candidacy
The GOP could face a revolt from within its “Tea Party” grassroots base if it nominates an establishment candidate without true conservative, anti-big government values. It’s a real possibility because the tea party folks and the Republican conservatives and social conservatives and others are very apprehensive of Mitt Romney and they don’t feel he is really one of them!

Medicare Premiums Set to Go Up! Per ObamaCare!
The per person Medicare insurance premium will increase from the present monthly fee of $96.40, rising to: $104.20 in 2012; $120.20 in 2013; And $247.00 in 2014. These are provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to ‘confuse’ the 2012 re-election campaigns. Send this to all seniors that you know, so they will know who’s throwing them under the bus. REMEMBER THIS IN NOVEMBER 2012 & VOTE!

“It is rare that the public sentiment decides immorally or unwisely, and the individual who differs from it ought to distrust and examine well his own opinion.”
Thomas Jefferson

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, October, 24, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain
High levels of inequality among citizens and the political elite may it be at the local, county, state, or federal levels have created a fire storm of discontent. I think it reinforces the disconnect and mistrust that exists between Michigan citizens and the representatives they elect to “serve” them and rightly so. Do you have a community of insiders that has a hammerlock on their share of the public resources? I think the answer is yes.

Sure politicians will pander to those they would represent by holding town hall meetings, taking phone calls, accepting emails, and publicly claiming that they hear your concerns, but in the end, it’s what’s in the best interest of themselves, their campaign contributors, their party, and their political friends who can further their political careers. Being a civil servant and performing ones’s civic duty for those citizens who they are supposed to represent take a back seat to the above examples.

So for those citizens who believe this scenario to be true what’s the answer, what’s the solution, how do we as a citizenry make the necessary change’s? I would suggest for starter’s that we have a part-time legislature, shorter term limits, and salary-benefit package’s on par with the common citizens these elected officials represent. As for those politicians who say term limits are the problem because they don’t have enough time to get the job done, I say, get a job in the private sector and see how that excuse works out for you!

To those politicians who say we wouldn’t be able to attract the best and brightest minds I say it’s not rocket science. We citizens have to run our household budget’s and we only spend what we can afford as to make ends meet. We cannot go to our employer and say I need a raise because I overspent my budget. But all to often these politicians who “we elect” have no concept because it’s not their money! The answer to them is to raise taxes in one form or another either a direct or indirect increase from the taxpaying citizens.

“Recent Bridge NO Vote in Lansing a WIN for Michigan Taxpayers”
Myself and I’m sure many Conservative Republicans here in Michigan would like to give a special “THANK YOU” to those true Republicans who voted against this boondoggle! These Republicans represented not only the wishes of the citizens but have adhered to the principles, traditions, and values that the Republican Party was founded upon in favor of those they represent!

Those who claim this wouldn’t have cost the taxpayers it already has in more way’s than one! There have been studies done and that have been outsourced to former Democrat Governor Jim Blanchard among other’s and spending at taxpayer expense for this proposed boondoggle.

In regard to Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville R?-Monroe this should show all the Republicans he is not only “No Conservative” but show his fellow Republicans in the House and Senate he is truly a “RINO”! What he did by getting his Democrat buddy Tupac Hunter to introduce a substitute bill at the last minute to the committee speaks volumes! It’s good to see true Republicans prevailed on this issue.

Ficano Apologizes Over Severance Scandal
Can you say try to cover one’s own ass at the cost of others? Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano suspended his second in command and top lawyer Friday and fired another aide as part of the fallout from the scandal over $224,500 in severance benefits paid to another aide, Turkia Awada Mullin. Last week Bob Ficano defended the severance package to new Metro Airport czar Turkia Mullin. Now with the heat on, Ficano apologizes, disciplines aides over severance scandal only after he got caught with his hand in the taxpayer cookie jar! The only thing this apology tells me is that he’s sorry he got caught! I’m sure his fellow corrupted Wayne County and Michigan elected officials including those in Lansing advised him to do was get the heat off. These other cronies also have their hand in the taxpayer cookie jar and don’t want their hand cut off.

More Answers Sought in $200,000 Payout to Metro Airport’s CEO
This rabbit hole of corruption goes way beyond Kwame Kilpatrick and Wayne County! It’s continues all the way to Lansing with some of our current and former elected officials there as well. Kickbacks, Campaign Contributions, and Special Favors for legislation introduced and or passed seem to be the norm.

FBI to Investigate $200,000 Wayne County Severance Deal
The FBI has begun an investigation into the $200,000 severance payment that new Detroit Metro Airport CEO Turkia Awada Mullin received when she left her post as Wayne County’s economic development czar. Certain politicians and business entities and a tangled weave involving many aspects will require United States Attorney Barbara McQuade the biggest shovel as to unearth this corruption all the way to Lansing!

Michigan State Government Brings in More Money from Taxes and Fees
High unemployment, job losses, and with census data released for 2011 showing Michigan was the only state to lose population what does this really say? But consider this: fully 24% of all private sector job losses nation-wide occurred in Michigan during this time period. So with Michigan’s job loss tsunami and less people paying taxes how could this be that more revenue has come in? In my mind this means that those of us citizens that our still living here in Michigan and working must be paying more in taxes and fees!

“Occupy Wall Street” Protest not a Left or Right, Democrat or Republican Issue
While reading all the post of opinions on the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrators and while trying to decipher what this is all about I ran across a video, although from MSNBC, it gives a different perspective of what their complaints are. It would seem that not all of these demonstrators are whiners and expecting something for nothing but may very well have legitimate concerns? This protest is not a left or right, Democrat or Republican issue. As with any grassroots organization not all are on the same page! The interview with William K. Black an Associate Professor of Economics and Law proves to be insightful to the real issue! Black’s most recent published work, “The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One,” released in 2005, was hailed by Nobel-winning economist George A. Akerlof as “extraordinary.”

Amtrak Subsidies
Amtrak made statewide news recently with its announcement that it has set ridership records in Michigan. But one frequent critic of rail transit says that isn’t necessarily a good thing. If someone were to purchase an Amtrak ticket for a Nov. 7 trip from Detroit to Chicago and then return the same day, the cost would be $32 each way, or $64 round trip. But Cox cites a 2008 study by the Pew Charitable Trusts that reports Amtrak lost $55 per rider on each leg of the Detroit-Chicago route. Cox says that’s $110 per roundtrip that taxpayers subsidized in 2008.

Civil Forfeiture, Corruption, Government , Law Enforcement, & Theft
Imagine you own a million-dollar piece of property free and clear, but then the federal government and local law enforcement agents announce that they are going to take it from you, not compensate you one dime, and then use the money they get from selling your land to pad their budgets—all this even though you have never so much as been accused of a crime, let alone convicted of one.

Lowe’s Closes Stores, Lays off 1,950 Workers
How could this be the government told us the recession was officially over in 2009! Lowe’s Cos Inc is closing 20 of its U.S. locations and eliminating nearly 2,000 jobs, and the home improvement retailer is slashing its store-opening plans to improve profitability. Lowe’s, which operates about 1,700 stores in the United States, said on Monday that it had closed 10 on Sunday and would close another 10 within a month.

Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.
John Adams

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, October, 17, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain
As I have wrote in past opinion’s that we as Republican Delegate’s, Activist, and Conservative Voters have little say in the direction that the Republican Party takes which has ultimately been left up to the power brokers of the party. This is not how it’s supposed to be! The power brokers of the party will throw the afore mentioned a bone and tell them what they want to hear as a pacifier to garner their vote as to retain power and control. Once that power is firmly in place what meat that might have been on that bone is long gone!

As a people we are supposed to be governed from the bottom up, but clearly we are being dictated to from the top down! They seem to pit the people against themselves to accomplish their goals and agendas that are not in the best interest of the citizens as a whole no matter what party affiliation. The king makers of both major party’s have the voting citizens right where they want them while they do what’s best for themselves versus the very citizens they are supposed to represent.

It’s all about cronyism within the political elitist club and partiality to long standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications. Hence, cronyism is contrary in practice and principle to meritocracy. This would clearly explain why the Republican Party of Michigan endorsed Pete Hoekstra for the U. S. Senate seat even though his voting record of over 18 years has proven to be part of the problem not the solution! How much longer will we as voting citizens continue to vote for the same one’s over and over again expecting a different result that just isn’t going to happen?

On Tuesday a top GOP official bundler, elitist, and fundraising queen Georgette Mosbacher told reporters, “We know who will be our nominee.” Mitt Romney. She continued, Quite frankly, the enthusiasm wasn’t there at the outset. He’s less conservative than a lot of us would like. I guess we our wasting our time and efforts and elections are no longer required because the power brokers and elitist have already made up our minds for us?

Let’s take another look at the Career Republican in Name Only Elitist we elect and how they rationalize what’s in their best interest versus the one’s they are supposed to represent. Limit Lawmaker Benefits with Exceptions versus New Pension Tax: Tell me what is the difference between taxing the pensions of those who have retired or are ready to retire and the following statement issued by Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville (R) Monroe. “We’re not going to go retroactively and take things away from people that they’ve earned and was part of the package that they signed up for,” Republican Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville said. Under current law, former legislators who have served six years get full health coverage beginning at age 55. Where’s the shared sacrifice here? Don’t forget these politicians do part-time work for full-time pay! This gives a whole new meaning to Civic Duty or should I say thievery!

Bridge Legislation Built on Shaky Claims of Federal Billions and Cronyism
On and above the fact that the Michigan government has absolutely no business in the bridge business the taxpaying citizens want no part of this! Polls from the proponent side claim they do and we know how these polls can be manipulated. The question should be who stands to gain. The players are certain politicians and business entities and a tangled weave involving many aspects. Let’s take a look at a few of these players and entities shall we and how they weave together.

Let’s start with Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville of Monroe. He has introduced two Senate Bills in regard to this new bridge. On June 7, 2011 Senate Bill 411, to revise the state road tax allocation law to accommodate the authority proposed by Senate Bill 410 to build a new bridge between Detroit and Windsor (the “Detroit River International Crossing” or “New International Trade Crossing,” a.k.a. “DRIC” or “NITC”). Then on July 13, 2011 Senator Randy Richardville introduced Senate Bill 569 to revise the state film incentive program, converting it into a straightforward subsidy program rather than an indirect one, with awards of up to 30 percent of the expenses a film producer incurs in Michigan. Reportedly the bill’s sponsor wants to increase the subsidies from $25 million already appropriated in 2012 to $100 million annually.

Many will say what does Michigan’s film producer subsidy have to do with the new bridge? This is where it get’s interesting! Remember the “Gang of Four” of the Michigan Film Credit Secrets? One of the four is John Rakolta CEO of the huge construction company Walbridge formerly Walbridge Aldinger who’s wife’s sister Ronna Romney was married to Mitt Romney’s brother, Scott. Enter new Metro Airport Czar Turkia Mullin of the $200,000 shady severance fiasco and allegedly having a cozy relationship with John Rakolta. According to a source within Wayne County government Rakolta then forced Wayne Co. exec Bob Ficano to fire Wayne Co. Economic Development Director Mulu Birru and replace him with his cozy friend Turkia. Once Turkia becomes czarina, Walbridge wins the $220 million for the new Wayne County Jail.

Not only does John Rakolta stand to gain from his role in the movie producer subsidy, but maybe in the construction of the new bridge as well? Will be interesting to see if this bridge goes through who all the contractors and subcontractors are going to be on that new bridge project, kind of reminds me of the Kilpatrick, Betty, and the Bobby Furgeson arrangement. Least we forget about the alleged relationship Richardville had with former convicted union boss Walter Ralph Mabry, the former leader of the 20,000-member Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters union, who pleaded guilty to taking kickbacks in connection with Mabry’s position as head of the union and chairman of the board of trustees of the Carpenters’ Pension Trust Fund.

It is alleged that Richardville, who accepted campaign contributions from the Carpenters Union was said to have arranged meetings with lawmakers at the request of the Carpenters Union in which Mr. Mabry headed, the top political figure in Lansing invited lawmakers with positions of influence on key committees to meet with Mr.Mabry in casual settings in Detroit.

O.K., let’s review or connect the dots. Richardville is lobbied hard by the “Gang of Four” for the movie producer subsidy legislation with a trip to the Emmy’s in Hollywood, Richardville has alleged connections to a convicted former union boss by arranging meetings of lawmakers with positions of influence on key committees to meet with Mr.Mabry, and don’t forget the trip to the big race at the Daytona 500 for the duel Michigan International Speedway subsidy. United States Attorney Barbara McQuade will need the biggest shovel as to unearth this corruption!

Wayne County, Turkia Mullin Severance Fiasco, by the Numbers
Michigan’s largest county, Wayne, is embroiled in a major severance package problem. In a county riddled with high unemployment andwelfare woes, Turkia Mullin, former development exec transferred to a job as CEO of Detroit Metro Airport with a huge bonus. Here’s a look at that severance fiasco, by the numbers.

No ‘Iron Man 3’ movie for Michigan, Richardville comments making Republican’s look Bad
The taxpayers of Michigan are the winners by not getting this movie! Senator Richardville’s name appears 7 times in this article along with the names of the movies producers who have been lobbying him! They took him to the Emmy’s this year with an all expenses paid trip. Richardville is making the Republicans look bad with his comments. With his statements in this article looks to me like pandering to the Democrats and the Unions if you read the comments! Why has he become the spokesperson for the Michigan Film Office? Is it because of the lobbying by these movie producers, campaign donations by them, or even some sort of kickback or promise of help in the future as to further his political career? You make the call!

Re-Hired By City Government For One Day, Receives $158K Pension
This is similar to Monroe Sheriff Tilman Crutchfied getting his retired buddy the former Monroe Police Chief hired back after retirement. He gets retirement from county then receives a new salary plus another pension when he retires again! Can you say double dipping the taxpayer’s, cronyism?

Democratic Governor Says ‘No’ to Obamacare Exchange; Snyder Administration Says ‘Yes’
Arkansas Democratic Governor Mike Beebe “is unlikely to seek a $3.8 million grant to research how to establish a health insurance exchange for Arkansas because several top Republican lawmakers have told him they oppose the plan.”  The Snyder administration plans to apply for what appears to be the same kind of federal grant by the end of this week. Health care policy expert Ed Haislmaier of the Heritage Foundation told Michigan Capital Confidential last week that these grants come with strings attached that increasingly commit the state to creating an Obamacare exchange.

Durant Says GOP Establishment Didn’t Want Him to Challenge Hoekstra
No surprise there! The good ole’ boy’s club in Lansing doesn’t want independent thinkers outside of their status quo! When I ran for state senate in 2010 they wouldn’t list me on the state republican party web site because they were backing their incumbent! That should tell a story in and of itself!

Bachmann: Anti-right-to-work Senate candidate a ‘real conservative’?
GOP presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann endorsed former Rep. Pete Hoekstra in the Michigan GOP Senate primary, despite Hoekstra’s close ties with the Teamsters union and his ardent opposition of state-level and national Right to Work laws.

Costly Union Worker Special Favor Barely Survives With Help of Two Michigan Republicans
Even though the vast majority of American construction workers do not belong to a labor union, federal government policy discriminates against these workers when awarding government construction projects. An attempt to put a stop to this took place on Feb. 19 in the U.S. House of Representatives, but the attempt failed on a tie vote of 210-210. Two Michigan Republicans were amongst the 26 GOP “no” voters who could have broken the tie and won the vote for the“yes” side. All of the 210 “yes” votes were Republicans. The amendment had no Democrat support. The two Republicans from Michigan that voted “no” were Candice Miller, R-Harrison Twp., and Thad McCotter, R-Livonia.

Oak Park Officials Consider Ban On Eating While Driving
We just knew this stuff was going to happen when the Text Messaging Ban while driving was implemented. When you allow government legislators to hack away at your freedoms and liberty’s one by one it will never stop! The smoking ban has advanced to beaches, reporting your children’s weight, next will be cell phone usage. Wonder when they will legislate what day’s you can have sex on? This is all way to much government and not it’s intent!  Oak Park officials say they will consider adding an explicit ban on eating while driving when they revisit a local distracted driver ordinance related to texting behind the wheel.

Solar Panels Don’t Work And No One Knows
Solar panels do not work that well. Often far below expectations. And few know it. Not the owners who depend on power. Not the bankers who finance it. Not the brokers who insure it. And not the government agencies who subsidize it. But if we who love solar and alternative energy do not put our house in order, those who believe solar is some kind of government-funded shell-game will do it for us. This would be a disaster for our country.

“It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
Henry Ford

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, October, 10, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain
In the movie “The Patriot” Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson) at the South Carolina Assembly stated “Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man’s rights as easily as a King can”. Read The first order of business at the South Carolina Assembly in 1776. There are many parallels to what is happening today with the representation we as a people are receiving! They are at the local, county, state, and federal levels of representation. If you add up all representation from local, county, state, and the federal levels three thousand tyrants sounds about right.

Another way to look at this parallel is why should I vote for a representative that doesn’t represent the wishes of the people? It’s not about Democrat or Republican it’s about who best will represent the American people and it’s Constitution. I personally will not vote for the worst of two evils any longer! Nor will I vote for the sake of party! As a Republican do I think things would have been any different if John McClain were elected? I don’t think so! We as Conservative Republicans can no longer afford to vote for representation just because someone has an (R) after their name. We have seen all to often the many Republicans in name only that have won with the help of our vote that isn’t in our best interest as Conservative Republicans. It’s time we make a stand and demand better representation out of our elected officials!

Michigan Senate Votes to Limit Lawmaker Benefits with Exceptions
How absurd is this? Where’s the shared sacrifice? What else would we citizens expect out of our elected officials but the same old status quo. This is right back to picking winners and losers. The winners are the career politicians who have been in office for more than 6 years and the losers are everyone else! Tell me what is the difference between taxing the pensions of those who have retired or are ready to retire and the following statement issued by Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville (R) Monroe. “We’re not going to go retroactively and take things away from people that they’ve earned and was part of the package that they signed up for,” Republican Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville said. How many people that planned for retirement didn’t have a clue that their pension would be taxed until the rules were changed after the fact? Unless your a senior who was exempted at the last minute because these elected politicians realized that senior’s are the one’s who vote! The retiree benefit bill is House Bill 4087. Reportedly, This means 36 out of 38 Senators would still get the benefit, plus 14 out of 109 currently in the House. Under current law, former legislators who have served six years get full health coverage beginning at age 55. Where’s the shared sacrifice here? Don’t forget these politicians do part-time work for full-time pay! This gives a whole new meaning to Civic Duty!

Michigan’s Film Subsidy Welfare Program Taxpayer’s Beware!
If it’s not bad enough that Michigan’s economy has been suffering for years through job loses, home foreclosures, and the loss of tax revenue from population decreases we have some legislators who are hell bent on not only keeping the Film Producer Subsidy’s but to increase it as well! This idea is not in the best interest to Michigan and or it’s taxpaying citizen’s! Along with other subsidy’s and failed program’s this should and must be eliminated. Example of this failed film subsidy would be if George Clooney came and filmed a movie in your Michigan Town would you like the idea of paying $420 of his bill If Clooney shoots his movie in your town and spends $1,000 on catering in a local restaurant? I wouldn’t! This subsidy is just the tip of the iceberg and there are many other’s. Take Michigan International Speedway as another one. Why should we as Michigan Taxpayer’s be subsidizing this private entity with our tax dollars? We shouldn’t!

Governor Synder, Richardville Not On Same Page
Richardville wants to expand subsidy’s for Movie Producer’s, Synder wanted to cap them! Richardville has been lobbied hard by the elitist of this industry as reported in the “Bain Report”! See Richardville Favors Hollywood Filmmaker Friends Over Constituents Now enter stage right or should I say “Left” Sen. Randy Richardville, the leader of the Michigan Senate. Two weeks ago he broke with his boss, the governor, by surprisingly embracing Right to Work for teachers but “NOT” Right to Work for the whole state! Since last February the senator has been working to lure the Disney and Marvel Film companies to make movies in Pontiac at the new Raleigh Studios. A guy named “Michael Moore” is president. Maybe you’ve heard of him? Anyway, the “deal” was well on its way to consummation. With the cap in place at $25 million the producers said, “That’s not enough, I guess that is your last best offer. We’ll go someplace else.” I say good riddance! Michigan taxpayers can’t afford it!

All Michigan Taxpayers on the Hook for Wayne County Corruption
As a taxpaying citizen of Michigan don’t think for one minute that you are exempt from Detroit and Wayne County corruption even if you don’t work or live there! It’s not just the past corruption of the Coleman Young administration or the Kwame Kilpatrick administration it’s the current administration as well! Recent news regarding current Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano and the shady deals involving the new Metro Airport head Turkia Mullin and others should raise some serious red flags to all Michigan Taxpayer’s! Ficano approved a $200,000 severance package to a former aide, Turkia Mullin who left to run Metro Airport which is a promotion not a severance. After much public outcry and after she said she deserves the money she will now give it back after consulting with Bobby. I’m sure Mr. Ficano promised her he will funnel the money to her in another way? This smells of something more than just a normal working relationship between the two colleagues.
Wayne County Appointee Turkia Mullin Says She’s Worth 200K Severance
Ficano Defends $200,000 Severance Deal for Turkia Mullin

Right-to-Work Debate Fires up among Michigan Lawmakers
If providing labor freedom to teachers is a good idea then why isn’t providing labor freedom to bus drivers and steelworkers or all workers for that matter just as good? Any legislator who would propose Right-to-Work for just one segment of the workforce is just using and abusing his political power for a personal vendetta and agenda that isn’t in the best interest of the citizens of Michigan as a whole! What’s the old saying that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander?

Hoekstra and his Constitution-Shredding Tax Vote’s!
What price should Hoekstra pay for Constitution-shredding tax vote? The first Article Section 9 of the Constitution prohibits Congress from passing a “Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law,” which is what Pelosi’s Bill of tax a punishment would have done. It should surprise no one that Pelosi, who recently declared illegal aliens to be patriots, would strong-arm fellow Democrats for support. More surprising is that 85 Republicans would lock arms with her in approving the bill, including noted career politician and so-called conservative U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland. This is not the kind of representation Michigan needs as a U.S. Senator! Leopard’s don’t change their spots!

GOP and Tea Party in Fight to Death
The Republican Party is in a fight to the death with the tea party, and only one of them will be left standing at the end of it. If the typical “John McCain, Lindsey Graham kind of Republican” wins the internal party battle, the GOP will be finished. “It will go the way of the Whigs!” “The Republicans have one last chance to redeem themselves and if they go with a big government kind of guy and the tea party doesn’t understand that service and conservative small government values go hand-in-hand, we may lose the soul of our country.” Both parties have found themselves in ideological battles, but the difference is that the Democrats have already lost out to the Progressive wing of the party. It also seems likely that the Republicans will lose out to the liberal wing of their party! Here in Michigan we have way to many liberal Republicans now with only a handful of true conservatives whose ideology is that of what the party was originally founded upon!

It’s very simple. Did the candidate who wants my vote in 2012 vote to appropriate any sum of money for one or more of these programs:
1. Planned Parenthood
2. NPR
3. Acord (or whatever it’s called now)
4. Tarp
6. EPA
7. Anything related to cap and trade or related to global warming
8. Any of Obama’s stimulus
9. Any authorization of Obamacare
10. Any tax increase
11. Any increase in the debt ceiling

If the answer is yes to any of these, that candidate will not get my vote. In other words, I’ve had it with the career politicians and the good ol’ boy Washington/Lansing elitists who campaign on a conservative platform, and then vote another way. All we want is for Republicans who CLAIM to be fiscal conservatives to ACT like fiscal conservatives.

Unhealthy Political Complications for Michigan
There is an old joke that when sick one should never go to the hospital. Why? Because people die in the hospital, you silly ninnies. When it comes to the subject of health care, one could perhaps forgive Republicans in name only if they suddenly find themselves needing hospitalization. But Mr. Snyder’s message was also filled with items that theoretically make Republicans gag: more controls on smoking by banning it from state beaches, for example; having the state track body mass indexes of children to fight fat; and then the big gut wrencher, required insurance coverage for autism care.

Mr. Snyder called for working much of this through the health care exchanges each state is required to enact under Obamacare. The exchanges, mind you, that a fair number of Republicans in the legislature want the state to refuse to enact. All this comes after Republicans had already worried and whined about Mr. Snyder being the only Republican governor to not sign a letter calling for the repeal of Obamacare. Yet, as Mr. Snyder, and more directly Lt. Governor Brian Calley show, there is no Republican unanimity on the issue of health insurance. Mr. Calley’s daughter is autistic and he led an intense but failed effort last year to win passage of legislation calling for insurance coverage for autism.

Often has it been pointed out that one’s interest in public affairs, and one’s call for public services, is rooted in problems an individual actually faces. One suspects that is at least partly the case in Mr. Calley’s situation. What’s next? As ridiculous as this may sound who would suggest or support that if this legislation for autism insurance coverage is passed there should be a tie-bar to the bill that would ban births of future children for those couples with autistic children. The problem is for those with autistic children it is not the responsibility of the citizenry as a whole to pay for researched or unproven therapy. Any charlatan can hang out a shingle for a cure with a big price tag and the insurance companies will be responsible for the cost. These cost will be passed onto every policy holder.

Republicans Should Stop Reauthorizing Stuff they Denounced
There is an old adage that defines insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” What’s worse than insanity is hypocritical insanity, which may be defined as doing the same thing that your opponent did over and over again, while expecting different results. Unfortunately, that is an apt description of the House and Senate GOP leadership in Lansing of late.

The Issue With Romney is the Issues
On Sunday Mitt Romney will address a tea party rally in Concord, New Hampshire. Romney had previously ignored the movement, yet now that he is slipping in the polls, Romney suddenly sees that he needs the tea party vote. It’s an opportunistic “photo-op” by the kind of establishment politician the tea party movement rose up against. If we let ourselves be used as pawns to provide cover for the establishment, then what is the point of having the tea party? The tea party movement is not only a reaction to the big government policies of President Obama and the Democrats who ran Congress from 2006-2008. It is also a reaction to the disappointment and frustration with big government Republicans like Romney, who ran the country too much like the Democrats for too many years. This movement is not about supporting any Republican, it’s about supporting tea party principles! Michigan did not have an state income tax until his father former Michigan Governor George Romney implemented the overhaul of the state’s financial and revenue structure that created Michigan’s state income tax in 1963.

Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
Ronald Reagan

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