Archive for June, 2011

The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, June, 27, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion By R. Al Bain

After growing up in a Democratic union household and coming out of the United States Air Force as a Republican, I have come to the conclusion that there isn’t really much difference between these two parties! My father came from the farm fields of Tennessee to make a better life for his family by working in the automotive factory. This was after the depression and before union’s came into play, there wasn’t any!

For my father the union back then was a good thing in helping to protect the workers and a decent wage for them. Today the union is a totally different animal! Unions today are big business and our self serving. My father’s Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy today would be considered more conservative than the Republican Party of today! Through the years the Democrats have moved so far to the left they have fallen off the cliff and the Republican Party has followed to the left along with them, maybe not off the cliff but close enough.

Governerd’s Bill 411: How Michigan Taxpayers Really Pay For DRIC
This is a “must read” in regard to the bills introduced by Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville who introduced both these Bills! Senate Bill 410 and Senate Bill 411 for the New Bridge Crossing! Senate Bill 411 essentially puts the taxpayers of Michigan on the hook with the language making the DRIC authority an eligible governmental agency. “Senate Bill 411 would amend the Michigan Transportation Fund law to include an authority created under the proposed New International Trade Crossing Act in the definition of “eligible governmental agency”. (Under the Michigan Transportation Fund law, eligible governmental agencies are authorized to receive distributions from the Fund.) The language in Senate Bill 410 is equally devastating to the taxpayers of Michigan. The DRIC/P3 governance agreement can create a separate legal entity and we have Bill 411 that makes NITC an “eligible governmental agency.” Both the separate legal entity and NITC now fall under the provisions of the Michigan Transportation Fund. Bottom line is that we the taxpayers and our roads will continue to suffer! All one has to do is drive from Ohio to Detroit on Interstate I-75 and count the number of license plates on the trucks as to see why Canada wants this bridge so bad, it’s three to one Canadian! Let Matthew Moroun build his bridge with his own money at no chance of a cost to Michigan taxpayers!

Can the Bridge Boondoggle get any worse? You bet it can!
As you know, The Detroit Bridge is run by a private company at ZERO cost to the taxpayers. Instead of celebrating this, Michigan officials are trying to get the taxpayers to foot the bill for a new bridge. SB’s 410 and 411 will create a brand new bridge and a new Private/Government “Authority” that will, Create bailouts of the company running the bridge via availability payments, Shield the project from Freedom of Information requests, Use eminent domain to take private property and give to private businesses, and cut the legislature out of its role in oversight of the “Authority”. This bill also cuts the voter out of voicing their thoughts at public hearings throughout the process. How could it possibly get any worse, you ask? Click the link below.

Super Speedway Notches Second State Subsidy
Michigan International Speedway (MIS) is now a two-time winner when it comes to state subsidies. The state’s official tourism site announced it was hosting the Pure Michigan NASCAR Sprint Cup Race at MIS on Aug. 21. The Michigan Economic Development Corporation paid $972,500 for the one-year sponsorship deal. And MIS already qualifies for tax credits through the Michigan business tax since 2007. The state reimburses the racetrack for every dollar it spends on infrastructure improvements on areas such as the infield or the grandstand area. What about our states infrastructure improvements like our roads! The state estimates this will be $1.2 million for 2011. The state should not be taking money from the taxpayers to subsidize politically favored businesses. Roger Penske and the rest of his cronies have enough money without taking our tax dollars! Nof’s, Richardville and some of the other RINOS helped sponsor and or vote in favor of this subsidy for MIS! The majority of Michigan’s citizen’s don’t even go to the races let alone realize that they are paying for it’s operation through their tax dollars! Why in the world would we pay (Subsidize) this boondoggle? I’ll tell you, these politicians get campaign contributions along with all expense’s paid trips to Daytona and other racing venues!

Legislation to Restore $100 million to the State’s Film Subsidy Program?
A Facebook post by a film industry activist suggested Sen. Mike Kowall, R-White Lake, is working on legislation to restore $100 million to the state’s film subsidy program and “wishes to keep this process quiet and very stealth!” Ken Droz, former communications director for the Michigan Film Office said in his facebook post on a page called “Save the Michigan Film Tax Credit” said he “had some great exchanges, with key principals (Kowall, [Randy] Richardville, others).” see  Film Credits for the Wealthy at Taxpayer Expense: Red Carpet Rolled Out for Richardville : Red Carpet Rolled Out for Richardville Droz also said legislators are stealthily up to more, “As mentioned a new bill should be introduced, SOON, supplementing 383, to continue after Jan. 1, 2012 —with a film fund of approximately $100 million.”

Richardville Votes “YES” to Resurrect Film Subsidy
The state’s film incentive, along with most of the state’s selective favors for industries and businesses, was eliminated with the passage of Gov. Snyder’s tax reform in favor of a smaller, direct expenditure. In light of this victory, it is disappointing that legislators rushed to begin a new round of economic development gimmickry. Even if the program was successful in turning Michigan into the next Hollywood, it would simply have transferred jobs from one economically depressed place (California) to another (Michigan). And the costs to transplant all those jobs would  bankrupt the state.

State Hides Voting Records: Pulls Michigan from State Website
At least that is what the end result will be for some, as the state of Michigan removes its links to the popular “Michigan Votes” website operated by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a Midland based think tank. In any event, this move of course makes it harder for those who are attempting to find voting records for their legislators, and generally reduces transparency. Transparency, provided by the ease in which constituents can find information on the votes and records quickly. Jack McHugh, Senior Legislative Analyst at the Mackinac Center who oversees Michigan Votes says: “Michigan votes is the One Place a citizen can go to look up a single roll call vote without having to trudge through dozens or hundreds of pages of legislative journals. That and the ability to look up the voting record of any legislator on any particular issue makes the site a unique and invaluable accountability tool.”

New Richardville Recall Petition Hearing Set
A hearing has been set for July 6 at the Monroe County Courthouse on a new petition to recall state Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe. Last week, the three-member commission unanimously rejected wording of a petition that basically objected to the senator’s vote May 12 in support of House Bill 4361 as amended. The bill repeals the Michigan Business Tax that benefits big corporations not the small business owners while “Raising Taxes” on the pensions of retirees. After years of planning and working towards retirement, nothing like changing the rules at the end of the game so to speak.This will have a devastating impact not only for retirees but for the majority of the Michigan taxpayers as well. Like everything in politics it’s all about money and the contributions from large corporations who contribute to these politicians campaigns!

State Taxpayers May Eat $1.6 Million Loan for Defunct Green Bus Company
It’s stories like this that most likely prompted the State of Michigan to pull from their website! James Hohman, assistant director of fiscal policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, said some green energy companies wouldn’t make it without government aid. Do you really think we the taxpayers would have heard about this from the State? I think not!

Michigan’s ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate is 20.3% Most Likely Higher
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, from the second half of 2010 through the first quarter of 2011, Michigan’s U-6 rate was 20.3 percent.

Michigan’s Spectacular Failure of Campaign Finance Disclosure
The report below illustrates why we absolutely need real finance reform.

Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.
Thomas Jefferson

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, June, 20, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion: By R. Al Bain

After talking with the State of Michigan elections Bureau and the County Clerks office in regard to the cost associated with the recent re-calls of some of our state legislators to we the taxpayers, there are many variables to be considered before calculating the cost! If you hear an elected official throw a number out in this regard it’s just that, throwing a number out most likely as a scare tactic as to discourage these re-calls! Some of these re-calls of our elected legislators are warranted because what ever the cost turns out to be is a shear pittance to the cost of the taxpayers that certain legislators through their legislation and votes have bestowed upon we the taxpayers of Michigan.

All to often we see the buddy-buddy country club click that exists in the political arena that is costing we the taxpayers much more than the figure’s thrown out by certain elected officials in regard to these re-call efforts! Seems to me that “Civic Duty” and doing what’s right for the citizenry and community should be first and foremost not the buddy plan. A lot of our elected officials are re-elected not on their merit and what they have done to deserve re-election, but in who they know and friends they have made along the way with the legislation they pass that benefits a certain segment of the community and not all of it’s citizens.

I’ve said this all along that the people (sheeple) haven’t suffered enough yet or can’t see the forest for trees because the same one’s who have been in office that have had a hand in creating the problems we face get re-elected. Shame on we the voters for letting this happen! If we don’t change how and who we elect as our representatives we will continue down this same road and its name is not prosperity, it’s over taxation and a failed economy!

Recall on Against Senator Randy Richardville
A clarity hearing has been set for June 16 before the Monroe County Elections Commission on wording of a citizens’ petition to recall state Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, Senate majority leader, for his vote last month on a key tax proposal to cut overall business taxes while raising taxes on retirement incomes. I just wonder if U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade who is looking into Kawme Kipatrick’s inner circle is watching this recall with interest? Could there be a connection? Does Richardville have ties to the recent scandal involving the Carpenters Union and it’s former head Walter Maybry? Where do I sign the petition? UPDATE: The recall language against Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville was rejected unanimously this morning Thursday, June 16, 2011 by the Monroe County Election Commission for a lack of clarity. Monroe resident Ernest Whiteside, who filed the recall petition, attended the hearing and said he intended to refile the petition with new language either Friday or Monday. No surprise here in this decision by the election commission and a Judge that consist of Democrats because they have their man in place with liberal union supporting Senator Richardville!

Meet the New Bridge Boongdoggle Same as the Old Bridge Boondoggle
We’ve all heard Governor Snyder say that the new government bridge is a free market operation. We’ve all heard Governor Snyder say that the new government bridge won’t cost taxpayers any money. Well, I’m here to tell you that neither of these are true. Let’s look at a couple of key points: Click link below.

Trans-Texas Corridor Rises From the Dead: Is this Related to Proposed New Bridge?
The NAFTA Superhighway re-named the Trans-Texas Corridor in Texas as a public-private partnership (sound familiar) has been resurrected in HB 3789. This has been a vocal point at the Republican Governors meetings of those governors in which the route is proposed. Republican legislators in Texas have introduced legislation in this regard in 2011. That’s were we hear about the public-private partnerships in the New Detroit-Windsor International Bridge Crossing! It’s no wonder the Michigan Governor and top Republican legislators are pushing hard for this new bridge.

State House OK’s Reform Plan that makes it easier to Fire Bad Teachers
The Republican-controlled state House approved legislation Thursday that would revamp the teacher tenure law in Michigan as to make it easier to fire ineffective teachers. It is now headed to the Republican-controlled Senate where it most likely will face opposition from certain “Union” supporter friendly Republican Senator’s who have received campaign contributions from the MEA! Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville who is now facing a re-call, voted against revising the “teacher tenure” law in 2009 Senate Bill 638 Senate Roll Call 643 along with only three other Republicans who all received campaign contributions from the MEA! Senator Richardville then offered a watered down amendment to the benefit of the MEA and consistently ineffective teachers! Under current law, it is nearly impossible to fire a tenured teacher, no matter how ineffective. Michigan is hardly immune to the problem. School districts here have kept tenured teachers on the payroll despite felony convictions, and on the rare occasion a school does manage to unload a deficient instructor, doing so can require years of legal action costing hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars. Our children’s education and future suffers while Unions protect these bad teachers because of the “Teacher Tenure Law” passed by our legislators!

Monroe County Businesses Disappearing at Alarming Rate
Cafe Classics a coffeehouse, entertainment venue and fixture in downtown Monroe, closed Sunday, citing a lack of business. “There’s just not enough traffic downtown to sustain the business,” said Kevin Brown, one of two partners in the firm at 29 S. Monroe St. at E. Front St. This is just one of the many Monroe businesses that have closed in recent months! The Save-A-Lot grocery store, Farmer Jack grocery store, United Furniture store, Black Swamp rental, Hollywood Video, Alexander’s Restaurant, Country Kitchen Restaurant, and numerous other businesses and others on the brink! Did I mention Manheim Auto Auction in Monroe County, Automotive Components Holdings in Milan, Midwest Products in Ottawa Lake and Auto Alliance in Flat Rock where Mazda is halting production of the Mazda 6 vehicle? Blockbuster Video is in trouble as well and will most likely not survive! All this does not look good for Monroe County and the State of Michigan! We are not in the economic recovery that our elected officials claim, it’s only getting worse! We definitely need a change in leadership of our elected officials here in Monroe County and Lansing in order to right this sinking ship! We had our chance in 2010 but chose to re-elect some of the same ones back into office that have been in office that helped create the problems we are now facing one in particular, Senator Randy Richardville. We cannot continue to re-elect these same one’s back into office expecting a different result, it’s just not going to happen!

Mazda to Halt Production at the Auto Alliance Factory in Flat Rock
Mazda Motor Co. has decided to stop building the midsize Mazda 6 sedan in the U.S., raising questions about the future of a U.S. factory that it runs jointly with Ford Motor Co. The Flat Rock factory, which employs about 1,700 people, also makes the sluggish-selling Ford Mustang, which has seen a 3 percent sales decline through May. The plant and its taxes account for about half of the city’s annual general fund budget of about $7 million. The sluggish-selling Ford Mustang alone may not be enough to keep the factory open!

GM CEO: Customers Don’t Pay High Enough Gas Tax
When you have a CEO like Dan Akerson of General Motors making statements like this it’s no wonder the company was and is in trouble! CEO Dan Akerson told the Detroit News that he wants to see the federal government raise its gas tax by as much as $1 per gallon. I would suggest that this man take a course in economics! Example: I used to fill up my vehicle for $50.00, I filled up the other day and it cost $75.00, that’s $25.00 that will not be spent somewhere else in the economic system! With the salary compensation packages that these Big Companies CEO’s are making that extra dollar per gallon of gas means nothing to them! But for the average already overtaxed citizen, it’s a budget buster!

Government Gone Wild: Special Interests EXPOSED!
This is not just happening on the federal level but also the local, county and state level’s as well. Think you are only paying a third in taxes? Think again! My childhood friend in Florida decided to find out for himself just how
much of his hard earned money went to the government in taxes. For one year he saved every receipt for every purchase he made throughout the year. When he sat down to do his taxes he was stunned to find out that 67% went to the government in taxation. Another guy gave this explanation, I’m self-employed, but in reality I work for the government. From my middle class income I pay 25% Fed income tax, 8% State income tax, and 15.3% self employment tax — that’s 48.3%. Then add property tax on my home, sales tax, extra tax on utilities, gasoline, hotels, airlines, plus auto registration, driver’s license fees, tolls, etc. It’s most of my income. If you’re in the middle class, you’re probably paying most of your income to the government too. Add it up and see for yourself.

Representative Thaddeus McCotter Votes for Handouts to Big Labor Unions
Big Labor GOPers supporting Obama’s administrative power grabs, crony capitalism, wage controls, and fleecing of taxpayer. In addition to fleecing the taxpayers with a union giveaway, 54 Republicans including Representative Thaddeus McCotter voted down an amendment (Justin Amash- AMDT 413) to prohibit the use of funds to enforce Davis-Beacon prevailing wages.

Which State Is the ‘Least Free’? An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom
High taxes, strict smoking laws and marriage inequality put one state last in a new study. And it may surprise you. Plus, the state that is most free. One should read the whole report, understand the data used and how the rankings were derived. Taxes/Spending were weighted at 25%. I believe that looking at the data may be interesting. Michigan ranks 27th at the time this study was done.

“The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale”
Thomas Jefferson

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Mon, June,13, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion: By R. Al Bain

When will Michigan’s voters learn to do their due diligence and civic duty as to research who they vote for? Far to many vote for various reasons that have nothing to do with the direction and representation our family’s and state deserve. I have seen and heard some that voted for an individual because of their appearance, name recognition, or because a friend told them among many other reasons that are not justified in choosing a representative.

Then we have the non-voters who feel that their vote doesn’t matter because nothing will change even if they do vote. Every vote makes a huge difference in the outcome of elections. For those who don’t vote you have no complaints! If we as a citizenry continue to vote in the manor we have been we will continue to suffer along with our children, grandchildren, state, and country. We cannot continue to keep voting in the same politicians expecting a different result because it’s just not going to happen!

New Legislation Introduced for International Crossing in Detroit
Democratic Senator Hoon-Yung Hopgood welcomed the support of the top Republican in the Senate, Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, who submitted legislation that would authorize the construction of the New International Trade Crossing (NITC). Richardville’s bills, which will be introduced as Senate Bills 410 and 411. John Dingell wrote a guest commentary  in Thursday’s Detroit Free Press advocating the new international bridge crossing. Earlier Wednesday, in Lansing, Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, set in motion a bill that would create a new authority to privately finance, build and operate the NITC in cooperation with Canada. Let me see if I get this right? We have a Democratic Senator in Lansing singing praise on Mr. Richardville a so-called Republican and a Democratic Congressman John Dingell supporting this boondoggle of a bridge idea. One of the many former Monroe County Republican Party Chairman’s, and there has been many, said that first vice chair since 1999 and current vice chair Glenda Kennon, (Senator Randy Richardville’s mother) told him that she personally talked with John Dingell who told her he hopes Mr. Richardville takes “his seat” when he retires! First of all it’s the peoples seat not Mr. Dingell’s! Second, why would a Democrat hope that a Republican would take “his seat”? In 2009 Senator Richardville Introduced  Senate Resolution 10 honoring Mr. Dingell saying that he has been both a “role model” and a “statesman” for a number of years! Mr. Dingell was the lead sponsor of Obama Care and went directly against his constituents wishes. All this doesn’t pass the smell test to this citizen. In my opinion going against the wishes of his constituents Mr. Dingell should be considered a traitor! The definition of a traitor is: one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty according to the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary.

Tea Partiers were Right to Oppose Calley at last State Convention!
Now that the budget is done, Next up: A $2.1 billion bridge project to Canada. Legislation expected to be introduced next month will have Calley’s personal attention, and he’s already been laying the case for the New International Trade Crossing across the Detroit River, which would compete with the privately owned Ambassador Bridge. Government has absolutely no business competing against private businesses!

More Michigan Employers Report Job Cuts
A recent spate of job cuts by technology, and other employers meant Michigan reversed a four-month decline in pink slips to its labor force during May, according to new data collected by the state Workforce Development Agency. the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth and now a unit of the Michigan Economic Development Corp., reported that 14 employers announced layoffs, plant closings or notices under federal law, affecting more than 922 employees last month. Another Michigan business will be shuttering it’s doors! Long time staple Manheim Metro Detroit Auto Auction Inc., the local division of the Atlanta-based automotive auction and financing services company is closing an operation in Flat Rock. Manheim, which operates two locations in Flat Rock and Carleton in Monroe County. The state data indicate the Flat Rock closure and 268 jobs cuts are effective July 22, but a company representative told Crain’s the location is closing June 9.

The Patriot Act Is Not Conservative
Allegedly, the default position for conservatives is to distrust the government and defer to the Constitution. Concerning the Patriot Act, too many conservatives blindly trust the government at the expense of the Constitution. This type of thinking mirrors the logic of the Left, in which the constitutionality of a big government program like Obamacare is considered irrelevant due to the severity of the problem at hand. The liberal healthcare ends justify the unconstitutional means. This characteristic mentality of the Left is exactly how most of the Right approaches the Patriot Act though it is an outright rejection of what most conservatives of any generation have held most dear. What does this say about Republicans who vote for politicians such as Representative Thaddeus McCotter who not only voted for The Patriot Act but Homeland Security as well?

State House backs plan to keep Detroit’s taxing power
Legislation authorizing the City of Detroit to continue special taxes on income and utility users, which were placed in jeopardy by the city’s population decline in the 2010 census, was narrowly approved by the state House this morning. If you live or work in the City of Detroit hold onto your wallet!

Just What You Needed: Higher Taxes
While you hear a lot about the federal income tax, you don’t hear much about the Social Security tax. That’s odd because for many folks especially the self-employed Social Security tax can be the bigger hit. Here are some little-known truths about how the Social Security tax works and how much it can amount to. If the money was truly put away in a fund that was not able to be violated by the Crooks in Washington then it truly would be a self sustaining fund and I would believe it to be an investment in America. But, When Washington pulls the money from the fund and uses it to fund some vote getting social program and then promises to return it to us at a later date from money they have to tax you to get then its a Ponzie scheme that will leave us and our kids holding a very expensive empty bag.;_ylt=Ak.zP1rmuChN0uuM_5rhx9O7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTFhNm1kaHA2BHBvcwMzBHNlYwNwZXJzb25hbEZpbmFuY2UEc2xrA2hpZ2hlcnNvY2lhbA
Economy: Manufacturing & Hiring Reports Weak; Analysts Downgrade Jobs Forecasts
Reports Wednesday on manufacturing and company hiring were so weak that many economists immediately downgraded their forecasts for Friday’s jobs report for May. Some analysts also slashed their estimates for growth in the April-June quarter. Inflation, Devaluation of our Currency, Higher Prices for Gas and Food, along with the cost associated with other goods and services is a recipe for economic disaster.

Home-Price Index at Lowest Point since 2006 Bust
Home prices in major areas have reached their lowest level since the housing bubble burst in 2006, driven down by foreclosures, a glut of unsold homes and the reluctance or inability of many to buy. The nationwide index fell for the eighth straight month. A record number of foreclosures are forcing prices down, and they are expected to keep falling through this year. The 12 cities now at their lowest levels in nearly four years are: Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Las Vegas, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Phoenix, Portland, Ore., and Tampa.

Oil Climbs above $102 on Weaker US Dollar
Oil prices climbed above $102 a barrel Tuesday as talk of more financial aid for Greece helped weaken the U.S. dollar and traders worried about turmoil in Libya and the Middle East. When the dollar weakens, it makes oil cheaper for investors holding other currencies and usually boosts prices here in the USA.;_ylt=AsagIeOuVPALmMJu1N.5SU27YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1YjB2YzltBHBvcwM4BHNlYwN0b3BTdG9yaWVzBHNsawNvaWxyaXNlc3RvbmU-?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=5&asset=&ccode=

Consumer Confidence Falls Unexpectedly in May
A monthly survey shows consumers are losing faith that the economy is improving. Let’s see, How about Jobs, The Economy, Food Prices, Energy Costs, WAR, Inflation on everything you can buy except a house. Bailouts to Wall Street, The Automotive Industry, The big Insurance Companies who by the way insure our Politicians retirement packages, Crime, Welfare and Medicaid FRAUD! Food Stamps being traded for DRUGS, ATM withdrawals from Casinos, ATM withdrawals from Exotic Vacation Destinations, and OH YES, the fact that not a single one of our elected leaders have any ideas on how to fix anything except by throwing OUR money away and raising taxes.;_ylt=AvASGFik8tUePMXSiOlAl3W7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1MTEwOGZtBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN0b3BTdG9yaWVzBHNsawNjb25zdW1lcmNvbmY-?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=main&asset=&ccode=

Housing’s Latest Double-Dip
New data says it’s even worse than the 1930’s! It’s official. The house price collapse is now worse than it was during the Great Depression. Capital Economics’ senior economist Paul Dales, “On the Case-Shiller measure, prices are now 33% below the 2006 peak and are back at a level last seen in the third quarter of 2002. This means that prices have now fallen by more than the 31% decline endured during the Great Depression.” It’s yet more proof that the nationwide financial bust is far worse than Wall Street is pretending, and it may be getting worse instead of better. But try telling that to the Dow Jones Industrial Average, high as a kite in more ways than one above 12,000. What is Wall Street smoking?

Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
Ronald Reagan (1986)

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The “Bain Report” Articles that Affect You and Your Family for Monday, June, 6, 2011

The “Bain Report” is a weekly publication for those citizens of Michigan who are concerned with the representation they are receiving from their elected officials. The purpose of this report is to educate and inform the citizens with pertinent articles and legislation that affect the family’s of Michigan. If you or anyone you know wishes to receive the “Bain Report” reply to with add me to the weekly “Bain Report” in the subject line with your name and e-mail address in the body. Your email will be added to the list of those Patriots, Activist, and Concerned Citizens here in Michigan who receive the “Bain Report” published every Monday. For those currently receiving the “Bain Report” and wish to be removed from these mailings please reply to above e-mail address with remove me from your list in the subject line.

Opinion: By R. Al Bain
Here in Monroe County some would say that I have a personal vendetta against Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville or its sour grapes. This is just plain not true! I have conversed with Mr. Richardville on numerous occasions and he seems to be a very personable. However, with that being said, I do have a problem with those who we elect to represent our best interest as citizens in the manor we deserve and expect!

I firmly believe that every citizen has a civic duty and should do their due diligence in researching, investigating, and holding their elected representative’s accountable. What these elected representative’s do and how they legislate in Lansing has a direct impact on family, friend’s, neighbor’s, and our community and should be held accountable for their actions.

As a former resident of Wayne County I can assure you that if I was still residing there I would be doing the same thing with whoever my representative was. Those that would say I have a disdain or vendetta against Mr. Richardville are most likely Mr. Richardville supporter’s and friend’s who either can’t see the forest for the tree’s or just don’t care! How our elected representatives legislate will have an affect on the future of our family’s, children, grandchildren, neighbors, communities, and our once great state of Michigan.

Richardville Introduces Legislation for Union Interest that will Strangle Michigan Taxpayers!
I knew this legislation would resurface after the 2010 elections under a different Bill name and said as much! Mr. Richardville, the “Unions” best friend in Lansing, introduced Senate Bill 1072 in February, 2010 that amendment offered by Senator Richardville (R) Monroe to Michigan’s Public Act 312 increased the benefit to Union Institutional Interests and places a burden on the local Municipalities and the taxpayers of Michigan! That legislation was tabled just before the November general election in my opinion because it may have been a detriment to his re-election? See the article  Richardville’s amendment “Benefit’s Unions” to the detriment of the Municipalities

What is now the law (Public Act 312)  here in Michigan originated as legislation introduced by a young Michigan Senator back in 1969 by the name of Coleman Young a Democrat and a friend to Union Institutional interest! It was payment made by Coleman Young for campaign contributions and support to the police and firefighters union for their help in his election. State and local government unions have a 45 percent total-compensation advantage over their private-sector counterpart. With high-pay compensation and virtually no benefits co-pay, the politically arrogant unions are bankrupting Michigan which by some estimates is suffering from $3 billion in unfunded liabilities. For those that re-elected Mr. Richardville was this their wish? If so, be prepared to pay in higher taxation!

Now in 2011 Senator Richardville has introduced basically the same legislation benefiting Union Interest with SB 397  it’s just a different bill number! No wonder he was quoted in a news publication (MIRS) out of Lansing saying a repeal of PA 312  was not on his agenda. That’s because he knew all along he would be re-introducing SB 1072  under a different bill number once re-elected. Even former Governor Jennifer Granholm’s own task force reported that PA 312  raises the cost to local government operations by 3 to 5% on the low end. This is one Republican in name only (RINO) politician who doesn’t get it. Some politicians want to increase the cost of government in order to pad their campaign coffers!

Senator Richardville is one of those politicians that want to increase the cost of government and take away our say in how government is run. As a Michigan taxpayer, we only get to pay more. It is unelected bureaucrats vs. citizens. It is taxpayers vs. government sector unions. It’s all about Senator Richardville and furthering his political career not the taxpayers of Michigan! He has the gull to call himself a conservative!

Film Credits for the Wealthy at Taxpayer Expense: Red Carpet Rolled Out for Richardville
Four wealthy and politically connected businessmen concoct an elaborate scheme, using their checkbooks and relationships, to secure a taxpayer-funded movie studio for their own personal financial gain. Call them “The Gang of Four.” Michigan taxpayers provide the greatest tax giveaway for movie making in the country, allowing The Gang of Four to walk away with even more money, subsidized by the taxpayer.

Michigan Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville has been lobbied very hard by Nelson, Rakolta and the other partners. Richardville attended the Emmy’s on a trip arranged by Linden Nelson. He also went to a Red Wings game with Nelson in March. The Red Wing game part sounds familiar see story Political Corruption in Detroit, Lansing, and Beyond paragraph three.

While the majority of Republican legislators oppose further funding of the film credits and are outraged by the way the studio was funded with taxpayer money, Richardville is susceptible to “wooing” and is behind the scenes trying to help Nelson and the Gang of Four. I was once told by Senator Richardville in a personal phone call that he made to me I didn’t understand how the political process works, oh but I do understand all to well!

Governor Snyder and former Democratic Governor Jim Blanchard turned lobbyist promote New Bridge
Governor Rick Snyder, former Democratic Governor Jim Blanchard turned lobbyist look to be working together to promote the proposed New Detroit International Bridge Crossing (DRIC). Blanchard by the way is getting paid from both sides of the river! Why is he getting taxpayer money from Michigan taxpayers for a proposal that was killed last year? Jay McNally has an excellent article and insight into this below.

Michigan Budget Done: Next up a $2.1 Billion Bridge project to Canada
Now that our short-sighted legislators have completed the budget which uses the backs of the retiring baby boomers and cut’s to our children’s education, this boondoggle bridge will further burden Michigan taxpayers. It will be interesting to see who will sponsor this bridge legislation after it was killed in the last legislative secession. Rumor has it that Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville will be the guy to sponsor the bridge legislation. Makes sense because he will be term limited after this term so the others that will be up for re-election might not feel the repercussions in the next election, don’t count on that though! There are a majority of voters who oppose this bridge so those lawmakers who cast a yes vote should think twice.

Former Richardville Campaign Finance Manager Charged with Felony
In light of recent articles involving recent political and union corruption this one is worth a repost! In July of 2010 Monroe City Councilman and former State Senator Randy Richardville’s campaign finance manager Edward F. Paisley was arrested and charged with filing a false police report in connection with a case where he claimed to have been robbed. Turns out he was in fact not robbed but only paid a debt for drugs owed by his girlfriend! He was replaced as Richardville’s campaign finance manger by John Manor who is his district manager. Senator Randy Richardville seems to be associated with many shady characters in the political and union arena! Is this how the citizens want to be represented? You make the call!

Republican-Controlled Legislature gives Massive Tax reform Legislation: BOOM
The explosion you just heard was the Republican-controlled legislature giving Governor Snyder his massive tax reform legislation. This is probably the largest total reshuffling of Michigan taxes since Governor George Romney did it in the 1960s, in the process becoming the father of the Michigan income tax. Governor Snyder’s pension tax makes Baby Boomers the Collateral Damage Generation.

88 Percent of New 2011 Legislators are ‘Political Careerists’
One oft-repeated rap against term limits is that the legislature now consists of inexperienced “amateurs.” In fact, from top to bottom, those who preside over Michigan’s government establishment are political careerists. This reality is illustrated by an analysis of candidates running for the 81 open seats in the state Legislature this year: 72 of the likely winners are already members-in-good-standing of the bipartisan political class who continue feeding at the public trough!

Richardville Supports “Yet Another TAX”
While this may not affect those who do not work or reside in the city of Detroit it’s still another tax burden for those that do! Say if you live outside of Detroit but work for a company that is in the city you will have the extra tax burden bestowed upon you.

Trustees Raise Tuition at Monroe County Community College
A tuition boost has been approved for students who attend Monroe County Community College, the second consecutive year for an increase. The new fee raises the cost for county students to $77. Students who live in Michigan but outside the county will pay $32, up from $8, and the fee for out-of-state students will go up $9 to $147.

Foreclosure Prices Fall Again: How Does Michigan Look?
During the first quarter, homes foreclosed by banks or in various stages of foreclosure accounted for 28% of all residential sales in the U.S. Bargain hunters looking to snap up foreclosed homes found prices dipped again in the first quarter, with Ohio and Illinois offering the steepest discounts, according to figures  released Wednesday by RealtyTrac. But if you’re getting ready to you whip out your checkbook, you may want to wait even longer. Right now Michigan’s average sale price for a foreclosed house is $70,356.

To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.
Thomas Jefferson

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