Archive for March, 2013

Disaster Ahead for MIGOP in 2014 U.S. Senate Campaign

Anuzis Levin Richardville

With the retirement announcement of Democrat U.S. Senator Carl Levin some names have been thrown around as possible candidates for that seat within the Michigan GOP.

While the obvious Conservative choice would be U.S. Representative Justin Amash some other not so Conservative names have come to the forefront.

Saul Anuzis a former MIGOP chairman and National committeeman sent an email out titled “An Open Letter – Anuzis for U.S. Senate” on his thoughts and positions on the race. Mr. Anuzis was handedly defeated as Michigan’s National committeeman at the 2012 MIGOP state convention in Detroit.

During a luncheon interview in Monroe with the “Hooterville Weekly Reader” aka The Monroe Evening News, Michigan Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, (?R?) – Monroe acknowledged his intent to travel to Washington to determine whether there is interest in pursuing Senator Levin’s seat. First of all it’s not Levin’s seat it’s the people’s seat!

Is the MIGOP hell bent on losing a chance to capture this seat? If it’s either one of these prospective candidates I would say the answer is most definitely yes! While both of these gentlemen are Conservative’s in their “own minds” the base of the Party sees it differently, very differently! Past positions and voting records of both tell a very liberal tale.

We as Republicans and Conservatives cannot afford either of these two prospective candidates for we already have far too many of these types in Washington as it is now.

If we the voters are to see real and honest change in the direction of our state and country any candidates that we would cast a vote for as to represent us “must” be of the ideology that we espouse to. That ideology would be less government, less regulation, less taxation, more liberty, and more freedom and in general a more efficiently run smaller government.

Our Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work not make a career out of being a public servant. In the case of Mr. Richardville this is his 15th year in public office with “Twenty-one months, nine days” to go before he is term limited. This citizen thinks he has done enough “damage” to the citizens of Michigan and it’s time for him to go back to the private sector!

As far as Mr. Anuzis he also has spent far to many years in the political arena and after the shellacking he took in Detroit he would have absolutely no chance of winning the Senate seat.

I will leave you with a few quotes to reflect upon and you be the judge of my opinions.

“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

“The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.”

~ Thomas Jefferson

John F. Kennedy once said, about Thomas Jefferson, to a group of scholars in the White House:

“I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House – with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.” 


America Founded and Designed by Geniuses but Run by Idiots – an Assessment

America Designed by Geniuses

If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book, but not to vote who runs the government … you might live in a  country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If an 80-year-old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a woman in a burqa is only subject to having her neck and head searched … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If a seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If children are forcibly removed from parents who discipline them with spankings while children of addicts are left in filth and drug infested “homes”… you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized  housing, and free cell phones … you might live in a country founded by  geniuses but run by idiots.

If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to incentivize NOT working with 99 weeks of Unemployment checks and no requirement to prove they applied but can’t find work … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big screen TV while your neighbor buys iPhones, TV’s and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage … you might live in a country founded by  geniuses but run by idiots.

If being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.

Thank God that isn’t the case in the U.S.A! Or is it?

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Tax Policy Changes – Jobless – Unemployment Rates Rise In Michigan Why?

Jobless Unemployment

Higher taxes on citizens and small businesses through the tax policy changes implemented out of Lansing are a just some of the reasons economic growth and jobs have been hindered in Michigan. These changes have been beneficial to big business only and not all the citizens or small business owners.

Most analysts see the unemployment rate inching up while a few see it remaining steady. While factoring in discouraged adults and others working part-time who would prefer full-time work, the real rate is likely around 14.4 percent or higher with the 20 to 25 percent range not out of the realm.

Increased prices for goods and services, food cost along with energy cost, fuel (gasoline), and home heating all have hindered growth and spending by consumers. The Small business owners and consumer spending drive the economy and without it no growth or jobs.

Other factors that have contributed to the problem we face is higher taxation through these tax policy changes. When Michigan’s legislature reformed the Michigan Business Tax for Big Business they replaced that lost revenue by balancing it on the backs of Michigan taxpayers through the pension tax.

To replace the lost revenue on the elimination of taxes that businesses pay on equipment they balanced that move by eliminating certain tax deductions in the state income tax code.

While I have seen and heard stories from many Michigan citizens after filing their tax returns for 2012 the effects of these changes are very evident. My tax accountant explained this to me when he did my tax filings. He said that these changes effect the ones who could least afford it most such as those on fixed incomes, retirees and the poor.

In my case with everything being pretty much the same from the prior year my return was about $400.00 less than the previous year.

These tax policy changes were all made under the guise of a more friendly business environment in order to create jobs. Myself it would appear to be favorable to only those big business owner supporters of our elected politicians who donate to their political campaigns.

Lobbyist and Special Interest seem to rule the world of politics in Michigan and not we citizens who they were elected to represent. So the question is how do “We the People” change this mentality with our elected leaders?

The only conclusion I can think of to fix this problem is to vote them out of office and keep voting them out until we get the true representation we “deserve and expect” when we elect them to “serve” us!

The state announced Thursday that Michigan’s seasonally unadjusted jobless rate hit 9.7 percent in January, up from 8.9 percent in December. When adjusted for seasonal changes, the rate of 8.9 percent in January was unchanged from December.

Michigan, 9.7 percent, compared with 8.9 percent.
Ann Arbor, 5.3 percent, compared with 5.2 percent.
Battle Creek, 7.4 percent, compared with 7 percent.
Bay City, 9.4 percent, compared with 8.3 percent.
Detroit-Warren-Livonia, 11.3 percent, compared with 10.2 percent.
Flint, 9.9 percent, compared with 9.1 percent.
Grand Rapids-Wyoming, 6.6 percent, compared with 6.3 percent.
Holland-Grand Haven, 6.7 percent, compared with 6.4 percent.
Jackson, 8.8 percent, compared with 8.2 percent.
Kalamazoo-Portage, 7.7 percent, compared with 7.3 percent.
Lansing-East Lansing, 7.6 percent, compared with 6.8 percent.
Monroe, 8.9 percent, compared with 7.6 percent.
Muskegon-Norton Shores, 9 percent, compared with 8.3 percent.
Niles-Benton Harbor, 9.7 percent, compared with 8.8 percent.
Saginaw-Saginaw Township North, 9 percent, compared with 8.3 percent.
Upper Peninsula, 10.3 percent, compared with 9.4 percent.
Northeast Lower Michigan, 13.7 percent, compared with 11.9 percent.
Northwest Lower Michigan, 11.2 percent, compared with 10 percent.

Source: Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget. 

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Snydercare and MIGOP has ties to Democratic Congressional Candidate!

Is the MIGOP Corrupt or just Incompetent? Bill Runco MIGOP & Democrat Dr. Syed Taj

Just when you think the political arena couldn’t get any worse along comes this information. Does anybody remember the Democrat – Doctor Syed Taj from Dearborn that ran against Kerry Bentivolio? It seems he has a close personal relationship to the MIGOP Budget Chairman Bill Runco!

What a small world in the political arena isn’t it?

United Outstanding Physicians Management Team – William Runco
Mr. Runco serves as Chief Operating Officer of United Outstanding Physicians. In his role as COO, Mr. Runco is is responsible for the daily operations of the organization and responsible for contracting with health plans. Previous to serving in his present capacity, Mr. Runco was a Judge of the 19th District Court for twelve years and a member of the Michigan Legislature for 6 years. Mr. Runco is a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School.

Dr. Syed Taj is the Chairman of the United Outstanding Physicians Board of Managers. Dr. Taj made Obamacare a key platorm of his run against Kerry Bentivolio for Congress in 2012 and supports Governor Rick Snyder’s decision to implement Obamcare in Michigan by setting up a healthcare exchange.

We have some serious issues within the MIGOP with integrity and principles among the Party Leadership! We have a chairman that was just re-elected in spite of the “facts” that he has a “proven history” of campaign contributions to Democrats and ‘HIS” State Party Budget Committee Chairman who has a very shady past as a former Judge in William (Bill) Runco who was censured by the Judicial Tenure Commission along with shady real-estate dealings.

How in the world can the membership and voters of Michigan’s Republican Party support these kinds of relationships with Democrats who support Obamacare and MIGOP leaders along with Governor Snyder?

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How the Republican Party Elitist “Club” in Michigan Protects their Own

A Jail Lobbyist PoliticianLet’s take a look at a few examples shall we. A citizen brings to the attention of our Secretary of State Ruth Johnson that a fellow Republican may be holding office illegally because Senator Randy Richardville allowed his mommy to notarize his 2010 campaign finance discloser statement that was submitted in direct violation of notary and campaign finance law.

The response and advice this citizen received from the Michigan Secretary of State on this issue was for this citizen to spend their own money, hire an attorney and file a charge with the local prosecutor within the county of notarization of said document. The local county prosecutor in this case is a Democrat that donated to Senator Richardville’s political campaign.

The advice continued that if the local prosecutor found that if in fact a law was broken and a conviction was obtained, then and only then would the Michigan Secretary of State office take the necessary action. Let this sink in for a minute. Is it me or does anyone else see something very wrong with this.

Another example would be the mortgage bill for the MIGOP chairman’s brother introduced by the same Senator mentioned above and rushed through the legislature that was passed and signed into law with lightning speed. Not only that, this bill was made retroactive to meet the needs of said chairman’s brother to avoid a financial obligation he made on a personal loan of a $2.4 million default on a real estate venture.

The next example and believe me there are many others would be the Movie Producer and Film Studio subsidies. Bernie Made-Off would be proud of this one! You have the involvement of corrupt politicians, businessmen and Democrat campaign contribution high rollers in this scheme that is fleecing the taxpayers of Michigan out of millions of dollars.

Where is Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette in all this? Isn’t this his job? Where is the so-called “Tea Party” leader that works for Mr. Schuette? Oh that’s right when your co-opted certain things seem to get overlooked! But then again these so-called Republicans protect their own don’t they! All these involved are supposed to be Republicans. Integrity and Principles yeah right!

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Film Subsidies Scam the Losers “We the Taxpayers” How It Works and the History

A1 A Granholm Richardville Bill Signing 1This all started under Jennifer Granholm in 2008 with Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville onboard from the onset. Once Jennifer left office ‘ole Randy keep it alive and well also introducing new legislation as to keep this scheme going.

Michigan Film Credit Secrets – The Players

Raleigh Film Studio Misses a Second Consecutive Bond Payment Taxpayers on Hook

That means a second payout by the Michigan State Employees Retirement System, which guaranteed most of the bonds and already covered most of the studio’s $630,000 interest payment to bondholders last month.

Michigan movie studio defaults on bond payment, state pension funds to cover costs

A Michigan taxpayer funded movie studio that opened just ten months ago is in default on an $18 million state-issued bond.

The Studio the Taxpayers Built with Help from Politicians

Michigan-Subsidized Film Studio Fails; State Pension Fund Had Guaranteed Loan

Michigan was among the most generous, offering to cover 40 percent of qualified expenses, an outlay that cost Wolverine State taxpayers nearly $100 million a year. Acting on numerous reports from a variety of sources concluding that the incentives were wasteful and ineffective.

Former Gov. Jennifer Granholm in 2009 made the state employee pension funds the guarantor of the $18 million in bonds sold to help build the $80 million Raleigh Film studio, located inside the abandoned facilities of the old General Motors Centerpoint truck complex. Republican Senator Randy Richardville was on board from the onset!

A. Alfred Taubman (Retired), (Zip code: 48302) $5000 to MICHIGAN DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITEE on 11/04/09

Linden D. Nelson (Nelson Ventures/Owner), (Zip code: 48301) $5000 to MICHIGAN DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITEE on 11/19/09

Linden D. Nelson (Nelson Ventures/Owner), (Zip code: 48301) $10000 to MICHIGAN DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITEE on 08/03/10

Michigan Politicians Shaft Taxpayers on Film and Studio Subsidies

Raleigh Studios investors include Birmingham businessman Linden Nelson; A. Alfred Taubman, the billionaire shopping mall developer; John Rakolta Jr., the CEO of Walbridge, one of the largest construction companies in the country.

Crony Capitalism at it’s worst that includes a “pay to play” scheme involving business leaders and politicians who all have personal gains to be made a little to no risk at the expense of the taxpaying citizens of Michigan. Linden Nelson and Alfred Taubman are “heavy campaign contributors” to the Democratic Party! State Senator Randy Richardville is the point man for these subsidies in the Michigan legislature as Senate Majority leader!

Team Richardville Brings in Former Granholm Staff Member

Amber McCann steps into the role of press secretary for Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville (RINO-Monroe).

Cost to Replace Lost Jobs with Michigan Film Subsidies: $39.4 Billion

Funding Questions Surround Hangar42 Studios Deal

Republican-led Legislature Votes Overwhelmingly to Continue ‘Big Hollywood’ Film Subsidy

SB 569 was originally passed by the Senate on Nov. 3. The bill’s sponsor is Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, who previously said he would like to budget as much as $100 million for the film subsidy program. For the record Senator Richardville’s daughter works for these Hollywood “Fat Cat’s”! I’m sure there are no conflicts of interest here between those he is supposed to represent and (the taxpayers of Michigan)?

2011 Senate Bill 569: Revise film subsidies – Public Act 291 of 2011

Introduced by Sen. Randy Richardville (R) on July 13, 2011, to revise the state film incentive program, converting it into a straightforward subsidy program rather than an indirect one, with awards of up to 30 percent of the expenses a film producer incurs in Michigan. Reportedly the bill’s sponsor wants to increase the subsidies from $25 million already appropriated in 2012 to $100 million annually.

$72 Million in Film Credits Not Reported by Film Office

Michigan’s ‘Hollywood Welfare’ Plan: Stylish Stars Trumping Taxpayers

When superstar actor George Clooney waltzed through Niles, Mich., last November to scope out a location for a new film the prospect of the taxpayers of Michigan paying 42 percent of his bills was apparently easier to swallow.

George Clooney Lends Support to Obama at Fundraiser in Geneva

No wonder President Obama called George Clooney a “good friend” in a recent interview with “Entertainment Tonight.” The actor is doing what he can to help the president win his re-election bid in November.

Granholm Says New Film Incentives Set Stage for Good-paying, Long-term Jobs for Michigan Workers,1607,7-192–189548–,00.html

Michigan Taxpayers “Fleeced” with Movie Film Producer and Film Studio Subsidies Scheme

A report by the Senate Fiscal Agency found that the Film Movie Producer and Film Studio subsidies which work like a rebate toward qualified production expenses generate roughly 10 cents in new tax revenue for each dollar paid to filmmakers. In 2009, for example, the state spent $68.7 million on film tax credits but generated only $7.5 million in tax revenue from the film production activity, leaving the state with a net loss of $61.2 million.

Michigan-Subsidized Film Studio Fails; State Pension Fund Had Guaranteed Loan

Michigan was among the most generous, offering to cover 40 percent of qualified expenses, an outlay that cost Wolverine State taxpayers nearly $100 million a year. Acting on numerous reports from a variety of sources concluding that the incentives were wasteful and ineffective.

Former Gov. Jennifer Granholm in 2009 made the state employee pension funds the guarantor of the $18 million in bonds sold to help build the $80 million Raleigh Film studio, located inside the abandoned facilities of the old General Motors Centerpoint truck complex. Republican Senator Randy Richardville was on board from the onset!


Are there Indicators that the Economic Collapse is Just Over the Horizon

A Sign of Economic Collapse

Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Armageddon?

The Sequester is done, gone and overplayed but is the next catastrophe the coming economic collapse and the next great depression? Billionaires are dumping stocks and economists know why. One such person publishing this research is Robert Wiedemer, an esteemed economist and author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock.

Before you dismiss the possibility of a 90% drop in the stock market as unrealistic, consider Wiedemer’s credentials. In 2006, Wiedemer and a team of economists accurately predicted the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, and consumer spending that almost sank the United States. They published their research in the book America’s Bubble Economy.

Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks and fast. Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. With 70% of the U.S. economy dependent on consumer spending, Buffett’s apparent lack of faith in these companies’ future prospects is worrisome. Read more…


U.S. Can NOT Avoid Coming Economic Collapse – No Matter What! Here’s Why

We are living in the greatest debt bubble the world has ever seen and, as such, a devastating economic collapse is on the horizon no matter what we do so don’t let this false prosperity and this “calm before the storm” fool you. There is going to be a massive amount of pain so you might want to get yourself and your family prepared for that.

US Debt: How Big is it and Who Owns it?

Celente: The 2013 Financial Collapse Will Be One For The Ages

Gerald Celente has accurately forecasted hundreds of social, business, consumer, environmental, economic, political, entertainment, and technology trends.  In 1980 Celente founded The Trends Research Institute located in Kingston, New York, publisher of the Trends Journal which forecasts and analyzes business, socioeconomic, political, and other trends.

Argentina’s Financial Collapse is America Next?

Ever since independence, almost 200 years ago, Argentina’s foreign debt has been a source of impoverishment and corruption and the biggest scandals. Does that statement sound familiar?

Economic collapse still underway as Federal Reserve’s QE programs show diminished returns

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered his semiannual two-day testimony to the Congress this week. His prepared remarks and question and answer period with Congressional and Senate representatives confirmed what most of his critics knew all along: he is just prolonging the economic downturn with the same failing policies.

US Dollar Declines Through Devaluation

There’s a debt crisis brewing not only for European countries, but for America. Investment Contrarians editors have been critics of the U.S.’s inability to reign-in government spending. We expect the devaluation of the U.S. dollar to continue as the U.S. continues to pile on the debt. You can find regular commentary on the U.S. dollar in Investment Contrarians.

American Dollar Danger Ahead

Why is Currency Devaluation So Bad? The less your currency is worth, the less goods and services you can buy with your money, the less companies make for receiving payment for goods and services, and the less people actually make when they take their paychecks home. If foreign governments decide to stop buying our debt what will happen to the dollar? With interest rates now near 0% and our currency depreciating, there has been no real incentive for foreign governments to want to continue to buy our debt, which is issued in the form of Treasury Bills.

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Letter to Editor: Politics Interferes with Autism Care Autism Care & Politics Don’t Mix

AutismThis letter to the editor (click link below) was published in the Detroit Free Press (The recent coverage for treatment for autism is a good first step, but it is sorely lacking in its depth).

This is my take on this letter: While I personally feel for parents with children affected by autism it should not be the responsibility of all citizens to bare the financial burden. This legislation should have never been passed!

As this letter clearly shows that the few who will benefit from this legislation are now suggesting even more coverage that will effect each and every ratepayer in the state though higher medical insurance premiums.

With the passage of this law any “charlatan” (a person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge or skill than he or she possesses; quack) can hang out a shingle for a diagnosis and or cure.

As for a cure to this disorder according to the renowned Mayo Clinic and other medical organizations there is “no known cure” for this is a neurological disorder.

This should not be a Hillary Clinton (it takes a village) mentality whereas all taxpayers pay for the good of a few! Many professionals in the field of autism opposed this legislation from the onset.

What will be the next decease or disorder that will be legislated costing the taxpayers of Michigan? What about cancer, multiple sclerosis and a host of others when we the taxpayers will have to pony up for those as well.

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